Mittaavan käynnissäpidon kehittämishanke 3 (KUPI 3), [EAKR 2009-2012].

Development of measured O&M solutions - project

Tiivistelmä: Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan prosessitiedon ja kunnonvalvonnan yhdistämistä.

Abstract: The research consideres the combining of process and condition monitoring data.

The project is done in co-operation with Centria. The idea is/was to study if the process data can enhance the evaluation of the condition of the devices compared to only considering condition monitoring (vibration etc.) analysis data in the diagnosis. The idea is not new but there are not many published results of the topic.

In the case studies, it was found out that the process data can and should be included into the condition monitoring purposes.


Timo Ahvenlampi and Enso Ikonen, Literature survey on development of O&M solutions with integration of condition and process monitoring, SIMS 2010, October 14-15, Oulu, Finland

Timo Ahvenlampi, Pertti Leinonen, Mikko Aunio,Enso Ikonen, Monitoring of turbine conditions with integration of condition monitoring and process measurements in industrial application, SIMS 2010, October 14-15, Oulu, Finland