The reptile species came to Finland after the Ice Age from continental Europe. There are only 5 reptile species in Finland which are as follows: - Lacerta vivipara (lizard, sisilisko) - Anguis fragilis (blindworm, vaskitsa) - Natrix natrix (ringed snake, rantakäärme) - Vipera berus (adder, kyy) - Coronella austriaca (smooth snake, kangaskäärme) Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates, whose extremities are poorly developed or totally missing. Scales cover the skin and some species of snakes use scales for moving. Snakes change their skin every year by moulting. Reptiles have a keen sense of sight and scent. Many species of reptiles smell by their tongue; they put out the tongue, which senses the smell. Reptiles have an internal fertilisation. Most species lay eggs, but some species produce younf ones, because the eggshell gets broken before birth, e.g. Viviparous lizards. Lizard (Lacerta vivparia, sisilisko) The lizard is the most northern reptile species in the world. In Finland it is common all over the country, including Lapland. The living habitat of lizard is diverse; yards, forests, swamps and beaches, but they do not live in water. Lizards eat spiders and insects. If lizard is pursued it can detach its tail to defence itself. They fertilise during the spring and dam produce 5-10 younglings at once. During the winter lizards are torpid. Blindworm (Anguis fragilis, vaskitsa) The blindworm is about 25-40 cm long, yellowish brown in colour resembling a snake. Blindworms are harmless to people, so there is no reason to kill them. Blindworms have spread from South Finland to Central Finland. They live in forests, bushes and grass. When the sun is shining, blindworms try to get shelter from sunlight under the rocks and leaves. It feeds invertebrates. The blindworm can also detach its tail like lizards. Blindworms breed in spring and during winter blindworms are torpid. Adder (Vipera berus, kyy) The adder is the only poisonous snake in Finland. It is grey, brown or black, with a saw-like pattern on its back. The male adder is about 50-56 cm long and the female adder about 55-65, sometimes even 96 cm. Adders have spread almost all over Finland, except northern Lapland. They live on beaches, in fields and on rocky land. Adders are also good swimmers so they do not avoid water either. Adders hunt small vertebrates and frogs. Their enemies are buzzards, ants, hedgehogs and people. The hatred of snakes and the changes in their living environment have caused a decline in the number of adders in Finland. Adders breed in April-May and a female produces about 4-20 younf ones at a time. Adders are torpid during the coldest months of the year, but they start moving around as early as March. Ringed snake ( Natrix natrix, rantakäärme) The ringed snake is grey and some individuals have black spots on their body, usually ringed snakes have a yellow or white patches in their neck. Ringed snakes have spread to Central Finland from South Finland. The habitats of ringed snakes are wet, stony beaches. Like other cold-blooded vertebrates also ringed snakes spend winter in torpor. In the spring they breed and the female produces 8-53 eggs. After 2 months of incubation, young ones hatch out. Ringed snakes eat frogs and fish. LINKS:
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