Datasets Doctoral Thesis Here you can find all the datasets collected and experimented during my doctoral thesis work [1]. Please cite related papers when using the datasets. Contact by e-mail if you have any further questions. Gait-based Person Identification Pressure-sensitive floor matrix is used to identify persons based on gait, i.e., the way their walk. More details see [1] and [2]. Dataset includes two different settings with 10 and 11 subjects, respectively. Please, cite the original paper [2] if using the data.EMFI sensor dataset | README Binary switch floor sensor matrix and accelerometer is used to identify persons. These sensor modalities can be combined or used separately. See [1] and [3] for more details. Datasets contain 9 subjects of normal walking as well as variability in walking speed and footwear from 4 different subjects. Please, cite the original papers [1] and [3] if using the data.
Binary switch sensor dataset | README Accelerometer sensor dataset | README Person Tracking Binary switch floor sensor matrix is used to track position of multiple moving targets. Dataset contains 3 different subjects in different two-person tracking scenarios. Details can be found in [1] and [4]. Please, cite the original papers [1] and [4] if using the data. Example demonstration video: demo (avi) . Contact me by e-mail for original videos recorded from the data collection experiments.
Binary switch sensor dataset | README Activity Recognition Multiple 3D acceleration sensors are used for recognition of daily activities. Dataset includes 17 activities performed by 13 subjects. More details can be found in [1],[5], and [6]. Please, cite the original paper [6] if using the data.
Activity dataset | README References [1] Suutala J. (2012) Learning Discriminative Models from Structured Multi-sensor Data for Human Context Recognition, Doctoral Thesis, University of Oulu, 221 p. [2] Suutala J. & Röning J. (2008) Methods for person identification on a pressure-sensitive floor: Experiments with multiple classifiers and reject option. Information Fusion Journal, Special Issue on Applications of Ensemble Methods. 9: 21-40. [3] Suutala J., Fujinami K. & Röning J. (2008) Gaussian Process person identifier based on simple floor sensors. Proc. 3rd European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context (EuroSSC08), Zürich, Switzerland, 55-68. [4] Suutala J., Fujinami K. & Röning J. (2010) Persons tracking with Gaussian Process joint Particle Filtering. Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2010), Kittilä, Finland. [5] Suutala J., Pirttikangas S. & Röning J. (2007) Discriminative temporal smoothing for activity recognition from wearable sensors. Proc. 4th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing Systems (UCS07), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 182-195. [6] Pirttikangas S., Fujinami K. & Nakajima T. (2006) Feature selection and activity recognition from wearable sensors. Proc. H.Y. Youn, M. Kim, and H. Morikawa (Eds.):UCS 2006, LNCS 4239, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 516-527.