Dynamics of
Rings and Galaxies 
Dynamics of Planetary Rings and Galaxies
(Prof. Heikki Salo, Division of Astronomy , Department of Physics ,
University of Oulu , Finland)
NEW: NIRS0S Survey Oulu homepage
NEW: GALFIDL-homepage
NEW: Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G) Data analysis Pipeline 4
The research topics of our group include:
- Planetary ring dynamics
- Satellite resonances
- Dynamics and observations of interacting galaxies
- Dynamics of barred galaxies
- Development of numerical N-body simulation methods
At the moment the group consists of following members:
- Prof. Heikki Salo (planetary rings, galaxy dynamics and observations)
- Dr., Dos. Eija Laurikainen (galaxy dynamics and observations)
- Dr. Juergen Schmidt (planetary rings and satellites, dust dynamics)
- Dr., Dos. Pertti Rautiainen (galaxies)
- Dr. Sebastien Comeron (galaxies)
- Dr. Joachim Janz
- MSc. Jarkko Laine
- MSc. Simon Diaz
- MSc. Martin Herrera
- + undergraduate students (Juho Montonen, Aku Venhola)
Former members of the group:
- Dr., Dos. Jyrki Hänninen (planetary rings)
- Dr. Ryuji Morishima (planetary rings)
- Dr. Raine Karjalainen (planetary rings)
- PhD Patrick Treuthard (galaxies)
- PhD Rebecca Grouchy (galaxies)
The most important current collaborations are with the University of
Alabama (Ron Buta), the Wellesley College (Richard French, Colleen
McGhee), the Cornell university (Phil Nicholson, Matt Hedman), the
University of Potsdam (Frank Spahn), and the
University of Colorado at Boulder (Miodrag Sremcevic, Nicole Albers).
We are also participating to the S4G survey (PI Kartik Sheth: The
Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies).
Our recent planetary ring studies have concentrated on dense
rings, especially the role of self-gravity. The most important result
has been the numerical prediction of small-scale wake structure in
Saturns's rings (Nature 359, 619). We are investigating the
observational implications of such wakes with photometric
MC-simulation, and comparing the results to Voyager data, and to HST
observations by Dick French. Other current interest is the apparantly
irregular density variations in Saturn's B-ring: we are studying the
properties of such extremely dense rings both with N-body simulations
and with hydrodynamical stability analysis, in collaboration with
Frank Spahns's group in Potsdam.
Our previous satellite resonance studies have dealt with the
angular momentum exchange between rings and satellites, confirming
numerically the validity of Goldreich-Tremaine predictions, and to
some degree extending them to non-linear regime. Also, we have
demonstrated the possibility of one-sided confinement of narrow
ringlet in the 2:1 ILR of external satellite. Our recent studies have
dealt with the azimuthally incomplete ring arcs of Neptune. We have
shown (Science 282, 1102) that self-gravity of massive arc particles
can stabilize them agains mutual impacts, and help to confine dust to
the arc region in general. We are currently seaking for possible
explanations for the recently observed shift between the locations of
the arcs and the predictions of the Porco-Goldreich-Tremaine-model.
Our studies of interacting galaxies concentrate on the
observed properties and N-body modelling of M51-type closely
interacting galaxies. Observations include both visual and IR
broad-band imaging, and Fabry-Perot velocity fields. Fairly detailed
tidal models have been constructed for two systems, Arp 86 and the M51
itself. Our current interests concentrate on the innermost spiral
structures, and the interplay between intrinsic spiral modes and
externally induced tidal waves.
The other main application of our N-body modelling of galaxies
have been the barred galaxies , especially the ring structures related
to the resonances of the rotating bar. For example, a detailed N-body
model has been developed for IC 4214, a prototypical weakly barred
galaxy, using ring morphology and kinematics as diagnostics for the
bar strength and pattern speed. Recent studies concentrate on the
outer spiral modes, and their relation to the dominant bar mode: for
example we address the non-linear mode coupling.
We are also studying the observed properties of bars
in collaboration with Ron Buta, and their correlations with the
gravitational perturbations associated with bars, derived from near IR-images.
Starting almost 20 years ago, various N-body methods have
been developed in our group, first for planetary ring simulations and
later also for galaxy studies. The main current methods include
- Local simulations of planetary rings, including dissipative
collisions and self-gravity.
- Numerical codes for long-term integration of particle-satellite
interactions, including radiative pressure.
- 3D multi-grid code for simulation of interacting galaxies, composed
of self-consistent disk+bulge+halo systems with both stars and gas.
Recent Publications in referee journals:
[1] Comerón S., Elmegreen B. G., Salo H., Laurikainen E., Holwerda B. W., Knapen J. H.: Evidence for the concurrent growth of thick discs and central mass concentrations from S4G imaging, Astron. Astrophys., 571, A58 (16 pp), 2014 [10.1051/0004-6361/201424412]
[2] Comerón S., Salo H., Laurikainen E., Knapen J.H., Buta R.J., Herrera-Endoqui M., Laine J., Holwerda B.W., Sheth K., Regan M.W., Hinz J.L., Muñoz-Mateos J.-C., Gil de Paz A., Menéndez-Delmestre K., Seibert M., Mizusawa T., Kim T., Erroz-Ferrer S., Gadotti D.A., Athanassoula E., Bosma A., Ho L.C.: ARRAKIS: atlas of resonance rings as known in the S4G, Astron. Astrophys., 562, A121 (160 pp), 2014 [10.1051/0004-6361/201321633]
[3] Elmegreen D.M., Elmegreen B.G., Erroz-Ferrer S., Knapen, J.H., Teich Y., Popinchalk M., Athanassoula E., Bosma, A., Comerón S., Efremov Y.N., Gadotti D.A., Gil de Paz A., Hinz J.L., Ho L.C., Holwerda B., Kim T., Laine J., Laurikainen E., Menéndez-Delmestre K., Mizusawa T., Muñoz-Mateos J.-C., Regan M.W., Salo H., Seibert M., Sheth K.: Embedded Star Formation in S4G Galaxy Dust Lanes, Astrophys. J., 780, 32 (12 pp), 2014 [10.1088/0004-637X/780/1/32]
[4] Hedman M. M., Nicholson P. D., Salo H.: Exploring Overstabilities in Saturn$(B!l(Bs A Ring Using Two Stellar Occultations, Astron. J., 148, 15 (9 pp), 2014 [10.1088/0004-6256/148/1/15]
[5] Holwerda B. W., Muñoz-Mateos J.-C., Comerón S., Meidt S., Sheth K., Laine S., Hinz J. L., Regan M. W., Gil de Paz, A., Menéndez-Delmestre, K., Seibert M., Kim T., Mizusawa T., Laurikainen E., Salo H., Laine J., Gadotti D. A., Zaritsky D., Erroz-Ferrer S., Ho L. C., Knapen J. H., Athanassoula E., Bosma A., Pirzkal N.: Morphological Parameters of a Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies, Astrophys. J., 781, 12 (19 pp), 2014 [10.1088/0004-637X/781/1/12]
[6] Janz, J., Laurikainen, E., Lisker, T., Salo, H., Peletier, R. F., Niemi, S.-M., Toloba, E., Hensler, G., Falcón-Barroso, J., Boselli, A., den Brok, M., Hansson, K. S. A., Meyer, H. T., Ry-B¶, A., Paudel, S.: A Near-infrared Census of the Multicomponent Stellar Structure of Early-type Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, Astrophys. J., 786, 105 (33 pp), 2014 [10.1088/0004-637X/786/2/105]-A
[7] Kim T., Gadotti D.A., Sheth K., Athanassoula E., Bosma A., Lee M.G., Madore B.F., Elmegreen B:, Knapen J.H., Zaritsky D., Ho L.C., Comerón S., Holwerda B., Hinz J.L., Muñoz-Mateos J.-C., Cisternas M., Erroz-Ferrer S., Buta R., Laurikainen E., Salo H., Laine J., Menéndez-Delmestre K., Regan M.W., de Swardt B., Gil de Paz A., Seibert M., Mizusawa T.: Unveiling the Structure of Barred Galaxies at 3.6 -Fìm with the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G). I. Disk Breaks, Astrophys. J., 782, 64 (19 pp), 2014 [10.1088/0004-637X/782/2/64]-A
[8] Laine, J., Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Comerón, S., Buta, R. J., Zaritsky, D., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Muñoz-Mateos, J.-C., Gadotti, D. A., Hinz, J. L., Erroz-Ferrer, S., Gil de Paz, A., Kim, T., Menéndez-Delmestre, K., Mizusawa, T., Regan, M. W., Seibert, M., Sheth, K.: Morphology and environment of galaxies with disc breaks in the S4G and NIRS0S, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 441, 1992 (21 pp), 2014 [10.1093/mnras/stu628]
[9] Laine S., Knapen J. H., Muñoz-Mateos J.-C., Kim T., Comerón S., Martig M., Holwerda B. W., Athanassoula E., Bosma A., Johansson P. H., Erroz-Ferrer S., Gadotti D. A., Gil de Paz A., Hinz J., Laine J., Laurikainen E., Menéndez-Delmestre K., Mizusawa T., Regan M. W., Salo H., Sheth K., Seibert M., Buta R. J., Cisternas M., Elmegreen B. G., Elmegreen D. M., Ho L. C., Madore B. F., Zaritsky D.: Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera near-infrared features in the outer parts of S4G galaxies, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 444, 3015-3039, 2014 [10.1093/mnras/stu1642]
[10] Laurikainen E., Salo H., Athanassoula E., Bosma A., Herrera-Endoqui M.: Milky Way mass galaxies with X-shaped bulges are not rare in the local Universe, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 444, 80-84, 2014 [10.1093/mnrasl/slu118]
[11] Meidt, S., Schinnerer, E, van de Ven, G., Zaritsky,D., Peletier, R., Knapen, J.H., Sheth, K., Regan, M., Querejeta, M., Muñoz-Mateos, J.-C., Kim, T., Hinz, J.L., Gil de Paz, A., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Buta, R., Cisternas, M., Ho, L.C.., Holwerda, B., Skibba, R., Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Gadotti, D. A., Laine, J., Erroz-Ferrer, S., Comerón, S., Menéndez-Delmestre, K., Seibert, M., Mizusawa, T.: Reconstructing the Stellar Mass Distributions of Galaxies Using S4G IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 -Fìm Images. II. The Conversion from Light to Mass, Astrophys. J., 788, 144 (12 pp), 2014 [10.1088/0004-637X/788/2/144]-A
[12] Meyer, H. T., Lisker, T., Janz, J., Papaderos, P.: What will blue compact dwarf galaxies evolve into?, Astron. Astrophys., 562, A49 (22 pp), 2014 [10.1051/0004-6361/201220700]
[13] Toloba E., Guhathakurta P., van de Ven G., Boissier S., Boselli A., den Brok M., Falcón-Barroso J., Hensler G., Janz J., Laurikainen E., Lisker T., Paudel S., Peletier R. F., Ry-B¶ A., Salo H.: Stellar Kinematics and Structural Properties of Virgo Cluster Dwarf Early-type Galaxies from the SMAKCED Project. I. Kinematically Decoupled Cores and Implications for Infallen Groups in Clusters, Astrophys. J., 783, 120 (12 pp), 2014 [10.1088/0004-637X/783/2/120]-A
[14] Zaritsky, D., Courtois, H., Muñoz-Mateos, J.-C., Sorce, J., Erroz-Ferrer, S., Comerón, S., Gadotti, D. A., Gil de Paz, A., Hinz, J. L., Laurikainen, E., Kim, T., Laine, J., Menéndez-Delmestre, K., Mizusawa, T., Regan, M. W., Salo, H., Seibert, M., Sheth, K., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Cisternas, M., Ho, Luis C., Holwerda, B.: The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relationship for S4G Galaxies and the "Condensed" Baryon Fraction of Galaxies, Astron. J., 147, 134 (11 pp), 2014 [10.1088/0004-6256/147/6/134]
- Cisternas, M., Gadotti D.A., Knapen J.H., Kim T., Diaz-Garcia S.,
Laurikainen E., Salo H ., Gonzalez-Martin O., Ho L.C., Elmegreen B.G.,
Zaritsky D., Sheth K., Athanassoula E., Bosma A., Comeron S. ,
Erroz-Ferrer S., Gil de Paz A., Hinz J.L., Holwerda B.W., Laine J. ,
Meidt S., Menendez-Delmestre K., Mizusawa T., Munoz-Mateos, J.C, Regan
M.W., Seibert M.: X-Ray Nuclear Activity in S4G Barred Galaxies: No
Link between Bar Strength and Co-occurrent Supermassive Black Hole
Fueling, Astrophys. J., 776, 50 (15 pp), 2013
- Comeron, S. : Inner rings in disc galaxies: dead or alive,
Astron. Astrophys., 555, L4 (9 pp), 2013
- Laurikainen, E. H. Salo, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, R. Buta, J. Janz:
Statistics of the structure components in S0s: implications for
bar-induced secular evolution, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 430,
3489-3509, 2013
- Lisker T., Weinmann S.M., Janz J. , Meyer, H.T: Dwarf galaxy
populations in present-day galaxy clusters - II. The history of
early-type and late-type dwarfs, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 432,
1162-1177, 2013
- Melnik A.M., P. Rautiainen : Straight segments in the galactic
discs, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 434, 1362-1375, 2013
- Munoz-Mateos J.C., Sheth K., Gil de Paz A., Meidt S., Athanassoula
E., Bosma A., Comeron S. , Elmegreen D.M., Elmegreen B.G., Erroz-Ferrer
S., Gadotti D.A., Hinz J.L., Ho L.C., Holwerda B., Jarrett T.H., Kim
T., Knapen J.H., Laine J., Laurikainen E. Madore B.F.,
Menendez-Delmestre K., Mizusawa T., Regan M., Salo H. , Schinnerer E.,
Seibert M., Skibba R., Zaritsky D : The Impact of Bars on Disk Breaks
as Probed by S4G Imaging, Astrophys. J., 771, 59 (30 pp), 2013
- Pihajoki P., M. Valtonen, S. Zola, A. Liakos, M. Drozdz, M. Winiarski,
W. Ogloza, D. Koziel-Wierzbowska, J. Provencal, K. Nilsson,
A. Berdyugin, E. Lindfors, R. Reintha, A. Sillanpaa, L. Takalo,
M. M. M. Santangelo, H. Salo, S. Chandra, S. Ganesh, K. S. Baliyan,
S. A. Coggins-Hill, A. Gopakumar: Precursor flares in OJ 287,
Astrophys. J., 764, 5, 2013
- Tiscareno M.S., C.J. Mitchell, C.D. Murray, D. Di Nino,
M.M. Hedman, J. Schmidt, J.A. Burns, J.N. Cuzzi, C.C. Porco,
K. Beurle, M.W. Evans: Observations of Ejecta Clouds Produced by
Impacts onto Saturn'ss Rings, Science, 340, 460, 2013
- Zaritsky D., Salo H., Laurikainen E. , Elmegreen D., Athanassoula
E., Bosma A., Comeron S. , Erroz-Ferrer S., Elmegreen B., Gadotti D.A.,
Gil de Paz A., Hi nz J.L., Ho L.C., Holwerda B.W., Kim T., Knapen J.H.,
Laine J ., Laine S., Madore B.F., Meidt S., Menendez-Delmestre K.,
Mizusawa T., Munoz-Mateos J.C., Regan M.W., Seibert M., Sheth K.: On
the Origin of Lopsidedness in Galaxies as Determined from the Spitzer
Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G), Astrophys. J., 772, 135
(16 pp), 2013
- Salo, H , (2012) : Simulating the formation of fine-scale
structure in Saturn's Rings Prog. Theor Phys. Suppl., in
Erroz-Ferrer, S., Knapen, J.H., Font, J., Beckman,
J.E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Sanchez-Gallego, J.R.,
Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Gadotti, D.A.,
Muñoz-Mateos, J.-C., and 15 coauthors (2012):
Halpha kinematics of S4G spiral galaxies - I. NGC
864.MNRAS, 427,2938-2949.
Martín-Navarro, I., Bakos, J., Trujillo, I.,
Knapen, J.H., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Comerón,
S., Elmegreen, B.G., Erroz-Ferrer, S.,
Gadotti, D.A., and 14 coauthors (2012) : A unified
picture of breaks and truncations in spiral galaxies from SDSS
and S4G imagingMNRAS, 427, 1102-1134.
Comerón, S., Elmegreen, B.G., Salo, H., Laurikainen,
E., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Knapen, J.H., Gadotti,
D.A., Sheth, K., Hinz, J.L., and 10 coauthors (2012)
) Breaks in Thin and Thick Disks of Edge-on Galaxies Imaged in the
Spitzer Survey Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G). ApJ, 759, 98, 29 pp.
Mel'nik, A. M, Rautiainen, P. (2012) : Modelling of the galactic kinematics.
Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions, 2, 389-398
- Treuthardt, P., Seigar, M:S., Sierra, A.D., Al-Baidhany, I., Salo, H., Kennefick, D., Kennefick, Julia, L,, Claud H.S. (2012). On the link between central black holes, bar dynamics and dark matter haloes in spiral galaxies
MNRAS, 423, 3118-3133.
- Kim,T. Sheth,
K, Hinz, J.L., Lee, M.G., Zaritsky, D., Gadotti, D.A., Knapen, J.H.,
Schinnerer, E., Ho, L.C., Laurikainen, E., and 14 coauthors (2012) : Early-type Galaxies with Tidal Debris and Their Scaling
Relations in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in
Galaxies (S4G). ApJ, 753, 43.
Graham, A.W., Spitler, L.R.; Forbes, D.A.; Lisker, T.; Moore, B.;
Janz, J. (2012) : LEDA 074886: A Remarkable Rectangular-looking
Galaxy. ApJ, 750, 121.
Meidt, S.E., Schinnerer, E., Muñoz-Mateos, J.-C.,
Holwerda, B., Ho, L.C., Madore, B.F., K, J.H.,
Bosma, A, Athanassoula, E., Hinz, J.L. and 12 coauthors
(2012) The S4G Perspective on Circumstellar Dust
Extinction of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in M100.
ApJL, 748, L30
- Janz J., Laurikainen
E. ,, Lisker T., Salo H. , Peletier R.F., Niemi S.M., den
Brok M., Toloba E., Falcon-Barroso J., Boselli A., Hensler G. (2012):
Dissecting early-type dwarf galaxies into their multiple
components, ApJL, 745, L24
- Meidt S. E., Schinnerer E., Knapen J.H., Bosma A., Athanassoula
E., Sheth K., Buta R.J., Zaritsky D., , Laurikainen E. ,,
Elmegreen D., and 16 coauthors, (2012): Reconstructing the stellar
mass distributions of galaxies using S4G IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 micron
images: I. Correcting for contamination by PAH, hot dust, and
intermediate age stars,
ApJ 744, 17
- Laurikainen E., Salo H. , Buta R., Knapen J.H (2012):
Overview of the Near-IR S0 galaxy Survey (NIRS0S), Advances in
Astronomy, vol. 2011, id. 516739 (astro-ph 1111.6447) Appeared in 1/2012.
- Laurikainen E., H. Salo, R. Buta, J. H. Knapen (2011):
Near-IR Atlas of S0-Sa galaxies (NIRS0S),
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 418, 1452-1490.
Elmegreen D.M., B.G. Elmegreen, A. Yau, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma,
R.J. Buta, G. Helou, L.C. Ho, D.A. Gadotti, J.H. Knapen,
E. Laurikainen, B.F. Madore, K.L. Masters, S.E. Meidt,
K. Menéndez-Delmestre, M.W. Regan, H. Salo, K. Sheth,
D. Zaritsky, M. Aravena, R. Skibba, J.L. Hinz, J. Laine ,
A. Gil de Paz, J.-C. Muñoz-Mateos, M. Seibert, T. Mizusawa, T. Kim,
Taehyun, S. Erroz Ferrer (2011): Grand Design and Flocculent
Spirals in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G),
Astrophys. J., 737, 32 (17pp), 2011 [doi]
- Comerón S., B.G. Elmegreen, J.H. Knapen, H. Salo,
E. Laurikainen, J. Laine, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, K. Sheth,
M.W. Regan, J.L. Hinz, A. Gil de Paz, K. Menéndez-Delmestre,
T. Mizusawa, J.-C. Muñoz-Mateos, M. Seibert, T. Kim, D.M. Elmegreen,
D.A. Gadotti, L.C. Ho, B.W. Holwerda, J. Lappalainen, E. Schinnerer,
R. Skibba (2011): Thick disks of edge-on galaxies seen through the Spitzer
Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G): Lair of missing
baryons?, Astrophys. J. ,741, 28.
- Weinmann S.M., T. Lisker, Q. Guo, H.T. Meyern, J. Janz :
Dwarf galaxy populations in present-day galaxy clusters -
I. Abundances and red fractions, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. ,
416, 1197-1214, 2011 [doi]
- Comerón S., B.G. Elmegreen, J.H. Knapen, K. Sheth, J.L. Hinz,
M.W. Regan, A. Gil de Paz, J.-C. Muñoz-Mateos, K. Menéndez-Delmestre,
M. Seibert, T. Kim, T. Mizusawa, E. Laurikainen,H. Salo,
J. Laine, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, R.J. Buta, D.A. Gadotti,
L.C. Ho, B. Holwerda, E. Schinnerer, D. Zaritsky: (2011) The unusual vertical
mass distribution of NGC 4013 seen through the Spitzer Survey of
Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G), Astrophys. J. Letters ,
738, L17
- Melnik A.M. , P. Rautiainen : Two-component outer ring and
the Galactic spiral structure, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., in press,
2011 [doi] >>
- Comerón S., J.H. Knapen, K. Sheth, M.W. Regan, J.L. Hinz, A. Gil
de Paz, K. Menendez-Delmestre, J.-C. Munoz-Mateos, M. Seibert,T. Kim,
E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, R.J. Buta, B.G. Elmegreen, L.C. Ho,
B.W. Holwerda, E. Laurikainen, H. Salo, E. Schinnerer: (2011): The
thick disk in the galaxy NGC 4244 from S4G imaging,
Astrophys. J. , 729, 18(12pp)-
- Salo, H. (2011): : Twisted Disks, Science , 332, 672-673.
- R. Buta, E. Laurikainen, H. Salo , and J. H. Knapen:
Decreased Frequency of Strong Bars in S0 Galaxies: Evidence for
Secular Evolution? Astrophysical Journal 721, 259-266
- Morishima, R., Spilker, L, Salo, H. , Ohtuski, K.,
Altobelli, N., Pilortz S.: A multilayer model for thermal infrared
emission of Saturn's rings II: Albedo, spins, and vertical mixing of
ring particles inferred from Cassini CIRS. Icarus 210, 330-345.
- Salo, H , French,
R.G. (2010) The opposition and tilt effects of Saturn's rings
from HST observations, Icarus 210, 785-813.
- Rautiainen, P. , Mel´nik, A: N-body simulations in reconstruction of the kinematics of young stars in the Galaxy, , Astron. Astrophys. 519, A70 (13 pp).
- Salo, H, Laurikainen, E, Buta, R, Knapen, J. H (2010): Astrophysical Journal Letters 715, L56-L61
- Grouchy, R. D. , Buta, R. J., Salo, H., Laurikainen, E. (2010): Ring Star Formation Rates in Barred and Nonbarred Galaxies
Astrophysical Journal 139, 2465-2493
- Laurikainen, E, Salo, H. , R. Buta, J. H. Knapen and S. Comeron (2010): Photometric scaling relations of lenticular and spiral galaxies,
MNRAS 405, 1089-1118
- Salo, H. , Schmidt, J (2010): N-body simulation of viscous instability,
Icarus 206, 390-409.
- Comeron, S, Knapen, J., Beckman, J E. Laurikainen, H. Salo ,
I. Martinez-Valpuesta, and R. J. Buta: AINUR: Atlas of Images of
Nuclear Rings, MNRAS 402, 2462-2490
- Sheth K., M. Regan, J.L. Hinz, A. Gil de Paz,
K. Menandez-Delmestre, J-C. Muoz-Mateos, M. Seibert, T. Kim,
E. Laurikainen, H. Salo, D.A. Gadotti, J. Laine, T. Mizusawa,
L. Armus, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, R.J. Buta, P. Capak,
T.H. Jarrett, D.M. Elmegreen, B.G. Elmegreen, J.H. Knapen, J. Koda,
G. Helou, L.C. Ho, B.F. Madore, K.L. Masters, B. Mobasher, P. Ogle,
C.Y. Peng, E. Schinnerer, J.A. Surace, D. Zaritsky, S. Comern, B. de
Swardt, S.E. Meidt,M. Kasliwal, M. Aravena: "The Spitzer Survey of
Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G)", Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 122,
- Ronald J. Buta, Kartik Sheth, Michael Regan, Joannah L. Hinz,
Armando Gil de Paz, Karin Menandez-Delmestre, Juan-Carlos
Munoz-Mateos, Mark Seibert, Eija Laurikainen, Heikki Salo , Dimitri
A. Gadotti, E. Athanassoula, Albert Bosma, Johan H. Knapen, Luis
C. Ho, Barry F. Madore, Debra M. Elmegreen, Karen L. Masters,
Sebastien Comeron, Manuel Aravena:
"Mid-Infrared Galaxy Morphology from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar
Structure in Galaxies (S4G): The Imprint of the de Vaucouleurs
Revised Hubble-Sandage Classification System at 3.6 microns"
Astrohysical Journal
Supplement Series.
190, 147-165,
- Paudel S., Lisker T., Janz, J. 2010, ApJ , 724, 64
- Schmidt, Jürgen, Ohtsuki, Keiji, Rappaport, Nicole, Salo, Heikki , Spahn, Frank (2009): Dynamics of Saturn's Dense Rings.
in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, by Dougherty, Michele K., Esposito, Larry W., Krimigis, Stamatios M., ISBN 978-1-4020-9216-9. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009, p. 413
- Buta, R., Knapen, J., Elemegreen, B., Salo, H., Laurikainen, E.,
D. Elemegreen, I. Puerari, Block, D.(2009) : Do Bars Drive Spiral Density
Waves? Astrophysical Journal 137, 4487-4516.
- Melnik A., P. Rautiainen (2009): Kinematics of the outer pseudorings and the spiral structure of the Galaxy, Astronomy Letters, 9, 609-624.
- Morishima, R., Salo, H., Ohtsuki, K.( 2009): A Multilayer Model
for Thermal Infrared Emission of Saturn's Rings: Basic formulation and
implications for Earth-based observations. Icarus
01, 634-654.
- Marty, B. et al. (49 coathors, including Salo, H.) (2009):
Kronos: exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing
through an international mission. Experimental Astronomy, 23,
947-976 (see also erratum 977-980).
- Laurikainen, E, Salo, H , Buta, R. Knapen, J (2009)
Bars, ovals, and lenses in early-type galaxies - probes of galaxy evolution. Astrophysical Journal Letters
692, L34-L39
- Treuthardt, P, Salo, H , Buta, R (2009) Dynamical Simulations of NGC 2523 and NGC 4245. Astronomical Journal , 137. 19-33.
- Grouchy, R. D., Buta, R, Salo, H, Laurikainen, E.,Speltincx, T. (2008):
Counter-Winding Spiral Structure in ESO 297-27 Astronomical Journal , 136, 980-993
- Das, M., Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Buta, R. (2008): Variation of Bar Strength with Central Velocity Dispersion in Spiral Galaxies Astrophys. Space Sci. 137. 163-168.
- Rautiainen, P., Salo H., Laurikainen E. (2008):
Model-based patterns speed estimates for 38 barred galaxies
MNRAS 388, 1803-1818
- Treuthardt, P., Salo, H, Rautiainen, P. , Buta, R. (2008) :
The Bar Pattern Speed of NGC 1433 Estimated Via Sticky-Particle Simulations.
Astronomical Journal Astronomical Journal, 136, 300-311 .
- Speltincx, T., Laurikainen E., Salo, H. (2008) : Comparison of bar
strengths in optical and near-infrared for the OSUBSGS sample .
MNRAS 383, 317-329
- Sremcevic, M., Schmidt, J., Salo, H., Seiss, M., Spahn,
F., Albers, N. (2007): A Moonlet Belt in Saturn's A ring. Nature
449, 1019-1021.
+Supplementary online material
- Laurikainen,
E., Salo, H., Buta, R.\& Knapen, J. /2007) : Properties of
bars and bulges in the Hubble sequence. MNRAS 381, 401-417.
- Treuthardt, P, Buta,
R, Salo, H \& Laurikainen, E. (2007) . The Kinematically Measured
Pattern Speeds of NGC 2523 and NGC 4245. Astron. J. 134: 1195
- 2005.
- French, R. G., Verbischer, A.,
Salo, H., McGhee, C., Dones, L. (2007) . Saturn's rings at true
opposition. PASP 119: 623-642
- French, R. G., Salo, H.,
McGhee, C \& Dones, L. (2007) : Hubble Space Telescope
observations of azimuthal asymmetry in Saturn's Rings.
Icarus 189, 493-522.
- Hedman, M., Nicholson, P., Salo,
H., Wallis, B., Buratti, B, Baines, K., Brown, R., Clark,
R. (2007): Self-Gravity wake structures in Saturn's A ring
revealed by Cassini-VIMS. Astron. J. 133:2624-2629.
- Karjalainen, R (2007) :
Aggregate impacts in Saturn's rings
Icarus 189, 523-537.
- Fuentes-Carrera,
I. Rosado, M. Amram, P. Salo, H., Laurikainen, E. (2007) :
Kinematics and dynamics of the M51-type galaxy pair NGC 3893/96 (KPG
302). Astron. Astrophys. 466, 847-854.
- Laurikainen, E., Salo, H. ,
Buta, R, Knapen, J. H., Speltincx, T., Block, D. L. (2006) : The
Near-Infrared S0 Survey. III. Morphology of 15 Southern Early-type
Disk Galaxies. Astron. Journal 132, 2634-2652.
- Villata, M. .... Laurikainen, E. .. (78 authors) (2006): The
unprecedented optical outburst of the quasar 3C 454.3. The WEBT
campaign of 2004-2005
Astrophys. Journal 817-822
- Morishima, R., Salo,
H. (2006): Simulations of dense planetary rings: IV Rotating
self-gravitating particles with size distribution.
Icarus 181, 272-291.
- Buta, R., Laurikainen, E., Salo,
H. , Block, D. L., Knapen, J. H. (2006) : The Near-Infrared S0
Survey. II. Fourier Dissection of Early-Type Galaxy Bars.
Astron. Journal 132, 1859-1876.
- McGhee, C., French,R.C.,
Dones, L., Cuzzi, J.N., Salo., H. , Danos, R (2005) : HST
observations of spokes in Saturn's B ring. Icarus 173,
- Buta, R., Vasylyev, S., Salo, H.,
Laurikainen, E. (2005) : The distribution of bar and spiral arm
strengths in disk galaxies. Astronomical Journal 130,
- Seiss, M., Spahn, F., Sremcevic,
M., Salo, H. (2005) : Structures induced by small moonlets in
Saturn's rings: Implications for the Cassini Mission. Geophysical
Research Letters 32, L11205(1-4).
- Nicholson, P.D., French,
R.G., Campbell, D.B., Margot, J.-L., Nolan, M.C., Black, G.J., Salo,
H. (2005): Radar imaging of Saturn's rings. Icarus 177,
Laurikainen, E., Salo, H. , Buta, R. (2005) : Multicomponent
decomposition for a sample of S0 galaxies. MNRAS . 362,
- Rautiainen, P, Salo,
H., Laurikainen, E. (2005) : The pattern speeds of 38
galaxies. Astrophys. Journal 631, L129-L132.
- Buta, R, Laurikainen, E., Salo, H
(2004): The distribution of maximum relative gravitational torque
in disk galaxies. Astron. J 127, 279-294.
- Fuentes-Carrera, I, Rosado, M,
Amram, P., Dultzin-Hacyan, D. Cruz-Conzales, I, Salo, H, Laurikainen,
E, Bernal, A, Ambrocio-Cruz, P, Le Coarer, E (2004): The isolated
interacting galaxy pair NGC 5426/27 (Arp 271). Astron. Astrophys.
415, 451-469
- Rautiainen, P., Salo, H.,
Buta, R. (2004): Dynamical modelling of a remarkable four-armed
barred spiral galaxy ESO 566-24. MNRAS 349, 933-944.
- Morishima, R, Salo., H
(2004): Spin rates of small moonlets embedded in planetary rings:
I. Three body calculations. Icarus 167, 330-346
- Morishima, R, Watanabe, S. (2004): Co-accretion of the Earth-Moon
system after the giant impact: reduction of the total angular momentum
by lunar impact ejecta. Icarus 168, 60-79
- Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Buta,
R. (2004): Comparison of bar strengths and fraction of bars
in active and non-active galaxies. Astrophys. J 607,
- Salo, H., Karjalainen, R.,
French, R.G (2004): Photometric modeling of Saturn's rings:
II. Azimuthal asymmetry in reflected and transmitted ligth.
Icarus 170, 70-90.
- Karjalainen, R., Salo,
H (2004): Gravitational accretion of particles in Saturn's
rings. Icarus 172, 328-348.
- Laurikainen, E., Salo,
H., Buta, R., Vasylyev, S. (2004): Bar-induced perturbations
strengths of the galaxies in the Ohio State University Bright
Galaxy Survey (OSUBGS). MNRAS 355, 1251-1271.
Schmidt, J, Salo, H. (2003) : A weakly nonlinear model for
oscillatory instability in Saturn's dense rings. Phys. Rev. Lett
90, 061102-1 - 061102-4
Bergvall N., Laurikainen E., Aalto S. (2003): Galaxy interactions -
poor starburst triggers: A study of a complete sample of interacting
galaxies. III. Astron. Astrophys. 405, 31-52.
Salo, H, Karjalainen, R (2003): Photometric modeling of Saturn's
rings: I. Monte Carlo method and the effect of non-zero volume
filling factor. Icarus 164, 428-460.
Laurikainen, E, Salo, H. & Rautiainen, P.(2002): Comparison of bar
strengths in active and non-axtive galaxies. MNRAS , 331,
Rautiainen, P., Salo, H & Laurikainen, (2002) : Simulations of central
structure in barred galaxies. MNRAS 337, 1233-1244.
Laurikainen, E, Salo, H. (2002): Bar strengths in spiral galaxies
estimated from 2MASS images. MNRAS 337, 1118-1138.
Laurikainen, E. & Salo, H. (2001) : BVRI Imaging of M51-type
Interacting Galaxy Pairs III. Analysis of the photometric
parameters. MNRAS 324, 685-698.
Salo, H., Schmidt. J. & Spahn, F. (2001) : Viscous overstability
in Saturn's B-ring: I. Direct simulations and measurement of transport
coefficients. Icarus 153, 295-315.
Schmidt. J., Salo, H., Spahn, F. & Petzschmann, O. (2001) :
Viscous overstability in Saturn's B-ring: II. Hydrodynamic theory and
comparison to simulations. Icarus 153, 316-331.
Salo, H. & Laurikainen, E. (2001): N-body models of M51: From
extended tail to central spiral structure. Astron. Astrophys
Trans. 20, 93-101.
Laurikainen, E. & Salo, H. (2000): BVRI Imaging of M51-type
Interacting Galaxy Pairs II. Bulge and disk parameters. Astronomy
Astrophys. Suppl. 141, 103-111 (+19 pages in electronic form)
Spahn, F., Schmidt, J., Petzschmann, O. & Salo, H. (2000):
Stability analysis of a Keplerian disk of granular grains: influence
of thermal diffusion. Icarus 145, 657-660.
Rautiainen, P. & Salo, H. (2000) N-body simulations of resonance rings
in galactic disks. Astron. Astrophys. 362, 465-485.
Salo, H. & Laurikainen, E. (2000): N-body model for M51: I. Multiple
encounter vs. single passage?. MNRAS 319, 377-392 .
Salo, H. & Laurikainen, E. (2000): N-body model for M51: II. Inner
structure. MNRAS 319, 393-413.
Moss, D., Rautiainen, P. & H. Salo (1999): A dynamo model for
the magnetic field of the weakly barred galaxy IC 4214.
MNRAS, 303, 125-132.
Buta, R., Purcell, G.B., Cobb, M., Crocker, D.A., Rautiainen, P., &
Salo, H. (1999): The Structure and Dynamics of the Early-Type
Resonance Ring Galaxy IC 4214. I. Observations. Astron. J. 117,
Salo, H., Rautiainen, P., Buta, R., Purcell, G.B., Cobb, M., Crocker,
D.A., & Laurikainen, E. (1999): The Structure and Dynamics of the
Early-Type Resonance Ring Galaxy IC
4214. II. Models. Astron. J. 117, 792-810.
Salo, H. & Laurikainen, E. (1999): Inner Structure of M51.
Astrophys. Space Sci. 269-270, 589-592.
Salo, H. & Laurikainen, E. (1999): A multiple encounter model of M51.
Astrophysics and Space Science 269-270: 663-664.
Schmidt, J., Salo, H., Petzshman, O. & Spahn, F. (1999):
Vertical distribution of temperature and density in a planetary ring.
Astron. Astrophys. 345, 646-652.
Rautiainen, P. & Salo, H. (1999): Multiple pattern speeds in barred
galaxies. Astron. Astrophys. 348, 737-754.
Salo, H. & Hanninen, J. (1998): Neptune's Partial Rings:
Action of Galatea on Self-Gravitating Particles. Science 282,
Moss, D., Korpi, M., Rautiainen, P. & H. Salo (1998): The
evolution of dynamo maintained magnetic fields in a barred spiral
galaxy. Astron. Astrophys. 329, 895-905.
Laurikainen, E. & Salo, H. & Aparacio, A. (1998): BVRI Imaging
of M51-type Interacting Galaxy Pairs. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 129,
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