YAHOO.PDBe.ImagesWidget = function(hostelem, pdbid, showpdbprints) { var serverport = YAHOO.PDBe.getdomain("pdbprints"); var ih = 300; var imgheight = ""+ih+"px"; var imgwidth = ""+ih*4/3+"px"; var widgetwidth = ""+(1+ih*4/3)+"px"; var lh = 100; var legheight = ""+lh+"px"; var me = new YAHOO.PDBe.BasicWidget(hostelem); var htdocsURL = serverport + "/pdbe-apps/widgets" ; me.htdocsURL = htdocsURL; me.scriptpath = htdocsURL + "/portfolio"; //wsgi me.pdbid = pdbid; me.showpdbprints = showpdbprints; me.showImageselect = null; if(me.showpdbprints) me.showImageselect = 1; //me.showImageselect = 1; me.pdblist = pdbid.split(","); if(!YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget) YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget = {}; YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[me.phe] = me; me.yuirequire = ['dom','event','tabview','treeview','connection','carousel','animation']; me.yuibuild = htdocsURL + '/js/yui/build/'; me.moremodules = [ {name:'pdbimagecss', type:'css', fullpath:htdocsURL+'/css/pdbimages.css', after:me.yuirequire} ]; if(me.showpdbprints) me.moremodules.push({name:'pdbprintscss', type:'css', fullpath:htdocsURL+'/css/pdbprints.css'}); me.getSeedcontent = function() { //YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass( document.getElementsByTagName(me.phe), 'imageWidgetOuterdiv'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe, "width", "401px"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe, "background-color", "#e0e0e0"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe, "-moz-border-radius", "8px"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe, "-webkit-border-radius", "8px"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe, "padding", "8px"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe, "-moz-box-shadow","4px 4px 2px #5e5e5e"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe, "-webkit-box-shadow","4px 4px 2px #5e5e5e"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe, "box-shadow","4px 4px 2px #5e5e5e"); YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass( document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] , 'yui-skin-sam'); return me.makeMarkup();//"PDB Images Widget instantiated!!"; } me.startPlaying = function() { if(!me.carousel.isAutoPlayOn()) me.carousel.startAutoPlay(); } me.pausePlaying = function() { if(me.carousel.isAutoPlayOn()) me.carousel.stopAutoPlay(); } me.nextImage = function() { if(!me.carousel.isAutoPlayOn()) me.carousel.scrollForward(); } me.prevImage = function() { if(!me.carousel.isAutoPlayOn()) me.carousel.scrollBackward(); } me.firstImage = function() { if(!me.carousel.isAutoPlayOn()) me.carousel.scrollTo(0); } me.lastImage = function() { if(!me.carousel.isAutoPlayOn()) me.carousel.scrollTo( me.carousel.getItems().length-1 ); } me.makeMarkup = function() { me.treediv = me.phe+"_treediv"; me.carouseldiv = me.phe+"_carouseldiv"; me.navmenu = me.phe+"_navmenu"; me.printsdiv = me.phe+"_printsdiv"; var speedHtml = ''; //speedHtml += '
' speedHtml += ''; if(me.showpdbprints) speedHtml += '
'; if(me.showpdbprints) speedHtml += '
'; else speedHtml += '
'; if(me.showpdbprints) imclass = "navbuttonSmall"; else imclass = "navbutton"; speedHtml += ''; speedHtml += ''; speedHtml += ''; speedHtml += ''; speedHtml += ''; speedHtml += ''; speedHtml += ''; speedHtml += ''; //for(var spi=0; spi < 5; spi++) speedHtml = " "+speedHtml+" "; //var helplink = ""; var helplink = "
"; speedHtml += helplink; speedHtml += '
' var markup = ''; markup += '
'; markup += '
'; return markup; } me.makeslide = function(pi) { var imgsrc = htdocsURL+"/html/PinupIcons/WrongIcon.png"; var legend = 'Wait for image loading to finish', links = ''; if(pi) legend += " " + pi; if(pi > -1) { // this is so that dummy content can be displayed before loading the real images var category = me.slides[pi][1].split("~")[0].split("$"); var legend = me.slides[pi][1].split("~")[1]; var title = legend.split('$')[0]; var desc = legend.split('$')[1]; var thispdbid = me.slideind2pid[pi]; var atlasURL = ""+thispdbid; var detailsURL = ""+thispdbid; if(category[0] == "Biological Assemblies") detailsURL = ""+thispdbid+"/quaternary"; if(category[0] == "Deposited Structure" && category[1] == "Cartoon") detailsURL = ""+thispdbid+"/secondary"; if(category[0] == "Deposited Structure" && category[1] == "Surface") detailsURL = ""+thispdbid+"/tertiary"; if(category[0] == "Domains") detailsURL = ""+thispdbid+"/primary"; if(category[0] == "Ligands") detailsURL = ""+thispdbid+"/ligands"; if(category[0] == "Experimental") detailsURL = ""+thispdbid+"/experimental"; var detailLink = ""; if(me.showpdbprints) detailLink = detailLink.replace(/ title=/,"target='_blank' title="); links += ""; links += ""; title = ""+title+""; legend = "
"; if(desc) legend += "
" + desc + "
"; //if(desc) legend += "
" + desc + "
"; imgsrc = me.slides[pi][0]; } var aslide = "
" + "" + "
"; aslide += "
" + legend + "
"; //aslide = "
" return aslide; } me.onPDBevent = function(type, args) {} me.fillTreeList = function(node, treelist, slideinds, depth) { depth.push(node.depth); treelist.push(node.label); var tlindex = treelist.length - 1; var sis = []; if( || sis.push(; slideinds.push(sis); for(var ci=0; ci < node.children.length; ci++) slideinds[tlindex] = slideinds[tlindex].concat(me.fillTreeList(node.children[ci], treelist, slideinds, depth)); //alert("label " + node.label + " sis " + slideinds[tlindex]); return slideinds[tlindex]; } me.getStarted = function() { //me.showmsg(me.makeMarkup()); var varname = "pdbimages"+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000); YAHOO.util.Get.script(me.scriptpath + "?varname="+varname+"&imagemap=1&pdbid="+me.pdbid, { onSuccess: function() { eval("var pidslides = " + varname + ";"); me.slideind2pid = {}; // store slide index to pdbid mapping // arrange all figures as leaves in a tree var nodemap = {}; me.slides = []; me.treeview = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView(me.treediv); var treeroot = me.treeview.getRoot(); treeroot.label = "Choose subsets of PDBportfolio images"; var absentPids = []; for(var pid in pidslides) { if(!pidslides[pid]) { var mailtolink = 'sending an email'; pidslides[pid] = [[ htdocsURL+"/html/PinupIcons/WrongIcon.png", "No images$No images for PDB entry "+pid+"~Sorry, no images found.$We do not have any images for PDB entry "+pid+". Please help us fix this problem by "+mailtolink+" to the PDBe team." ]]; } var slides = pidslides[pid]; //alert(pid + "-------------" + slides.length + "-----" + slides); var rootnode = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode({"label":"Images for "+pid}, treeroot, true); nodemap["all"+pid+"++++"] = rootnode; for(var si=0; si < slides.length; si++) { var pathstr = slides[si][1].split("~")[0]; var path = ['all'+pid].concat( pathstr.split("$") ); for(var pi=1; pi < path.length; pi++) { var parentname = ''; for(var ppi=0; ppi < pi; ppi++) parentname += path[ppi] + "++++"; var childname = parentname + path[pi] + "++++"; if(!nodemap[childname]) { var nodeattr = {"label":path[pi]}; if(pi == path.length-1) nodeattr["figindex"] = me.slides.length + si; me.slideind2pid[ me.slides.length+si ] = pid; nodemap[childname] = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(nodeattr, nodemap[parentname], true); } } } me.slides = me.slides.concat(slides); } //me.treeview.subscribe("labelClick", function(node) { me.nodeClicked(node); }); //me.treeview.draw(); //// make tree listing in a dropdown var treelist = [], slideinds = [], depth = []; me.optval2slideinds = {}; me.fillTreeList(treeroot, treelist, slideinds, depth); var imageSelect = document.getElementById(me.phe+'_imagelist'); imageSelect.options.length = 0; for(var ti=0; ti < treelist.length; ti++) { var depthstr = ''; for(di=0; di < depth[ti]; di++) depthstr += "- " var optstr = treelist[ti] + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000); while(optstr in me.optval2slideinds) optstr = treelist[ti] + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000); var opt = new Option(depthstr+treelist[ti], optstr); me.optval2slideinds[optstr] = slideinds[ti]; if(depth[ti] == 0) YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(opt, "text-align", "center"); if(depth[ti] == 0) YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(opt, "background-color", "lightblue"); if(depth[ti] == 1) YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(opt, "font-weight", "bold"); //if(depth[ti] == 2) YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(opt, "font-style", "italic"); imageSelect[imageSelect.options.length] = opt; //style="text-align:center; background-color:red;" //treelist[ti]alert(treelist[ti] + " " + slideinds[ti]); } if(!me.showImageselect) { YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe+"_imagelist", "visibility", "hidden"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(me.phe+"_imagelist", "display", "none"); } //// make carousel me.carousel = new YAHOO.widget.Carousel(me.carouseldiv, { isCircular: true, numVisible: 1, numItems: me.slides.length//, autoPlayInterval: 1000 }); me.carousel.STRINGS.PAGER_PREFIX_TEXT = ""; me.carousel.render();; for(var pi=0; pi < me.slides.length; pi++) me.carousel.addItem(me.makeslide(-1*(pi+1))); // dummy content preloading me.carousel.on("loadItems", function(o) { me.lazyload(o); }); me.carousel.on("afterScroll", function(o) { var thispdbid = me.slideind2pid[me.presentSlideIndices[o.first]]; if(me.lastInternalSlideIndex==null || me.slideind2pid[me.presentSlideIndices[me.lastInternalSlideIndex]] != thispdbid) //alert("pdbid changed to " + me.slideind2pid[me.presentSlideIndices[o]]); if(me.showpdbprints) (new YAHOO.PDBe.PrintsWidget(me.printsdiv, thispdbid, "jslogos", "horizontal", 24, "embl_green", "_blank")).show(); me.lastInternalSlideIndex = o.first; }); me.changeSpeed( me.slideshowSpeeds[ Math.floor(me.slideshowSpeeds.length/2+1) ] ); me.changeImageGroup(); // this selects slide indices and shows prints for first slide }, onFailure: function() { me.showmsg("images request failed."); }, onTimeout: function() { me.showmsg("request time out."); } }); } me.slideshowSpeeds = [100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000]; me.slowerSpeed = function() { var speednow = me.carousel.get("autoPlayInterval"); if(speednow < me.slideshowSpeeds[0]) speednow = me.slideshowSpeeds[0]; else { for(var si=0; si < me.slideshowSpeeds.length-1; si++) if(speednow <= me.slideshowSpeeds[si]) { speednow = me.slideshowSpeeds[si+1]; break; } } me.changeSpeed(speednow); } me.fasterSpeed = function() { var speednow = me.carousel.get("autoPlayInterval"); if(speednow > me.slideshowSpeeds[ me.slideshowSpeeds.length-1 ]) speednow = me.slideshowSpeeds[ me.slideshowSpeeds.length-1 ]; else { for(var si = me.slideshowSpeeds.length-1; si > 0; si--) if(speednow >= me.slideshowSpeeds[si]) { speednow = me.slideshowSpeeds[si-1]; break; } } me.changeSpeed(speednow); } me.changeSpeed = function(interval) { //alert("setting interval to " + interval); me.carousel.stopAutoPlay(); if(interval) me.carousel.set("autoPlayInterval", interval); me.carousel.startAutoPlay(); } me.changeSpeed_dropdown = function() { me.carousel.stopAutoPlay(); //eval("var interval = parseInt(document."+me.phe+"_navmenuform."+me.phe+"_speed.value);"); var interval = parseInt(document.getElementById(me.phe+"_speed").value); me.carousel.set("autoPlayInterval", interval); me.carousel.startAutoPlay(); } me.lazyload = function(o) { // o shd have fields first, last, num //alert("hi " + " " + o.first + " " + o.last + " " + o.num + " " + me.slides.length); for(var si=o.first; si <= o.last; si++) me.carousel.addItem(me.makeslide( me.presentSlideIndices[si] )); } me.changeImageGroup = function() { var imgrpname = document.getElementById(me.phe+"_imagelist").value; //eval("var imgrpname = document."+me.phe+"_navmenuform."+me.phe+"_imagelist.value;"); var slideinds = me.optval2slideinds[imgrpname]; var autoPlayOn = me.carousel.isAutoPlayOn(); me.carousel.stopAutoPlay(); me.carousel.clearItems(); me.presentSlideIndices = me.optval2slideinds[imgrpname]; me.carousel.set("numItems", me.presentSlideIndices.length); //alert(me.presentSlideIndices + " " + autoPlayOn); //for(var si=0; si < slideinds.length; si++) me.carousel.addItem(me.makeslide(slideinds[si])); me.lazyload({first:0, last:0, num:1}); if(me.showpdbprints) (new YAHOO.PDBe.PrintsWidget(me.printsdiv, me.slideind2pid[me.presentSlideIndices[0]], "jslogos", "horizontal", 24, "embl_green", "_blank")).show(); me.lastInternalSlideIndex = null; if(autoPlayOn) me.changeSpeed(); } = function(pdbid) {"/PDBimages/"+pdbid[1]+pdbid[2]+"/"+pdbid[0]+pdbid[3]+"/download_"+pdbid+".tgz",'Download'); } me.showlist = function(pdbid) {"/PDBimages/"+pdbid[1]+pdbid[2]+"/"+pdbid[0]+pdbid[3]+"/index.html",'Listing'); } return me; } var imageWidgetImagegroupChange = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].changeImageGroup(); } var imageWidgetSpeedChange_dropdown = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].changeSpeed_dropdown(); } var imageWidgetSpeedFaster = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].fasterSpeed(); } var imageWidgetSpeedSlower = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].slowerSpeed(); } var imageWidgetStart = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].startPlaying(); } var imageWidgetPause = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].pausePlaying(); } var imageWidgetNext = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].nextImage(); } var imageWidgetPrev = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].prevImage(); } var imageWidgetFirst = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].firstImage(); } var imageWidgetLast = function(hostelem) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].lastImage(); } var imageWidgetDownload = function(hostelem,pdbid) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].download(pdbid); } var imageList = function(hostelem,pdbid) { YAHOO.PDBe.hostdiv2widget[hostelem].showlist(pdbid); }