European Environmental News

Pedagogical and didactical approaches
- Constructivist and critical pedagogy
- Student centred, co-operative and collaborative methods

Aims and objectives

- The promotion of the development of open and Distance learning (ODL) and the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the educational processes
- The creation of an online discussion platform/framework of an online journal according to modern pedagogical and didactical methods and multimedia technologies and design rules to allow and support the exchange of national and environmental news by creating the Hero(dot)eNews environment using electronic news in distance learning borh in classrooms and at homes.
- Review and evaluation of existing practice and the development of curricula concentrating on environmental education as an integrative factor.
- Development of a sense of community and extension of the communication will be developed through discussions by Profiler environment.


- To provide a multilingual, interactive, free and easy-to-use information platform on eNews.
- To set up guidelines for the making of an online newspaper and implement these in the eNews forum.
-Promotion and dissemination of eNews in teacher trainings and conferences.
- To use approved website on geography-related content (geo.eduhi.at) for the eNews forum.
- To enhance the awareness on environmental problems which affect certain groups of people in different countries and/or regions which have problems that affect a number of countries but not all of them directly.
- To establish a network between schools and departments of teacher education in a European dimension
- To focus on research into the underpinning pedagogical processes and dissemination of the results of the project.


- Teachers and students create their own knowledge analysing critically, recognising quality and summarising news items of environmental issues, natural hazards, economical topics etc. at local, regional and global levels, integrating them with subjects and writing short articles and essays.

- European Commission: 
HERO(DOT)eNews 0199-CP-1-2001-1-FI-MINERVA-M
- Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education, University of Oulu

Members in the Project Hero(dot)eNews

Steering group

Project management: 
lecturer Eila Jeronen (University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland) 
Needs analysis and the state of the art:
lecturer Karl Donert (Liverpool Hope University College, Liverpool,  UK) 
ODL technology development and testing:
professor Josef Strobl (University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria) 
Pedagogical development and testing:
lecturer Nikos Lambrinos (University of Aristotle, Thessaloniki, Greece) 
Evaluation and dissemination:
assistant Marius Matache, (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania) 

Local coordinators

lecturer Stephanie Jackson (University of London, London, UK)
assistant Michael Fally (University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria) 
teacher Alfons Koller (University of Salzburg, Bischöfliches Gymnasium Petrinum, Linz, Austria) 
associate professor Nikolaos Soulakellis (University of Aegeian, Aegeia, Greece) - local coordinator
assistant Balazs Madarasz (Eötvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary) 

Other participants

- professor Ashley Kent (University of London, London, UK)
- assistant Sandra Ardrey (Liverpool Hope University College, Liverpool, UK) 
- professor Adam Kertez (Eötvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary) 
- assistant Zoltan Szalai (Eötvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary) 
- assistant Adrienn Toth (Eötvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary) 
- professor Maria Patroescu (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania)

and teachers with their students:

- Marjatta Kaikkonen (Training school of the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland)
- Juha Wedman (Training school of the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland)
- Jaakko Rintapaavola (Merikosken yläaste ja lukio, Oulu, Finland) 
- Lesley Lamb (Featherstone High School, London, UK) 
- Janice Sleeman (Maghull High School, Liverpool, UK)
- Johann Lettner (Bischöfliches Gymnasium Petrinum, Linz, Austria)
- Michaela Rotpart (Bischoefliches Gymnasium Petrinum, Linz, Austria) 
- Kostas Arsenis (Oraiokastro elementary school, Thessaloniki, Greece) 
- Maria Avgerinou (Oraiokastro elementary school, Thessaloniki, Greece) 
- Lazaridou Tzeni (Primary school of Agios Vasileios, Agios Vasilios, Greece) 
- Vouvakis Theodosis (Primary school of Agios Vasileios, Agios Vasilios, Greece) 
- Alexandru Szepesi (Herman Oberth Highschool, Bucharest, Romania) 
- Erzsébet Mészáros (Pesti Barnabas Gimnazium, Budapest, Hungary) 


- Project timetable

- Timetables of some courses in Finland:
* Luonnon ympäristö -kurssi autumn semester
* Eettisen ympäristökasvatuksen -kurssi spring semester.
* Biologian ja maantieteen aineenopettajakoulutuksen pedagogisiin opintoihin kuuluva ainedidaktinen seminaari autumn and spring semesters

