tel: (+358-50) 350 7149
fax: (+358-8) 553 1287
office: KE 331-B
My research focuses on development and application of advanced NMR methods for the characterization of structure and properties of molecules, materials and nanosystems. Research objects involve aerosols, biomaterials, biosensors, cells, cereal grains, dairy products, extracellular vesicles, geopolymers, microfluidic devices, porous materials, surfactants, sustainable cements, as well as wood and its components. The methods include ultrafast Laplace NMR, remote detection NMR and MRI, NMR cryoporometry, xenon NMR, and hyperpolarization techniques based on spin exchange optical pumping (SEOP) and parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP). For more information about my research, see the website of NMR Research Unit.
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