information about:


This is a basic technical English course, intended for students who have NOT studied English at school as an "A" or "B" language, or for students who lack the proficiency to take part successfully in the compulsory English courses. The course comprises the following four modules:

Technical English 1 Module B:

This module is intended to meet the needs of students with a lower level of proficiency in English. Attention will be paid in particular to activating oral skills and to working with grammar areas that cause difficulties. Assessment will be based on classwork and on regular homework activities. The module can be taken either BEFORE or AFTER Tekniikan englanti 1: module A which was held in autumn 1997 and will be next held in autumn 1999.

autumn term 1998, Tuesday 15-17 in room PR 202b, starting 8/9/98
Text-based Module (students choose the module intended for their own department) see timetable information at Y90211 TECHNICAL ENGLISH 3
Technical English Module A scheduled for autumn term 1999
Working Life Skills see timetable information at Y90211 TECHNICAL ENGLISH 3
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