Finite state probabilistic dynamic models in process control design
Enso Ikonen,Tiivistelmä: Tutkimus pohtii ohjattujen äärellisten Markovin ketjujen, ns. (ohjattujen) Markovin tilansiirtomallien käyttöä epävarmojen dynaamisten epälineaaristen teollisuusprosessien mallintamisessa, sekä po. mallien käyttämistä havainnoijien ja säätimien suunnittelussa ja analyysissä.
Abstract: The research examines controlled finite Markov chains (CFMC), alias (controlled) Markov transition models (MTM), as a means for modelling uncertain dynamic nonlinear industrial processes, and the design and analysis of process observers and controllers based on such models.
The field of CFMC and the related stage-wise optimization techniques is commonly referred to as Markov decision processes (MDP). The MDP approach to process control can be seen as an extension of model predictive control (MPC), or model-based (optimal) process control, which has become increasingly popular in industrial applications of process control. MDP is often seen as a part of reinforcement learning (RL); the field of operations research (OR) is also closely related. Important research groups in this area include those of Lee and Lee (Georgia Tech, U Alberta), and the works by Bertsekas and Kaelbling (MIT), just to mention a few. This field is related to our work with genealogical decision trees (particle filtering, see here) and stochastic learning automata (finite state machines, see here).
With the advent of increased and reasonably priced computing power and memory resources, the applications of these techniques has become feasible. Compared to current approaches for modelling, monitoring and control design, we expect the main strengths of such an approaches to be found in:
In our work in this field, we have examined the feasibility of process control design for various processes:
We have also examined adaptive control based on local CFMC models:
We now have built an understanding of the capabilities and limits of the MTM approach in several standard process control tasks, as well as an efficient software package for building and analysing models and controllers. The future work will be targeted towards realization of the potential benefits in handling of uncertainties. Whereas the problems with non-linearities and learning from data are largely handled by modern monitoring and control techniques, dealing with uncertainties is a field where significant difficulties remain.
In addition, a number of engineering problems need to be solved, while aiming towards better usability of these techniques in the industrial practice:
Ikonen, E and K. Leppäkoski (2010). Model-based multivariable control of a secondary air system using Markov chains. In P. Szentannai (Ed.) Power Plant Applications of Advanced Control Techniques (invited), ProcessEng, Vienna. ISBN978-3-902655-11-0. (to appear)
Ikonen, E. and K. Najim (2009). Multiple model based control using finite controlled Markov chains. Cognitive Computation, 1 (3), pp. 234–243.
Ikonen, E., E. Gómez-Ramírez and K. Najim (2009). Process regulation via genealogical decision trees. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 30 (2), pp. 121 – 133. (published on-line 2008, DOI 10.1002/oca.848)
Ikonen, E., I. Selek and M. Tervaskanto (2010) Short-term pump schedule optimization using MDP and neutral GA. IFAC Conference on Control Methodologies anbd Technology for Energy Efficiency (CMTEE 2010), 29-31 March 2010, Vilamoura, Portugal.
Ikonen, E. (2009). Gain scheduling control with Markov transition models. The 7th IEEE Intenational Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA’09), 9-11 Dec 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Ikonen, E., K. Najim and M. Tervaskanto (2009). Analysis of students’ study paths using finite Markov chains. The 7th IEEE Intenational Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA’09) , 9-11 Dec 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Ikonen, E, K. Leppäkoski and U. Kortela (2009). Model-based multivariable secondary air control using controlled finite Markov chains. IFAC Power Plants and Power Systems Control (PP&PSC’09), Tampere, 5-8 July 2009.
Ikonen, E and U. Kortela (2008). Adaptive process control using controlled finite Markov chains based on multiple models. 17th IFAC World Congress, 6-11 July 2008, Seoul, Korea, pp. 7919–7924.
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Poznyak, A., K. Najim and E. Ikonen. (1996). Adaptive selection of the optimal model order of linear regression models using learning automata. International Journal of Systems Science, 27, no 2, pp. 151–159.
Enso 12/2009