Recent literary activity
- for full sorted lists of each category, click these links:
Original scientific articles | Invited
book chapters/reviews | Congress
abstracts | Other scholarly
writings | Editorials,
book reviews | Teaching
Mäkelä, A.M., Hohtola, E., Miinalainen, I.J., Autio, J.A., Schmitz, W., Niemi, K.J., Hiltunen J.K. & Autio, K.J. 2019: Mitochondrial 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (Decr) deficiency and impairment of thermogenesis in mouse brown adipose tissue. - Scientific Reports, 9. 12038 doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48562-x.
Broggi J., Nilsson, J.F., Koivula, K., Hohtola, E. & Nilsson, J-Å. 2019: Mass or pace? Seasonal energy management in wintering boreal passerines. - Oecologia 189: 339-351.
Pakanen, V.-M., Ahonen, E., Hohtola, E. & Rytkönen, S. 2018: Northward expanding resident species benefit from warming winters through increased foraging rates and predator vigilance. - Oecologia, 188: 991–999.
Kivelä, S., Viinamäki, S., Keret, N., Gotthard, K., Hohtola, E. & Välimäki, P. 2018: : Elucidating mechanisms for insect body size: partial support for the oxygen-dependent induction of moulting hypothesis. – Journal of Experimental Biology 221, accepted doi:10.1242/jeb.166157
Broggi, J., Koivula, K., Hohtola, E. & Orell, M. 2017: Environmental drivers of roosting body mass variation in boreal Great Tits Parus major. - Ibis 159: 919–924.
Longmoor, G.K., Lange C.H., Darvell H., Walker L., Rytkönen, S., Vatka, E., Hohtola, E., Orell M. & Smulders T.V. 2016: Different seasonal patterns in song system volume in willow tits and great tits. - Brain, Behavior & Evolution 87: 265–274.
Laurila, P.-P., J. Soronen, S. Kooijman, S. Forsström, M. R. Boon, I. Surakka, E. Kaiharju, C. P. Coomans, S. A. A. Van Den Berg, A. Autio, A.-P. Sarin, J. Kettunen, E. Tikkanen, T. Manninen, J. Metso, R. Silvennoinen, K. Merikanto, M. Ruuth, J. Perttilä, A. Mäkelä, A. Isomi, A. M. Tuomainen, A. Tikka, U. A. Ramadan, I. Seppälä, T. Lehtimäki, J. Eriksson, A. Havulinna, A. Jula, P. J. Karhunen, V. Salomaa, M. Perola, C. Ehnholm, M. Lee-Rueckert, M. Van Eck, A. Roivainen, M.-R. Taskinen, L. Peltonen, E. Mervaala, A. Jalanko, E. Hohtola, V. M. Olkkonen, S. Ripatti, P. T. Kovanen, P. C. N. Rensen, A. Suomalainen and Jauhiainen, M. 2016. USF1 deficiency activates brown adipose tissue and improves cardiometabolic health. - Science Translational Medicine 8: 323ra313.
Gamero, A., Senar, J,C., Hohtola, E., Nilsson J-Å & Broggi, J. 2015: Population differences in the structure and coloration of great tit contour feathers. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 118: 82–91.
Nieminen, P., Hohtola, E. & Mustonen, A-M. 2013: Body temperature rhythms in Microtus voles during feeding, food deprivation and winter acclimatization. - Journal of Mammalogy 95: 591– 600.
Koponen, T., Cerrada-Gimenez, M., Pirinen, E., Hohtola, E., Paananen, J., Vuohelainen, S., Tusa, M., Pirnes-Karhu, S., Heikkinen, S., Virkamäki, A., Uimari, A., Alhonen, L. & Laakso, M. 2012: The activation of hepatic and muscle polyamine catabolism improves glucose homeostasis. - Amino Acids 42: 427–440.
Broggi, J., Gamero, A., Hohtola, E., Orell, M. & Nilsson, J-Å 2011: Interpopulation variation in contour feather structure is environmentally determined in great tits. - PLoS ONE 6, e24942
Senar, J.C., Møller, A.P., Ruiz, I., Negro, J.J., Broggi, J., Hohtola, E., 2010. Specific appetite for carotenoids in a colorful bird. - PLoS ONE 5, e10716.
Broggi, J., Hohtola, E., Koivula, K., Orell, M. & Nilsson, J.-Å. 2010: Idle slow as you grow old: longitudinal age-related metabolic decline in a wild passerine. - Evolutionary Ecology 24: 177–184.
Broggi, J., Hohtola, E., Koivula, K., Orell, M. & Nilsson, J.-Å. 2009: Long-term repeatability of winter basal metabolic rate and mass in a wild passerine. - Functional Ecology 23: 768-773
Pirttilä, A.M., Podolich, O. Koskimäki, J.J., Hohtola, E. & Hohtola, A: 2008: Role of origin and endophyte infection in browning of bud-derived tissue cultures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). - Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 95: 47-55.
Broggi J., Hohtola, E., Koivula, K., Orell, M., Thomson, R. & Nilsson, J-Å. 2007: Sources of variation in winter basal metabolic rate in the great tit. - Functional Ecology 21: 528–533.
Pirinen, E., Kuulasmaa, T., Pietilä, M., Heikkinen, S., Tusa, M., Itkonen, P., Boman, S., Skommer, J., Virkamäki, A., Hohtola, E., Kettunen, M., Fatrai, S., Kansanen, E., Koota, S., Niiranen, K., Parkkinen, J., Levonen, A.-L., Ylä-Herttuala, S., Hiltunen, K.J., Alhonen, L., Smith, U., Jänne, J. & Laakso, M. 2007: Enhanced polyamine catabolism alters homeostatic control of white adipose tissue mass, energy, and glucose metabolism. - Molecular and Cellular Biology 27: 4953–4967.
Mominoki, K., Morimatsu, M., Karjalainen, M., Hohtola, E., Hissa, R. & Saito, M. 2005: Elevated plasma concentrations of haptoglobin in European brown bear during hibernation. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 142: 472-477.
Nieminen, P., Hohtola, E., Pyykönen, T., Paakkonen, T., Aho, J., Cittová-Kontu, M., Asikainen, J., Mononen, J. & Mustonen, A.-M. 2005: Thermoregulatory adaptations of the overwintering captive raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in boreal climate. - Journal of Experimental Zoology 303A: 776-784.
Broggi, J., Hohtola, E., Orell. M. & Nilsson, J.-Å. 2005: Local adaptation to winter conditions in a passerine spreading north: a common garden approach. - Evolution 59: 1600-1603.
Laurila, M. & Hohtola, E. 2005: The effect of ambient temperature and simulated predation risk on fasting-induced nocturnal hypothermia of pigeons in outdoor conditions. - Journal of Thermal Biology 30: 392–399.
Laurila, M., Pilto, T. & Hohtola, E. 2005: Testing the flexibility of fasting-induced hypometabolism in birds: Effect of photoperiod and repeated food deprivations. - Journal of Thermal Biology 30: 131–138.
Broggi, J., Orell, M., Hohtola, E. & Nilsson, J.-Å. 2004: Metabolic response to temperature variation in the great tit: an interpopulation comparison. - Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 967–972.
Haim, A., Saarela, S., Hohtola, E. & Zisaple, N. 2004: Daily rhythms of oxygen consumption, body temperature, activity and melatonin in the Norwegian lemming Lemmus lemmus under Northern summer photoperiod. - Journal of Thermal Biology 29: 629–633.
Saarela, S. & Hohtola, E. 2003: Seasonal thermal adaptation in active and sedentary pigeons. - Israel Journal of Zoology 49: 185–193.
Laurila, M., Hohtola, E., Saarela, S. & Rashotte, M. 2003: Adaptive timing of digestion and digestion-related thermogenesis in the pigeon. - Physiology and Behavior 78: 441-448.
Liukkonen-Anttila, T., Honkanen, H., Peltokangas, P., Pelkonen, O. & Hohtola, E. 2003: Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in five herbivorous non-passerine bird species. - Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry C 134: 69–77.
Meigal, A.Yu., Oksa, J., Gerasimova, L., Hohtola, E., Lupandin, Yu.V. & Rintamäki, H. 2003: Visual feedback-dependent force control in isometric elbow flexion in cold. - Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine 74: 816–821.
Hohtola, E. 2002: Facultative and obligatory thermogenesis in young birds: a cautionary note. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 131: 733–739 .
Golozoubova, V., Hohtola, E., Matthias, A., Jacobsson, A., Cannon, B. & Nedergaard, J. 2001: Only UCP1 can mediate adaptive nonshivering thermogenesis in the cold. - FASEB Journal 15: 2048–2050.
Marjoniemi, K. & Hohtola, E. 2000: Does cold acclimation induce nonshivering thermogenesis in juvenile birds? Experiments with Pekin ducklings and Japanese quail chicks. - Journal of Comparative Physiology B 170: 537–543.
Rashotte, M.E., Saarela, S., Henderson, R.P. & Hohtola, E. 1999: Shivering and digestion-related thermogenesis in pigeons during the dark phase. - American Journal of Physiology 277: R1579–R1587.
K. & Hohtola, E. 1999: Shivering
thermogenesis in leg and breast muscles of galliform chicks and
nestlings of domestic pigeon. - Physiological
and Biochemical Zoology 72:
E., Henderson, R.P. & Rashotte, M.E. 1998: Shivering thermogenesis in the pigeon: the effects of activity, diurnal factors, and feeding state. - American Journal of Physiology 275: R1553–1562.
Hissa, R., Hohtola, E., Tuomala-Saramäki, T., Laine, T. & Kallio, H. 1998: Seasonal changes in fatty acids and leptin contents in the plasma of the European brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos). - Annales Zoologici Fennici 35: 215–224.
Hissa, R., Puukka, M., Hohtola, E., Sassi, M.-L., & Risteli, J. 1998: Seasonal changes in plasma nitrogenous compounds of the European brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos). - Annales Zoologici Fennici 35: 205–213.
Hissa, R., Siekkinen, J. & Hohtola, E. 1998: Karhun talviuni (Summary: Physiology of the denning European brown bear Ursus arctos arctos). - Suomen Riista 44: 56-69.
Vígh, B., Szél, A., Röhlich, P., Görcs, T., Saarela, S., Hohtola, E. & Manzano e Silva, M.J. 1998: Comparison of pinopsin immunoreactivity of pineal and retinal photoreceptors. - Medical Science Monitor 4(Suppl. 1): 17–22.
Meigal, A.Yu., Oksa, J., Hohtola, E., Lupandin, Yu. & Rintamäki, H. 1998: Influence of cold shivering on fine motor control in the upper limb. - Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 163: 41–47.
Mominoki, K., Morimatsu, M., Hohtola, E., Karjalainen, M., Hissa, R. & Saito, M. 1996: Seasonal variation of blood haptoglobin level in brown bears. - In: Geiser, F., Hulbert, A.J. & Nicol, S.C. (eds.): Adaptations to the Cold, Tenth International Hibernation Symposium, University of New England Press, Armidale, pp. 367–372.
Mäkinen, T., Rintamäki, H., Hohtola, E. & Hissa, R. 1996: Energy cost and thermoregulation of unrestrained rats during exercise in the cold. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 114A: 57–63.
Marjoniemi, K., Hohtola, E., Putaala, A. & Hissa, R. 1995: Development of temperature regulation in the gray partridge (Perdix perdix). - Wildlife Biology 1: 39–46.
Putaala, A., Hohtola, E. and Hissa, R. 1995: The effect of group size on metabolism in huddling grey partridge (Perdix perdix). - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 111B: 243–247.
Hohtola, E., Pyörnilä, A. and Rintamäki, H. 1994: Fasting endurance and cold resistance without hypothermia in a small predatory bird: the metabolic strategy of Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus. - Journal of Comparative Physiology B 164: 430–437.
Karjalainen, M., Hohtola, E. and Hissa, R. 1994: No metabolic suppression in the Djungarian hamster or rat by injections of plasma from the winter-sleeping brown bear. - Journal of Thermal Biology 19: 321–325.
Hissa, R., Siekkinen, J., Hohtola, E., Saarela, S., Hakala, A. and Pudas, J. 1994: Seasonal patterns in the physiology of the European brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) in Finland. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 109A: 781–791.
Marjoniemi, K., Hohtola, E., Putaala, A. & and Hissa, R. 1994: Peltopyyn poikasen lämmönsäätelykyvyn kehittyminen (Summary: Development of thermoregulation in the partridge). - Suomen Riista 40: 82–90.
Hissa, R., Siekkinen, J. Hohtola, E., Saarela, S., Hakala, A. & Pudas, J. 1992: Karhun talvehtimisfysiologia (Summary: Body temperature and blood chemistry of the brown bear during winter sleep). - Suomen Riista 38: 79–90.
Saarela, S., Keith, J.S., Hohtola, E. & Trayhurn, P. 1991: Is the "mammalian" brown fat-specific mitochondrial uncoupling protein present in adipose tissue of birds? - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 100B: 45–49.
Hohtola, E., Hissa, R., Imppola, R., Pönni, J. & Saarela, S. 1991: Fasaanin ja peltopyyn lämpötalous (Summary: Cold thermogenesis in the summer and winter-acclimatized pheasants and partridges). - Suomen Riista 37: 18–26.
Hohtola, E., Hissa, R., Pyörnilä, A., Rintamäki, H. & Saarela, S. 1991: Nocturnal hypothermia in fasting Japanese quail: The effect of ambient temperature. - Physiology and Behavior 49: 563–567.
Hohtola, E., Imppola, R. & Hissa, R. 1989: Apparent non-muscular thermogenesis in cold-exposed phasianid birds. - In: Bech, C. & Reinertsen, R. (ed.): Physiology of cold adaptation in birds, Plenum Press, New York p. 69–76.
Hohtola, E., Saarela, S., Harjula, R. & Hissa, R. 1989: Cardiovascular and thermoregulatory effects of intrahypothalamically injected neurotransmitters in the pigeon. - Journal of Thermal Biology 14: 41–45.
Hohtola, E. & Johansen, K. 1987: Respiratory modulation of shivering intensity in the pigeon. - Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 131: 215–221.
Hohtola, E. & Stevens, E.D. 1986: The relationship of muscle electrical activity, tremor and heat production to shivering thermogenesis in Japanese quail. - Journal of Experimental Biology 125: 119–135.
Stevens, E.D., Ferguson, J., Thomas, V.G. & Hohtola, E. 1986: Contribution of shivering in leg muscles to heat production in Japanese quail. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 64: 889–892.
Korhonen, H., Harri, M. & Hohtola, E. 1985: Response to cold in the Blue Fox and Raccoon Dog as evaluated by metabolism, heart rate and muscular shivering: A re-evaluation. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 82A: 959–964.
Harri, M., Dannenberg, T., Oksanen-Rossi, R., Hohtola, E. & Sundin, U. 1984: Related and unrelated changes in response to exercise and cold in rats: a reevaluation. - Journal of Applied Physiology 57: 1489–1497.
Hissa, R., Saarela, S., Rintamäki, H., Linden, H. & Hohtola, E. 1983: Energetics and development of temperature regulation in Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus. - Physiological Zoology 56: 142–151.
Hissa, R., Rintamäki, H., Saarela, S., Marjakangas, A., Hohtola, E. & Linden, H. 1982: Metsäkanalintujen lämpötalous ja lämmönsäätelykyvyn kehittyminen (Summary: Energetics and development of temperature regulation in gallinaceous birds). - Suomen Riista 29: 29–39.
Hohtola, E. 1982: Shivering thermogenesis in birds. - Acta Universitatis Ouluensis A 139, Biologica 17: 1–33. (Ph.D. thesis)
Hohtola, E. 1982: Thermal and electromyographic correlates of shivering thermogenesis in the pigeon. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 73A: 159–166.
Saarela, S., Hohtola, E., Haim, A. & Vakkuri, O. 1981: Involvement of tissue monoamine and plasma FFA concentrations in the responses of the pigeon to changes of photoperiod. - Experientia 37: 1085–1086.
Hohtola, E. & Hissa, R. 1981: Shivering and body temperature in the pigeon after depletion of hypothalamic noradrenaline. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 69C: 213–217.
Hohtola, E. 1981: Tonic immobility and shivering in birds: Evolutionary implications. - Physiology and Behavior 27: 475–480.
Hohtola, E., Saarela, S. & Hissa, R. 1980: Baroreflexive and other components in the inhibition of shivering by noradrenaline in the pigeon. - In: Szelényi, Z. & Zékely, M. (eds.): Contributions to Thermal Physiology, p. 451–453. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
Hohtola, E., Saarela, S. & Hissa, R. 1980: Effects of blood pressure manipulations on shivering thermogenesis in the pigeon. - Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 110: 277–283.
Hohtola, E., Rintamäki, H. & Hissa, R. 1980: Shivering and ptiloerection as complementary cold defense responses in the pigeon during sleep and wakefulness. - Journal of Comparative Physiology B136: 77–81.
Hohtola, E. 1980: Shivering during tonic immobility in birds. - In: Szelényi, Z. & Székely, M. (eds.): Contributions to Thermal Physiology , p. 447–449. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
Hohtola, E., Rintamäki, H. & Hissa, R. 1978: Differential impairment of thermogenesis in the pigeon after chemical sympathectomy. - Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 56: 578–584.
Hohtola, E. 1978: Differential changes in bird community structure with urbanisation: a study in Central Finland. - Ornis Scandinavica 9: 94–100.
Saarela, S., Hissa, R., Hohtola, E. & Jeronen, E. 1977: Effect of alpha-methylparatyrosine and temperature stress on monoamine and metabolite levels in the pigeon. - Journal of Thermal Biology 2: 121–126.
Hohtola, E., Hissa, R. & Saarela, S. 1977: Effect of glucagon on thermogenesis in the pigeon. - American Journal of Physiology 232: E451–E455.
Saarela, S., Mattila, T., Hissa, R. & Hohtola, E. 1976. Age-dependent responses of neonate fowls to peripheral noradrenaline. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 55C: 129–135.
B. Invited book chapters/reviews
Hohtola, E. 2012: Thermoregulatory adaptations to starvation in birds. In: McCue M. (ed.) Comparative Physiology of Fasting, Starvation, and Food Limitation. Springer, New York. pp. 155-170.
Hohtola, E. 2004: Shivering thermogenesis in birds and mammals. - In: Barnes, B.M. and Carey C.V. (eds.), Life in the Cold: Evolution, Mechanisms, Adaptation, and Application. Twelfth International Hibernation Symposium. Biological Papers of the University of Alaska, number 27. Fairbanks, Alaska, USA: Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska., pp. 241–252. [pdf]
Hohtola, E. 2004: Comparative Physiology, in: Physiology and Maintenance, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK []
Hohtola, E. & Visser, H. 1998: Development of locomotion and endothermy in altricial and precocial birds. - In: Starck, M.J. & Ricklefs, R.E. (ed.): Avian growth and development. Evolution within the altricial-precocial spectrum. Oxford University Press, pp. 157–173.
Congress abstracts
of posters and and oral presentations (selected list)
Hohtola, E. 2021: Acoustic myography: a noninvasive method for measuring shivering. 16th International Hibernation Symposium. Groningen, Netherlands, Aug 1-5, 2021. Abstract.
Hohtola, E. 2018: Detection and quantification of shivering and and its relation to heat production in animals. PPTR 2019, Split, Croatia , October 8-12 (Oral)
Hohtola, E. 2017: Shivering and pre-shivering thermogenesis: what do they really represent? RACMEM2017, Fribourg, Switzerland , October 19-22 (Oral).
Broggi, J., Hohtola, E., Koivula, K. & Nillsson J-Å. 2017: Longterm variation in winter metabolism in a boreal passerine population. 11th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Turku, Finland, August 18-22, Abstract OS18.4.
Hohtola, E., Körtner, G. & Geiser, F. 2012: Marsupial dunnarts arouse from torpor by shivering. 14th International Hibernation Symposium, Semmering, Austria August 8-14, 2012 (Oral)
Hohtola, E. 2013: Thermoragulatory adaptations of birds to cold and starvation. 37th Congress of the Internation Union of Physiologicxal Sciences, Birmingham, U.K.,July 21-26, 2013. Invited talk. Abstract. Video of the talk.
Hohtola, E., Heikkinen, T., Park, L.C., Kontkanen, O., Yrjänheikki & J. Puoliväli, J. 2012: Impaired thermogenic capacity in R6/2 mouse model of Huntington’s disease. 7th Annual HD Therapeutics Conference in Palm Springs, CA February 27 - March 1, 2012 (Poster)
Hohtola, E. 2011: Thermoregulatory adaptations to fasting and starvation in birds. 8th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, 27-30 August 2011, Riga, Latvia
Hohtola, E. & Koivukangas, U. 2009: Non-invasive measurement of shivering in birds. - 3rd International Symposium on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation 2009 (PPTR2009) Matsue, Japan, July 23 - 26, 2009 (Poster)
Hohtola, E. 2008: Fasting-induced shallow torpor in birds: energetics and regulation. 13th International Hibernation Symposium, Swakopmund, Namibia, August 6-12 2008 (Oral)
Senar, J.C., Ruiz, I., Negro, J.J., Garrido, J., Broggi, J, & Hohtola, E. 2008: ¿Muestran los carboneros gusto por los carotenos? p. 69 in: Barba, E., Monrós, J. S., Belda, E. J. y Andreu, J. (editores) 2008. XII Congreso Nacional y IX Iberoamericano de Etología. Ponencias y comunicaciones. Valencia 2008. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia, Valencia.
Hohtola, E., Laurila, M. & Impiö, K. 2006: Heat increment of feeding in the pigeon: substitution of cold thermogenesis or not? 2006 APS Intersociety Meeting: Comparative Physiology 2006, October 8-11 2006, Virginia Beach, Virginia. - Physiologist 49: C1-46 (Poster)
Broggi, J., Nilsson J-Å., Hohtola E., Orell M., Thomson R. 2006: Sources of variation in basal metabolic rate in a wild passerine. Poster in 24th International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 13-19 August 2006. Journal of Ornithology 147suppl: 83.
Hohtola, E., Laurila, M. & Impiö, K. 2005: Thermogenesis and the specific dynamic action of food in the pigeon, XXXV International Congress of Physiological Sciences: 31.3.-5.4.2005, San Diego, USA (Poster), FASEB Journal 19 (4), A675-A675. Abstract.
Laurila, M. & Hohtola, E. 2004: Metabolic responses to repeated food deprivations in birds. - Pharmacology and Physiology of Temperature Regulation, Rhodes, Greece, October 10-15, 2004 (Poster)
Broggi, J., Hohtola, E., Orell, M. Koivula, K. & Nilsson, J.-Å. 2004: Determinantes de la variación metabólica entre poblaciones de carbonero común (Parus major). - X Congreso Nacional y VII Iberoamericano de Etología, Almeria, España, 21.–24. Septiembre, 2004.
Laurila, M., Hohtola, E. (2003) Metabolic responses to repeated food deprivations in birds. - 3rd FEPS Congress, Acropolis, Nice, France, 28 June – 2 July 2003, p. 111 (Poster)
S., Hohtola, E. (2003) Seasonal acclimatization inHohtola,
E. 2016: Lintujen suuntavaisto. Duodecim 132: (in press)
Lajunen, L., Pursiainen, J., Hohtola, E. &
Pelkt+omäki, J. 2016: Kiehtovat linnut. - Docendo, Jyväskylä 2016 (in
sedentary and active pigeons. - 3rd FEPS Congress, Acropolis, Nice,
France, 28 June – 2 July 2003, pp. 111–112 (Poster)
Hohtola, E., Pilto, T., Laurila, M. & Saarela, S. 2002: Fasting-induced shallow hypothermia in birds: effect of repeated fasts. - The Power of Comparative Physiology: Evolution, Integration, and Application, San Diego, California August 24–28, 2002 An APS Intersociety Meeting (Poster)
Pirinen, E., Heikkinen, S., Virkamäki, A., Hohtola, E. Pietilä, M., Jänne, J. & Laakso, M. 2002: Severely reduced white fat deposits without a defect in insulin sensitivity in transgenic mice overexpressing spermidine/spermine N 1-acetyltransferase. European Association for the Study of Diabetes 38th Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, September 1–5, 2002.
Hohtola, E. & Juujärvi, T. 2001: Nocturnal hypothermia in fasting quail: effect of photophase duration. - International Thermal Physiology Symposium 2001, Wollongong, Australia. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society 32(Suppl. 1): 53P.
Cannon, B., Golozoubova, V., Matthias, A., Ohlson, K., Hohtola, E. & Nedergaard, J. 2001: Nonshivering thermogenesis: the unique role of brown adipose tissue. - International Thermal Physiology Symposium 2001, Wollongong, Australia. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society 32(Suppl. 1): 13P.
Saarela, S. Laurila, M. & E. Hohtola 2001: Digestion-related thermogenesis in pigeons. - International Thermal Physiology Symposium 2001, Wollongong, Australia. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society 32(Suppl. 1): 133P.
Hohtola, E. 2000: Thermogenesis in neonate and young precocial chicks. - Perinatal Development of Birds: 6th International Workshop, Berlin Free University, October 12–15, 2000.
Hohtola, E. & Törmäkangas, L. 2000: Effects of cold and fasting on the distribution of body temperatures in the rat and the quail. - Life in The Cold, 11th International Hibernation Symposium, Jungholz, Germany, August 13–18.
Hissa, R., Nissilä J., Piippo, S., Pyörnilä, A. & Hohtola, E. 2000: Physiological state of the brown bear before, during, and after the denning period. - Life in The Cold, 11th International Hibernation Symposium, Jungholz, Germany, August 13–18.
Saarela, S., Eloranta, E. & Hohtola, E. 2000: Signalling for energy sparing in reindeer. - Life in The Cold, 11th International Hibernation Symposium, Jungholz, Germany, August 13–18.
Hohtola E., Törmäkangas L. 1999: Body temperature distributions in light and dark: what do they tell about regulatory mechanisms? - XI International Symposium of Pharmacology of Thermoregulation. Sevilla, May 9–13,1999.
Marjoniemi, K. & Hohtola, E. 1999: Does cold acclimation induce muscular NST in juvenile birds? An experiment with the Japanese quail.- XI International Symposium of Pharmacology of Thermoregulation. Sevilla, May 9–13,1999.
Hohtola, E. 1998: Ontogeny of thermogenesis in birds. - 5th International Workshop on Perinatal Development in Birds, Ivanka pri Dunaji, Slovakia, October 30–31, 1998.
Hohtola, E. 1998: Quantifying shivering. - Symposium on Avian Thermal Physiology and Energetics, Oulu, August 9–14, 1998.
Marjoniemi K. and Hohtola E. 1997: Ontogeny of shivering thermogenesis in an altricial bird, the domestic pigeon (Columba livia). - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Thermal Physiology Copenhagen 8–12 July 1997 (eds. Nielsen Johanssen, B. and Nielsen, R.) pp. 377–380. August Krogh Institute, Copenhagen.
Hohtola, E. 1997: Birds in cold environments. XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, St. Petersburg, June 30 – July 5, 1997. Abstract P078.37.
Hohtola, E., Henderson, R.P. & Rashotte, M.E. 1996: Effects of fasting-induced nocturnal hypothermia on shivering thermogenesis in the pigeon. - Scandinavian Physiological Society Fall Meeting, Helsinki, October 25–27, 1996.
Saarela, S. Rashotte, M.E., Henderson, R.P. & Hohtola, E. 1996: Shivering and digestion-related thermogenesis in the pigeon. - Adaptations to the Cold, Tenth International Hibernation Symposium, Cradle Mountain Lodge, Tasmania June 30 – July 6, 1996.
Hohtola, E., Henderson, R.P. & Rashotte, M.E. 1996: Effects of fasting-induced nocturnal hypothermia on shivering thermogenesis in the pigeon. - Adaptations to the Cold, Tenth International Hibernation Symposium, Cradle Mountain Lodge, Tasmania June 30 – July 6, 1996.
Siekkinen, J., Hissa, R. & Hohtola, E. 1995: Body temperature changes of a pregnant brown bear before, during and after denning. - Tenth International Conference on Bear Research & Management, Mora, Sweden, September 11–14, 1995.
Hohtola, E. and Visser, H.. 1994: Locomotion and endothermy during development of precocial and altricial birds. XXI International Ornithological Congress, Vienna, August 20–25. - Journal für Ornithologie 135: 323
Ikäheimo, T., Rintamäki, H., Hissa, R., Hohtola, E, & Mäkinen, T. 1993: Oxygen consumption and core temperature of the rat during exercise in the cold. - IUPS Thermal Physiology Commission Symposium, Aberdeen, August 9–13, 1993.
Hohtola, E., Marjoniemi, K. & Hissa, R. 1993: Development of endothermy in the partridge: physiological and behavioral indices. - IUPS Thermal Physiology Commission Symposium, Aberdeen, August 9–13, 1993.
Korva, M., Hohtola, E. & Hissa, R. 1993: No effect of plasma from brown bears undergoing winter-sleep on body temperature in Djungarian hamsters or rats. - XXXII Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Glasgow, August 1–6, 1993.
Hohtola, E. 1993: Temperature regulation of birds during food deprivation. - Joint meeting of the Austrian, Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian physiological societies, Debrecen, July 4–7, 1993.
Hohtola, E. 1992: Thermoregulatory responses of birds to food deprivation. - Life in Cold Environments: Studies in Applied and Comparative Physiology, International Symposium in Kostamus, Russia, October 27–28,1992.
Hohtola, E. 1991: Electromyographic measurement of shivering thermogenesis. - Thermoregulation and Sport. Soviet-Finnish Symposium, Petrozavodsk, September 30 – October 4, 1991.
Hohtola, E., Pyörnilä, A. & Rintamäki, H. 1991: Energetics and temperature regulation in fasting Tengmalm's owl. - 3rd International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Tokyo, August 25–30, 1991.
Siekkinen, J., Hohtola, E. & Hissa, R. 1991: Body temperature, activity and blood chemistry of brown bear (Ursus arctos L.) during winter sleep. - XXth Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, Gödöllö, July 20–25,1991
Hohtola, E., Pyörnilä, A. & Rintamäki, H. 1989: Temperature regulation in the Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus. - Thermal Physiology Symposium. A Satellite Symposium to the XXXI International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Tromsø, July 16–21, 1989.
Saarela, S., Hohtola, E., Hissa, R. & Rintamäki, H. 1989: Thermogenesis, oxidative capacity and hematology of pigeons in winter and in summer. - XXXI International Congress of Physiological Sciences Helsinki, July 9–14,1989. Proceedings of the International Physiological Society, 17: 318–319.
Hissa, R., Hohtola, E., Pyörnilä, A., Rintamäki, H. & Saarela, S. 1989: Question of the presence of nonshivering thermogenesis in birds. - XXXI International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Helsinki, July 9–14, 1989. Proceedings of the International Physiological Society , 17: 318.
Hohtola, E., Imppola, R., Pönni, J. & Hissa, R. 1989: Thermogenesis in phasianid birds. - XXXI International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Helsinki, July 9–14, 1989. Proceedings of the International Physiological Society, 17: 318–319.
Hohtola, E., Pyörnilä, A. & Rintamäki, H. 1989: Temperature regulation and heat production in the Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus . - Strategies of Physiological Adaptation. A Satellite Symposium to the XXXI International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Copenhagen, July 6–8,1989.
Hohtola, E. & Pyörnilä, A. 1989: Lack of hypothermia in fasting Tengmalm's owl. - Living in the Cold II, An International Symposium, Le Hohwald, April 23–29,1989.
Hohtola, E., Pyörnilä, A., Rintamäki, H., Saarela, S. & Hissa, R. 1988: Nocturnal hypothermia in fasting Japanese quail. - XIX Nordic Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 134(Suppl. 575): 43.
Hohtola, E., Saarela, S., Rintamäki, H., Pyörnilä, A. & Hissa, R. 1988: Paaston aiheuttama yöllinen hypotermia viiriäisellä. - 8. Kansallinen Kylmätutkimussymposium, 15.–16.1.1988, Oulu. Aquilo 26: 8.
Hohtola, E. & Johansen, K. 1986: Respiratory modulation of shivering intensity in the pigeon. - Thermal Satellite Symposium of the XXX Congress of IUPS, Calgary July 21–25, 1986.
Hohtola, E. 1986: Lämmöntuoton merkitys lintujen kylmäänsopeutumisessa. - Linnut 1986, I Suomen lintutieteen kongressi; Jyväskylä 7.–10.8.1986.
Hohtola, E. 1985: Lihasvärinä lämmöntuoton mekanismina. - Kylmätutkimussymposium, Tampere 26.–27.3.1985. In: Marnela, K.-M., Tähti, H., Kontro, P. & Oja, S. (ed.): Sopeutuminen elinympäristön alhaisiin lämpötiloihin, s.12
Hohtola, E. & Stevens, E.D. 1985: Shivering and muscle tremors in acclimated Japanese quail. - Abstr. XVIII Scandinavian Congress for Physiology and Pharmacology. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 124 Suppl. 542: 51.
Korhonen, I., Hohtola, E. & Leppäluoto, J. 1984: Elektromyografisesti mitattu lihasvärinä lämmöntuoton ilmentäjänä akuutissa kylmäaltistuksessa. - Kylmätutkimussymposium 5.–6.4.1984, Turku.
Hohtola, E. 1984: Shivering thermogenesis in birds. - Ecophysiological adaptations to heat and cold in birds, Trondheim, October 4–7,1983. Fauna Norvegica, Ser. C, Cinclus, Norwegian Journal of Ornithology 7: 135.
Hohtola, E. 1982: Electromyography of shivering thermogenesis. - XVII Scandinavian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, Reykjavik, August 29–31,1982. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica Suppl. 508: 45.
Saarela, S., Hohtola, E. & Hissa, R. 1981: Verenpaineen vaikutus lintujen lämmönsäätelyvasteisiin (Summary: The effects of blood pressure on thermoregulatory responses in birds). - Biotieteen päivät 18.–19.5.1981, Helsinki.
Hohtola, E. 1981: Eläinhypnoosi fysiologin työvälineenä (Summary: Animal hypnosis as a physiological tool). - Biotieteen päivät 18.–19.5.1981, Helsinki.
Rintamäki, H. & Hohtola, E. 1979: Diurnal variation of thermoregulatory parameters in the pigeon: Relation to sleep and wakefulness. - XVI Scandinavian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, Oulu June 25–28, 1979. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica Suppl. 473: 53.
Hohtola, E. & Saarela, S. 1979: Effects of blood pressure manipulations on shivering in the pigeon. - XVI Scandinavian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, Oulu, June 25–28, 1979. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica Suppl. 473: 54.
Hohtola, E. & Rintamäki H. 1979: Shivering and ptiloerection in the pigeon during sleep and wakefulness. - XVI Scandinavian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, Oulu, June 25–28, 1979. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica Suppl. 473: 53.
Hohtola, E. & Hissa, R. 1978: Hypotalamuksen noradrenergiset neuronit lämpöaistimusten välittäjinä kyyhkyllä. - Suomen Fysiologiyhdistyksen Research Report -kokous 29.9.1978. Tampereen yliopiston Biolääketieteen laitoksen julkaisuja 1978, s. 18.
D. General scholarly writings, books, book chapters, short notes,
Lajunen, L., Peltomäki, J., Pursiainen, J. & Kantola, K. 2024: Suomen kololinnut. - Reuna Publishing House, Kouvola, 151 pp.Hohtola, E. 2020: Elintoimintojen tutkimus. In: Lehikoinen, E., Lemmetyinen, R., Vuorisalo, T. & Rönkä, M., Suomen lintutiede 1828-1974, pp. 235-249. - Faros, Turku 2020.
Hohtola, E. 2016: Lintujen suuntavaisto. - Duodecim 132: 1238-1245.
Hohtola, E. 2011: Tuokaa ruokaa! - Linnut 46: 4–13.
Hohtola, E. 2009: Horroksen monet muodot. - Natura 46: 27–31.
Hohtola, E. 2007: Äänten tuottamisen anatomia ja fysiologia. - In: Linnut 2, ed. J., Hohtola, E., Lehikoinen, E., Valste, J., WSOY, Porvoo, 2007, ss. 12–13.
Hohtola, E. 2007: Lämmönsäätely ja energiatalous. Teoksessa: Linnut, toim. Södersved, J., Hohtola, E., Lehikoinen, E., Valste, J., WSOY, Porvoo, 2007, ss. 203-211.
Hohtola, E. 2007: Suorituskyky ja elinikä. Teoksessa: Linnut, toim. Södersved, J., Hohtola, E., Lehikoinen, E., Valste, J., WSOY, Porvoo, 2007, ss. 212-217.
Hohtola, E. 2005: Aavikkotylli Tauvon Munahiedalla 6.7.2001 - Aureola 26: 75-76.
Hohtola, E. 1995: Lintukokemuksia USA:ssa: kolme rannikkoa ja vähän sisämaatakin. - Aureola 20: 21–30.
Hohtola, A. & Hohtola E. 1991: Silkkituppisieni jätteen hajottajana Oulussa. - Sienilehti 43: 63.
Hissa, R., Hohtola, E., Pyörnilä, A., Rintamäki, H. & Saarela, S. 1985: Lintujen lämmönsäätely ja sopeutuminen kylmään (Summary: Temperature regulation and cold adaptation in birds). - Aureola 10: 96–107.
Hohtola, E. 1984: Kulttuuribiotooppien linnustosta Kuopion kaupungin alueella. - Siivekäs 5: 1–7.
Hohtola, E. & Hissa, R. 1984: Biomagneetit (Summary: Biogenic magnetite and magnetoreceptors). - Luonnon Tutkija 88: 174–179.
Hohtola, E. 1983: Lihasvärinän avulla tapahtuva lämmöntuotto tasalämpöisyyden perustana. - Oulun Luonnonystäväin Yhdistyksen Tiedotuksia 8: 1–4.
Hohtola, E. & Ojanen, M. 1982: Kirjosiepon ravinnosta kriisiaikana (Summary: Food of Ficedula hypoleuca during critical times). - Aureola 7: 113–114.
Hissa, R. & Hohtola, E. 1980: Miten linnut suunnistavat (Summary: Avian orientation). - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 66–73.
Hohtola, E. 1979: Kultarinta pesivänä Oulussa (Summary: The Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina nesting at Oulu). - Aureola 4: 81.
Hohtola, E. & Itämies, J. 1978: Kärpästoukkia elävissä niittykirvisen poikasissa (Summary: Larvae of Trypocalliphora lindneri (Dipt., Calliphoridae) on nestlings of the Meadow Pipit). - Luonnon Tutkija 82: 139.
Hohtola, E. 1973: Keltahemppo (Serinus serinus) ja muita lintuhavaintoja Kuopiosta kesältä 1973. - Savon Luonto 5: 75.
E. Congress reports, book reviews, editorial work
Hohtola, E. 2005: Foreword to the 11th APS International Symposium "Uncoupling Proteins and Thermogenesis". - Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 184: 253–254.
Hohtola, E. 2005 (ed.): The 11th APS International Symposium "Uncoupling Proteins and Thermogenesis". - Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 184, 81 pp.
Hohtola, E. 1999 (ed.): Proceedings of the Symposium on avian thermal physiology and energetics. - Ornis Fennica 76: 149–244.
Hohtola, E. 1998: Still going strong after all these years. Book review on: Glutz von Blotzheim, U.N. & Bauer, K.M. 1997: Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas, Band 14/I–III Passeriformes (5. Teil), AULA-Verlag). - Ornis Fennica 75: 48
Hohtola, E. 1997: Missä mantereet kohtaavat - Turkin varpuslintujen taksonomia ja levinneisyys. Book review on: Roselaar, C.D. 1995: Taxonomy, morphology and ditribution of songbirds of Turkey, an atlas of biodiversity of Turkish passerine birds, GMB Uitgeverij. - Ornis Fennica 74: 158.
Hohtola, E. & Orell, M. (eds.) 1995: Linnut 1995 III Suomen lintutieteen kongressi - Ohjelma ja tiivistelmät (3rd Finnish Ornithological Congress - Programme & Abstracts). Oulu, University of Oulu Printing left, 65 pp., ISBN 951-42-4199-1.
Hohtola, E., Lupandin, Yu., Pyörnilä, A. & Rintamäki, H. (eds.) 1992: Life in cold environments: Studies in applied and comparative physiology (Program and Abstracts of International Symposium in Kostamus, Russian Federation, October 27–28, 1992). Oulu, University of Oulu Printing left, 46 pp., ISBN 951-42-3436-7.
Hohtola, E. 1989: Fysiologista ekologiaa evoluutiobiologien silmin (R.M. Sibly & P. Calow 1986: Physiological ecology of animals, Blackwell Scientific). - Ornis Fennica 66: 129–130.
Hohtola, E. 1983: 17. pohjoismainen fysiologian ja farmakologian kongressi Reykjavikissa 29.–31.8.1982. - Luonnon Tutkija 87: 36–37.
Hohtola, E. (toim.) 2012: Vertaileva eläinfysiologia. Harjoitustyöt. - Biologian laitoksen monisteita 2012. Department of Biology, University of Oulu, 63 pp. (Comparative physiology).
Tuomi, J., Hohtola, E. & Aikio, S. 1999: An introduction to regular and chaotic dynamics. - Biologian laitoksen monisteita 1/1999. Department of Biology, University of Oulu, 64 pp.
Hohtola, E. (toim.) 1999: Vertaileva eläinfysiologia. Harjoitustyöt. - Biologian laitoksen monisteita 4/1999. Department of Biology, University of Oulu, 63 pp. (Comparative physiology).
Saarela, S. (toim.), Heimonen, K., Hissa, R. Hohtola, E. Järvilehto, M., Kettunen, P. & Pyörnilä, A. 1999: Eläinfysiologian harjoitustyöt. - Biologian laitoksen monisteita 6/1999. Department of Biology, University of Oulu, 105 pp. (Basic physiology).
Jeronen, E, Saarela, S., Pyörnilä, A., Nieminen, M., Hohtola, E. & Hissa, R. 1979: Embryologian peruskurssi. Department of Zoology, University of Oulu, 44 pp. (Embryology).