Anglicisms and compounds in German
Morphological productivity
Data and methods
Caveats, summary, future outlook
Older anglicisms: Dschungel 'jungle', Streik 'strike'
Newer anglicisms: Discounter, 'discount store', Show 'show' (entertainment event)
Increase in use of anglicisms since the 19th century
This study: Anglicisms as elements in hyphenated German compounds
die Freizeit 'the free time' + das Angebot 'the offer' = das Freizeitangebot 'the range of free-time activities'
Sport 'sports' + Schau 'view' = die Sportschau 'the sports show' (name of a television show)
Urlaub 'holiday' + Feeling 'feeling' = das Urlaubsfeeling 'feeling of being on holiday'
Merkel-Regierung 'Merkel government', Weimar-Zeit 'Weimar era', Wtf-Momente 'Wtf moments', aus-dem-Fenster-gucken 'looking out the window'
Wach-Stube 'watch room', Wachs-Tube 'Wax tube', Ski-Freifahrttag 'Free skiing day', Skifrei-Fahrttag 'Skiless driving day' (Fleischer & Barz, 2012, p. 193)
type | freq | type_concat | freq_concat | |
0 | Euro-Zone | 3606 | Eurozone | 16196 |
1 | QR-Code | 1809 | QRcode | 14 |
2 | App-Store | 906 | Appstore | 178 |
3 | Fast-Food | 741 | Fastfood | 17 |
4 | Blog-Post | 738 | Blogpost | 12 |
5 | Open-Source | 561 | Opensource | 26 |
6 | Co-Pilot | 543 | Copilot | 24 |
7 | Web-Site | 509 | Website | 29109 |
8 | Europa-Park | 460 | Europapark | 15 |
9 | Geo-Engineering | 451 | Geoengineering | 31 |
10 | Last-Minute | 411 | Lastminute | 22 |
11 | Small-Talk | 408 | Smalltalk | 1097 |
12 | Live-Blog | 397 | Liveblog | 14 |
13 | Talk-Show | 329 | Talkshow | 11 |
14 | Think-Tank | 252 | Thinktank | 11 |
15 | High-School | 250 | Highschool | 154 |
16 | Web-Shop | 203 | Webshop | 21 |
17 | Web-Sites | 192 | Websites | 44 |
18 | Euro-Crash | 189 | Eurocrash | 25 |
19 | Euro-Land | 187 | Euroland | 664 |
20 | Web-Design | 176 | Webdesign | 30 |
21 | Counter-Strike | 176 | Counterstrike | 23 |
22 | Rock-Band | 166 | Rockband | 12 |
23 | Coffee-Shop | 163 | Coffeeshop | 27 |
24 | High-Speed | 160 | Highspeed | 29 |
25 | Johannes-Passion | 154 | Johannespassion | 11 |
26 | Junk-Food | 149 | Junkfood | 17 |
27 | Euro-Cent | 148 | Eurocent | 27 |
28 | Task-Force | 144 | Taskforce | 198 |
29 | Re-Design | 143 | Redesign | 368 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3046 | Vapor-Ware | 1 | Vaporware | 39 |
3047 | Up-Lift | 1 | Uplift | 231 |
3048 | Crowd-funding | 1 | Crowdfunding | 106 |
3049 | Dis-Taste | 1 | Distaste | 65 |
3050 | Race-Course | 1 | Racecourse | 151 |
3051 | Air-Stream | 1 | Airstream | 263 |
3052 | Prime-Test | 1 | Primetest | 12 |
3053 | Gate-Fold | 1 | Gatefold | 50 |
3054 | Jump-suits | 1 | Jumpsuits | 21 |
3055 | Non-Cooperation | 1 | Noncooperation | 22 |
3056 | Sling-shot | 1 | Slingshot | 149 |
3057 | Cuppy-Cake | 1 | Cuppycake | 43 |
3058 | bare-Metal | 1 | baremetal | 12 |
3059 | Chop-Sticks | 1 | Chopsticks | 39 |
3060 | Auto-Configuration | 1 | Autoconfiguration | 15 |
3061 | Cyber-crime | 1 | Cybercrime | 46 |
3062 | sub-Text | 1 | subtext | 10775 |
3063 | Space-time | 1 | Spacetime | 171 |
3064 | Real-Gymnasium | 1 | Realgymnasium | 37 |
3065 | Non-Adherence | 1 | Nonadherence | 13 |
3066 | Blue-Book | 1 | Bluebook | 432 |
3067 | Ice-Rocket | 1 | Icerocket | 19 |
3068 | fairy-Tale | 1 | fairytale | 9351 |
3069 | Off-Stage | 1 | Offstage | 14 |
3070 | Euro-Sport | 1 | Eurosport | 1740 |
3071 | Red-Fish | 1 | Redfish | 159 |
3072 | Weight-loss | 1 | Weightloss | 12 |
3073 | Free-Space | 1 | Freespace | 32 |
3074 | Bit-Torrent | 1 | Bittorrent | 24 |
3075 | Re-Sale | 1 | Resale | 263 |
3076 rows × 4 columns
Baayen's productivity measures, e.g.
If $V$ is a type and $N$ the size of the corpus in tokens
$\mathscr{P} = \frac{V_{N}(1,c)}{N_c}$ = Category-conditioned degree of productivity
The ratio of of hapax legomena (words that occur only once in a text or corpus) belonging to a morphological category $c$ to the total number of tokens for that morphological type
The measure has mainly been used to quantify the productivity of affixes:
$\mathscr{P}$ is high for -ness, low for -th
We consider productivity of anglicism bases in hyphenated German compounds:
Does Feeling occur in a large number of hyphenated compounds?
Urlaubs-Feeling, Speckfest-Feeling, Live-Feeling, Kino-Feeling, Karibik-Feeling, Retro-Feeling, Sommer-Feeling, Cabrio-Feeling, Blues-Feeling, WM-Feeling, Südsee-Feeling, Disco-Feeling, HD-Feeling, Open-air-Feeling, Afrika-Feeling, etc.
Feeling-Seen, Feelings-Tattoo, Feeling-Theorie, Feeling-Musik, Feeling-Natur, Feeling-Style, Feeling-Party, Feeling-Zone, Feeling-Duft, Feeling-Programm, Feelings-Reihe, Feeling-Duftöl, Feeling-Edition, Feeling-Gitarrist, Feeling-Killer, Feeling-mäßig, etc.
Family-Feeling-Attribut, Karibik-Feeling-Duft, Motorrad-Feeling-Augsburg, Soft-Feeling-Lack, Summer-Feeling-Set, Lines-aus-alten-Texten-rappen-um-wieder-die-alten-Feelings-back-zu-holen, Summer-Feeling-Duft, Tempo-Feeling-Wettbewerb, etc.
A productivity measure needs to take into account not only the ability to coin new words (i.e. hapax ratios), but also the number of types in which a constituent occurs and the total frequencies of these types (Baayen & Hay, 2002; Baayen, Lieber, & Schreuder, 1997; Baayen, Wurm & Aycock, 2007; De Jong, Schreuder & Baayen, 2000; Hay, 2001; Schreuder & Baayen, 1997)
Morphological family size: The number of distinct types in the corpus that contain a particular base
Cumulative family frequency: the aggregate sum of frequencies of all types that contain a particular base
Shannon entropy is the average amount of information, in bits, we need to represent the possible configurations of a particular base that occurs in multiple hyphenated compounds with different frequencies (Shannon, 1948)
High entropy: base tends to occur in many compounds
Low entropy: base tends to occur in fewer compounds, or with very high frequencies in one or a few types
Maximum entropy: $log_{2}n$
Let's consider the base $show$
#Left-hand-constituent hyphenated compounds in the Twitter corpus for the type "show"
lfreqs=sorted([x for y in tw_compounds[tw_compounds["word"]=="show"]["left"].values for x in y], key = lambda x:x[1], reverse = True)
[('show-down', 27), ('show-act', 23), ('show-bühne', 22), ('show-room', 16), ('show-einlage', 12), ('show-programm', 9), ('show-format', 8), ('show-idee', 8), ('show-konzept', 8), ('show-auftritt', 7), ('show-effekt', 7), ('show-event', 6), ('show-opener', 6), ('show-schaumbad', 6), ('show-veranstaltung', 6), ('show-business', 5), ('show-kochen', 5), ('show-sensation', 5), ('show-time', 5), ('show-dance', 4), ('show-küche', 4), ('show-party', 4), ('show-termin', 4), ('show-training', 4), ('show-und', 4), ('show-acts', 3), ('show-auftritte', 3), ('show-band', 3), ('show-biz', 3), ('show-cooking', 3), ('show-director', 3), ('show-gipfel', 3), ('show-highlights', 3), ('show-kampf', 3), ('show-konkurrenz', 3), ('show-moderator', 3), ('show-off', 3), ('show-praktikant', 3), ('show-premiere', 3), ('show-prozess', 3), ('show-reel', 3), ('show-stopper', 3), ('show-susi', 3), ('show-tag', 3), ('show-termine', 3), ('show-unterhaltung', 3), ('show-verbot', 3), ('show-woche', 3), ('show-übernachtungs-package', 3), ('show-abend', 2), ('show-aufgüssen', 2), ('show-auftakt', 2), ('show-aufzeichnung', 2), ('show-backen', 2), ('show-cases', 2), ('show-charakter', 2), ('show-cocktailbar', 2), ('show-comeback', 2), ('show-day', 2), ('show-dino', 2), ('show-direktor', 2), ('show-einlagen', 2), ('show-ende', 2), ('show-erlebnis', 2), ('show-express', 2), ('show-feind', 2), ('show-finale', 2), ('show-folgen', 2), ('show-giganten', 2), ('show-girls', 2), ('show-glams', 2), ('show-inszenierung', 2), ('show-kandidaten', 2), ('show-legende', 2), ('show-man', 2), ('show-match', 2), ('show-mäßig', 2), ('show-notes', 2), ('show-preise', 2), ('show-präsidenten', 2), ('show-rekord', 2), ('show-specials', 2), ('show-talente', 2), ('show-tanz', 2), ('show-team', 2), ('show-tour', 2), ('show-truck', 2), ('show-truppe', 2), ('show-unterbrechung', 2), ('show-welt', 2), ('show-zeiten', 2), ('show-zirkus', 2), ('show-abbruch', 1), ('show-abschluss', 1), ('show-act-präsentation', 1), ('show-alpinismus', 1), ('show-alternative', 1), ('show-and-tell', 1), ('show-angebote', 1), ('show-ankündigung', 1), ('show-anteil', 1), ('show-apps', 1), ('show-archiv', 1), ('show-assi', 1), ('show-aus', 1), ('show-ausstieg', 1), ('show-autos', 1), ('show-außenreporter', 1), ('show-azubi', 1), ('show-ballett', 1), ('show-balletts', 1), ('show-band-prognose', 1), ('show-beginn', 1), ('show-beschreibung', 1), ('show-bestätigung', 1), ('show-besuch', 1), ('show-bilder', 1), ('show-blöcken', 1), ('show-boot', 1), ('show-branche', 1), ('show-buch', 1), ('show-buiness', 1), ('show-bühnen', 1), ('show-büro', 1), ('show-car', 1), ('show-cars', 1), ('show-case', 1), ('show-chance', 1), ('show-christen', 1), ('show-clown', 1), ('show-cocktail', 1), ('show-coden', 1), ('show-comedian', 1), ('show-contact', 1), ('show-contest', 1), ('show-darbietungen', 1), ('show-das', 1), ('show-depeche', 1), ('show-der', 1), ('show-design', 1), ('show-details', 1), ('show-doppler', 1), ('show-dreikampf', 1), ('show-duell', 1), ('show-effekt-diagramme', 1), ('show-effekte', 1), ('show-effekten', 1), ('show-einsatz', 1), ('show-eklat', 1), ('show-elementen', 1), ('show-ensemble', 1), ('show-erfahrung', 1), ('show-erfolgen', 1), ('show-erinnerungen', 1), ('show-eröffnung', 1), ('show-events', 1), ('show-experimente', 1), ('show-fabrik', 1), ('show-fahrer', 1), ('show-faktor', 1), ('show-fans', 1), ('show-feature', 1), ('show-feier', 1), ('show-feuerwerk', 1), ('show-film', 1), ('show-flat', 1), ('show-flieger', 1), ('show-flop', 1), ('show-flächen', 1), ('show-folge', 1), ('show-formaten', 1), ('show-freistöße', 1), ('show-frisör', 1), ('show-fälscher', 1), ('show-gast', 1), ('show-gedöns', 1), ('show-gefangenen', 1), ('show-gehversuche', 1), ('show-gelaber', 1), ('show-gen', 1), ('show-geschichte', 1), ('show-geschäft', 1), ('show-geschäfts', 1), ('show-gesicht', 1), ('show-gewinner', 1), ('show-gott', 1), ('show-grillen', 1), ('show-größen', 1), ('show-gute', 1), ('show-gutschein', 1), ('show-gäste', 1), ('show-hahnenkämpfe', 1), ('show-haus', 1), ('show-heimspiel', 1), ('show-hemd', 1), ('show-highlight', 1), ('show-himmel', 1), ('show-host', 1), ('show-hypnose', 1), ('show-hypnotiseure', 1), ('show-hölle', 1), ('show-ich', 1), ('show-ideen', 1), ('show-inspiration', 1), ('show-installation', 1), ('show-justiz', 1), ('show-kacke', 1), ('show-kalauer', 1), ('show-kanäle', 1), ('show-karriere', 1), ('show-keeper', 1), ('show-kein', 1), ('show-kellner', 1), ('show-kenner', 1), ('show-klassiker', 1), ('show-klassikers', 1), ('show-kniffs', 1), ('show-kollaboratio', 1), ('show-kollegin', 1), ('show-kommentator', 1), ('show-kommerz-quatsch', 1), ('show-kompetenz', 1), ('show-kontrolle', 1), ('show-konzepte', 1), ('show-konzert', 1), ('show-krieg', 1), ('show-kulturkritik', 1), ('show-könig', 1), ('show-licht', 1), ('show-liga', 1), ('show-logos', 1), ('show-machen', 1), ('show-macher', 1), ('show-man-qualitäten', 1), ('show-marathon', 1), ('show-master', 1), ('show-matches', 1), ('show-men', 1), ('show-messer', 1), ('show-metzgerei', 1), ('show-metzgete', 1), ('show-missing', 1), ('show-mixen', 1), ('show-mobil', 1), ('show-mode', 1), ('show-moderatoren', 1), ('show-mohrenkönig-augsburg', 1), ('show-moment', 1), ('show-name', 1), ('show-namen', 1), ('show-nebel', 1), ('show-nur', 1), ('show-oberpraktikanten', 1), ('show-objekten', 1), ('show-offen', 1), ('show-offensive', 1), ('show-offs', 1), ('show-opening', 1), ('show-outfit', 1), ('show-overkill', 1), ('show-pad', 1), ('show-parkett', 1), ('show-pausen', 1), ('show-performance', 1), ('show-pferd', 1), ('show-phrasen', 1), ('show-piano', 1), ('show-pic', 1), ('show-piece', 1), ('show-playlist', 1), ('show-preis-irgendwas-geschäft', 1), ('show-preview', 1), ('show-prinzip', 1), ('show-proben', 1), ('show-produktion', 1), ('show-profi', 1), ('show-profil', 1), ('show-proze', 1), ('show-publikum', 1), ('show-quickie', 1), ('show-quiz', 1), ('show-rate', 1), ('show-razzia', 1), ('show-recherche', 1), ('show-redakteur', 1), ('show-redakteure', 1), ('show-redaktion', 1), ('show-reihe', 1), ('show-relaunch', 1), ('show-report', 1), ('show-reporterin', 1), ('show-revue', 1), ('show-rider', 1), ('show-roboter', 1), ('show-rooms', 1), ('show-routinier', 1), ('show-runnerin', 1), ('show-röstung', 1), ('show-s', 1), ('show-saison', 1), ('show-salon', 1), ('show-satz', 1), ('show-scheiss', 1), ('show-schlaf', 1), ('show-shootings', 1), ('show-skandal', 1), ('show-slot', 1), ('show-solo', 1), ('show-sommer', 1), ('show-song', 1), ('show-songs', 1), ('show-special', 1), ('show-spektakel', 1), ('show-spiel', 1), ('show-sponsors', 1), ('show-sports', 1), ('show-staffel', 1), ('show-start', 1), ('show-steheln', 1), ('show-sternchen', 1), ('show-steuerung', 1), ('show-stunden', 1), ('show-stärke', 1), ('show-suppe', 1), ('show-sus', 1), ('show-talent', 1), ('show-talk', 1), ('show-taschen', 1), ('show-tassen', 1), ('show-teil', 1), ('show-terminen', 1), ('show-tester', 1), ('show-texte', 1), ('show-ticker', 1), ('show-tiere', 1), ('show-time-programm', 1), ('show-tipp', 1), ('show-titanen', 1), ('show-tournee', 1), ('show-trailer', 1), ('show-treppe', 1), ('show-trick', 1), ('show-tunnel', 1), ('show-turnier', 1), ('show-turnieren', 1), ('show-tv-debatte', 1), ('show-typen', 1), ('show-unglück', 1), ('show-unterricht', 1), ('show-urgesteins', 1), ('show-veransta', 1), ('show-version', 1), ('show-versionen', 1), ('show-view', 1), ('show-view-programmierung', 1), ('show-voice', 1), ('show-vortrag', 1), ('show-wahlkampfabschluss', 1), ('show-wahlkreis', 1), ('show-wahnsinn', 1), ('show-wette', 1), ('show-wetter', 1), ('show-wiederholungen', 1), ('show-wintersportereignis', 1), ('show-wochenende', 1), ('show-yo', 1), ('show-zeitungsständer', 1), ('show-zwecke', 1), ('show-zweikampf', 1), ('show-übernachtungs-gutschein', 1), ('show-überraschung', 1), ('show-übersicht', 1), ('shows-musik-sport', 1), ('shows-sensation', 1)]
#Internal-constituent hyphenated compounds in the Twitter corpus for the type "show"
ifreqs=sorted([x for y in tw_compounds[tw_compounds["word"]=="show"]["intern"].values for x in y], key = lambda x:x[1], reverse = True)
[('after-show-party', 122), ('no-show-rate', 14), ('satire-show-talk', 4), ('best-of-show-award', 3), ('no-show-quote', 3), ('pre-show-party', 3), ('after-show-dinner', 2), ('after-show-movie', 2), ('after-show-parties', 2), ('after-show-partys', 2), ('csd-after-show-party', 2), ('heute-show-battle', 2), ('heute-show-vom', 2), ('no-show-gebühr', 2), ('off-show-termin', 2), ('reality-show-star', 2), ('rock-show-produktion', 2), ('silvester-show-gala', 2), ('slide-show-standup', 2), ('talk-show-auftritte', 2), ('youtube-show-tag', 2), ('af-ter-show-par-tyyyyy', 1), ('afder-show-party', 1), ('after-show-bier', 1), ('after-show-bierchen', 1), ('after-show-deutschrock-party', 1), ('after-show-drink', 1), ('after-show-drinks', 1), ('after-show-event', 1), ('after-show-frühstück', 1), ('after-show-gespräche', 1), ('after-show-interview', 1), ('after-show-kuchen', 1), ('after-show-lounge', 1), ('after-show-parteitag', 1), ('after-show-sendungskritik', 1), ('after-show-session', 1), ('after-show-talk', 1), ('after-show-video', 1), ('armory-show-messebericht', 1), ('award-show-kino', 1), ('big-show-comeback', 1), ('big-show-spaß', 1), ('bismarck-after-show-party', 1), ('bundesliga-show-m', 1), ('bus-live-show-nacht', 1), ('casting-show-finales', 1), ('casting-show-idee', 1), ('casting-show-kandidaten', 1), ('casting-show-settings', 1), ('casting-show-sieger', 1), ('casting-show-verhältnisse', 1), ('casting-show-zweite', 1), ('daily-show-korrespondentensegment', 1), ('dating-show-trauma', 1), ('doppel-transen-show-dirigieren', 1), ('downloade-alle-folgen-regular-show-von-kisscartoons', 1), ('ego-show-num', 1), ('fashion-show-hauptstadt', 1), ('fernseh-show-moderation', 1), ('fischer-after-show-party', 1), ('football-show-dings', 1), ('game-show-moderator-darsteller', 1), ('ge-slam-show-t', 1), ('harald-schmidt-show-ausgaben', 1), ('haupt-show-act', 1), ('heute-show-ausschnitt', 1), ('heute-show-beitrag', 1), ('heute-show-fanshop', 1), ('heute-show-haut', 1), ('heute-show-moderator', 1), ('heute-show-mäßiges', 1), ('heute-show-namensschild', 1), ('heute-show-plakat', 1), ('heute-show-praktikant', 1), ('heute-show-praktikantin', 1), ('heute-show-reporter', 1), ('heute-show-star', 1), ('heute-show-studio', 1), ('heute-show-teams', 1), ('heute-show-voice', 1), ('heute-show-witzen', 1), ('karaoke-show-moderation', 1), ('kasper-show-trailer', 1), ('klitschko-show-spektakel', 1), ('koch-show-wahnsinn', 1), ('kuppel-show-kandidatin', 1), ('kuppel-show-verbot', 1), ('late-night-show-ding', 1), ('late-night-show-redaktionen', 1), ('late-show-regel', 1), ('late-show-versuche', 1), ('latenight-show-job', 1), ('liga-show-veranstaltung', 1), ('live-show-entertainment', 1), ('live-show-schriftsteller', 1), ('live-show-schuh', 1), ('mach-show-konzept', 1), ('mini-playback-show-gewinner', 1), ('mini-playback-show-karte', 1), ('mini-playback-show-moderatorin', 1), ('mini-playback-show-teilnehmer', 1), ('mini-playback-show-tür', 1), ('morning-show-leute', 1), ('no-show-gebühren', 1), ('no-show-liste', 1), ('no-show-passagier', 1), ('no-show-problematik', 1), ('no-show-rates', 1), ('off-show-tag', 1), ('one-man-show-argument', 1), ('one-man-show-rpg', 1), ('one-man-show-videos', 1), ('one-show-interactive-jury', 1), ('peep-show-stange', 1), ('percussion-show-klassiker', 1), ('pod-casting-show-produzent', 1), ('polit-show-bühne-berlin', 1), ('polit-show-konzept', 1), ('polit-show-typen', 1), ('pop-show-sexismus', 1), ('post-show-bier-degustier-stream', 1), ('pre-show-backstage-office', 1), ('pre-show-partys', 1), ('pre-show-stream', 1), ('pre-show-videos', 1), ('quiz-show-geständnis', 1), ('radio-show-konzept', 1), ('reality-show-hintergrundmusik', 1), ('reality-show-stammseher', 1), ('reality-show-teilnehmer', 1), ('reality-show-teleshopping-nachgeschmack', 1), ('rock-show-production', 1), ('rocky-horror-picture-show-outfits', 1), ('rocky-horror-picture-show-song', 1), ('samstag-abend-show-moderatoren-urgesteine', 1), ('sommer-show-wochen', 1), ('sommer-sonnen-samstags-show-spaß', 1), ('special-show-act', 1), ('start-up-show-tweets', 1), ('super-show-format', 1), ('talk-show-auftritt', 1), ('talk-show-gast', 1), ('talk-show-junkie', 1), ('talk-show-marathon', 1), ('talk-show-pause', 1), ('talk-show-rubrik', 1), ('talk-show-runde', 1), ('talk-show-szene', 1), ('talk-show-teilnahme', 1), ('talk-show-tingler', 1), ('tellonym-show-offs', 1), ('tonight-show-rubrik', 1), ('trash-show-revival', 1), ('trueman-show-like', 1), ('truman-show-momente', 1), ('tv-show-entscheidungen', 1), ('tv-show-episoden', 1), ('tv-show-kandidatin', 1), ('tv-show-pitch', 1), ('tv-show-produkte', 1), ('tv-show-setup', 1), ('tv-show-teilnehmer', 1), ('tv-show-tracker', 1), ('tv-show-urgestein', 1), ('uberspace-show-quota', 1), ('uhr-promi-game-show-liga', 1), ('videodays-after-show-party', 1), ('weihnachts-show-tour', 1), ('wong-show-special', 1), ('wunsch-show-stunden', 1), ('youtube-late-show-routine', 1), ('youtube-show-interview', 1), ('zirkus-show-pferd', 1)]
#Right-hand-constituent hyphenated compounds in the Twitter corpus for the type "show"
rfreqs=sorted([x for y in tw_compounds[tw_compounds["word"]=="show"]["right"].values for x in y], key = lambda x:x[1], reverse = True)
[('heute-show', 730), ('tv-show', 338), ('youtube-show', 231), ('live-show', 215), ('pre-show', 113), ('one-man-show', 112), ('tv-shows', 97), ('late-night-show', 64), ('casting-show', 61), ('live-shows', 60), ('comedy-show', 58), ('rtl-show', 55), ('talk-show', 44), ('after-show', 43), ('halbzeit-show', 41), ('dia-show', 40), ('halftime-show', 40), ('zdf-show', 40), ('reality-show', 39), ('muppet-show', 37), ('casting-shows', 35), ('pr-show', 34), ('talk-shows', 32), ('fashion-show', 31), ('no-shows', 31), ('morning-show', 30), ('koch-show', 27), ('helene-fischer-show', 26), ('quiz-show', 26), ('radio-show', 26), ('dinner-show', 24), ('no-show', 24), ('satire-show', 23), ('samstagabend-show', 21), ('maschmeyer-show', 20), ('mini-playback-show', 20), ('moin-show', 20), ('pyro-show', 19), ('berlin-show', 18), ('freak-show', 18), ('multimedia-show', 18), ('stuggi-show', 18), ('dj-show', 17), ('horror-show', 17), ('multivisions-show', 17), ('truman-show', 17), ('ard-show', 16), ('die-aktuelle-heute-show', 16), ('fischer-show', 16), ('heise-show', 16), ('mega-show', 16), ('brieflos-show', 15), ('call-in-show', 15), ('impro-show', 15), ('olympia-show', 15), ('solo-show', 15), ('award-show', 14), ('dating-show', 14), ('mario-barth-show', 14), ('one-woman-show', 14), ('varieté-show', 14), ('auto-show', 13), ('award-shows', 13), ('chart-show', 13), ('ego-show', 13), ('koch-shows', 13), ('news-show', 13), ('primetime-show', 13), ('harald-schmidt-show', 12), ('kult-show', 12), ('abschluss-show', 11), ('deutschland-show', 11), ('entscheidungs-show', 11), ('muppets-show', 11), ('pre-game-show', 11), ('prosieben-show', 11), ('reality-shows', 11), ('trump-show', 11), ('burlesque-show', 10), ('fernseh-show', 10), ('gründer-show', 10), ('jubiläums-show', 10), ('messi-show', 10), ('reality-tv-show', 10), ('release-show', 10), ('tdc-show', 10), ('us-show', 10), ('apple-show', 9), ('ein-mann-show', 9), ('freestyle-show', 9), ('game-show', 9), ('kommentare-kommentier-show', 9), ('podcast-show', 9), ('polit-show', 9), ('propaganda-show', 9), ('retro-show', 9), ('rtl-shows', 9), ('samwer-show', 9), ('start-up-show', 9), ('vox-show', 9), ('weihnachts-show', 9), ('dating-shows', 8), ('karaoke-show', 8), ('laser-show', 8), ('mode-show', 8), ('monster-truck-show', 8), ('raab-show', 8), ('ranking-shows', 8), ('seelöwen-show', 8), ('silvester-show', 8), ('kickoff-show', 7), ('knoff-hoff-show', 7), ('light-show', 7), ('model-show', 7), ('pazvanti-show', 7), ('satire-shows', 7), ('startup-show', 7), ('technik-show', 7), ('wahlkampf-show', 7), ('bundesliga-show', 6), ('carpet-show', 6), ('club-shows', 6), ('comedy-shows', 6), ('countdown-show', 6), ('esc-show', 6), ('feuer-show', 6), ('gratis-show', 6), ('half-time-show', 6), ('härtsplatt-show', 6), ('ice-show', 6), ('lese-show', 6), ('licht-show', 6), ('matchday-show', 6), ('oscar-show', 6), ('red-carpet-show', 6), ('schmidt-show', 6), ('silbereisen-show', 6), ('super-show', 6), ('tanz-show', 6), ('vorher-nachher-show', 6), ('wahl-show', 6), ('wuki-show', 6), ('zuckerberg-show', 6), ('abba-show', 5), ('behindert-show', 5), ('bolt-show', 5), ('em-show', 5), ('fake-show', 5), ('hammer-show', 5), ('highlight-show', 5), ('hypnose-show', 5), ('ich-show', 5), ('jass-show', 5), ('kb-show', 5), ('latenight-show', 5), ('lindner-show', 5), ('mark-show', 5), ('morgen-show', 5), ('motivations-show', 5), ('night-show', 5), ('opening-show', 5), ('orf-show', 5), ('peep-show', 5), ('personality-show', 5), ('post-show', 5), ('prime-time-show', 5), ('promi-show', 5), ('quest-show', 5), ('slam-show', 5), ('top-show', 5), ('trampolin-show', 5), ('trash-show', 5), ('wahnsinns-show', 5), ('warm-up-show', 5), ('wdr-show', 5), ('wiwaldi-show', 5), ('wrestling-show', 5), ('abig-show', 4), ('akustik-show', 4), ('album-shows', 4), ('beatles-show', 4), ('bikini-show', 4), ('bookclub-show', 4), ('böhmermann-show', 4), ('comeback-show', 4), ('deutschland-shows', 4), ('dia-shows', 4), ('drei-länder-show', 4), ('elvis-show', 4), ('flug-show', 4), ('game-shows', 4), ('gaming-show', 4), ('geburtstags-show', 4), ('geo-show', 4), ('gop-show', 4), ('hamburg-show', 4), ('hip-hop-show', 4), ('hz-show', 4), ('kappa-show', 4), ('las-vegas-show', 4), ('late-night-shows', 4), ('mawev-show', 4), ('musik-show', 4), ('neuheiten-show', 4), ('ng-show', 4), ('obama-show', 4), ('oldtimer-show', 4), ('online-show', 4), ('open-air-shows', 4), ('pferde-show', 4), ('piep-show', 4), ('playback-show', 4), ('pocher-show', 4), ('politik-show', 4), ('ps-gala-show', 4), ('punkrock-show', 4), ('puppen-impro-show', 4), ('putin-show', 4), ('ranking-show', 4), ('revue-show', 4), ('samstagabend-shows', 4), ('sketch-show', 4), ('solarcar-show', 4), ('stand-up-show', 4), ('sternennacht-show', 4), ('stunt-show', 4), ('travestie-show', 4), ('tribute-show', 4), ('tv-karaoke-show', 4), ('twitter-show', 4), ('web-show', 4), ('action-show', 3), ('adriana-del-rossi-show', 3), ('air-show', 3), ('album-release-show', 3), ('an-show', 3), ('aussichten-show', 3), ('back-shows', 3), ('begeisterungs-show', 3), ('betten-show', 3), ('bisschenhorror-show', 3), ('bühnen-show', 3), ('call-in-shows', 3), ('catwalk-show', 3), ('ceylan-show', 3), ('chemie-show', 3), ('club-show', 3), ('doppelgänger-show', 3), ('echo-show', 3), ('esc-shows', 3), ('eurovision-show', 3), ('facebook-show', 3), ('feuerwerk-show', 3), ('fil-show', 3), ('final-show', 3), ('flirt-show', 3), ('foto-show', 3), ('free-show', 3), ('fußball-show', 3), ('gala-show', 3), ('gong-show', 3), ('gottschalk-show', 3), ('headliner-show', 3), ('headliner-shows', 3), ('hiphop-show', 3), ('honey-show', 3), ('ii-show', 3), ('iphone-show', 3), ('jamaika-show', 3), ('karlich-show', 3), ('klimarettungs-show', 3), ('krokodil-show', 3), ('kruse-show', 3), ('kuppel-show', 3), ('kuppel-shows', 3), ('köln-show', 3), ('lammfell-show', 3), ('lanz-show', 3), ('led-show', 3), ('leistungs-show', 3), ('lieblings-show', 3), ('life-show', 3), ('mitternachts-show', 3), ('mo-show', 3), ('motorrad-shows', 3), ('musical-show', 3), ('musik-shows', 3), ('nordkorea-show', 3), ('off-shows', 3), ('one-artist-show', 3), ('one-man-shows', 3), ('orca-show', 3), ('pannen-show', 3), ('pep-show', 3), ('ps-show', 3), ('rammstein-tribute-show', 3), ('rhythmik-show', 3), ('road-show', 3), ('robben-show', 3), ('rockstar-show', 3), ('ronaldo-show', 3), ('ros-show', 3), ('ryf-show', 3), ('samstag-abend-show', 3), ('schmidt-karaoke-show', 3), ('scripted-reality-shows', 3), ('selfmade-show', 3), ('single-show', 3), ('skl-show', 3), ('slide-show', 3), ('solo-shows', 3), ('sport-comedy-show', 3), ('strip-show', 3), ('strip-shows', 3), ('teleshopping-show', 3), ('tor-show', 3), ('trash-shows', 3), ('truck-show', 3), ('unplugged-show', 3), ('update-show', 3), ('us-late-night-show', 3), ('us-shows', 3), ('vdp-leistungs-show', 3), ('vegas-show', 3), ('vpt-show', 3), ('vr-show', 3), ('witze-show', 3), ('xxl-show', 3), ('xxx-show', 3), ('zauber-show', 3), ('überrauschungs-show', 3), ('acoustic-show', 2), ('acoustic-shows', 2), ('adam-riese-show', 2), ('air-shows', 2), ('akrobatik-show', 2), ('amazon-show', 2), ('aqua-show', 2), ('ard-propaganda-show', 2), ('arena-show', 2), ('audio-slide-shows', 2), ('auslosungs-show', 2), ('auto-shows', 2), ('back-show', 2), ('baller-show', 2), ('balmain-show', 2), ('battle-show', 2), ('bayern-show', 2), ('beauty-show', 2), ('bellrays-show', 2), ('benefiz-show', 2), ('berlin-shows', 2), ('best-of-show', 2), ('bilder-show', 2), ('bingo-show', 2), ('bluebox-show', 2), ('bollywood-show', 2), ('breakdance-show', 2), ('bundeswehr-reality-show', 2), ('bunny-show', 2), ('chanel-show', 2), ('chanell-devero-show', 2), ('chart-shows', 2), ('circus-show', 2), ('clown-show', 2), ('clueso-show', 2), ('coaching-doku-show', 2), ('container-show', 2), ('custombike-show', 2), ('dance-show', 2), ('delphin-show', 2), ('design-show', 2), ('dessous-show', 2), ('deutschrap-show', 2), ('dia-multi-visions-show', 2), ('die-show', 2), ('dino-show', 2), ('dj-shows', 2), ('dreyer-show', 2), ('drift-show', 2), ('drohnen-show', 2), ('dunking-show', 2), ('duo-show', 2), ('ein-frau-show', 2), ('einmann-show', 2), ('eis-show', 2), ('ejakulator-show', 2), ('elmi-radio-show', 2), ('erdogan-show', 2), ('europa-shows', 2), ('family-show', 2), ('fashion-shows', 2), ('fernseh-shows', 2), ('festival-show', 2), ('festival-shows', 2), ('flamenco-show', 2), ('fnord-news-show', 2), ('fnord-show', 2), ('folklore-show', 2), ('football-show', 2), ('gesundheits-show', 2), ('gif-show', 2), ('glitzer-show', 2), ('greifvogel-show', 2), ('grill-show', 2), ('groko-show', 2), ('hair-show', 2), ('hans-jessen-show', 2), ('hardcore-show', 2), ('hardcore-shows', 2), ('headline-show', 2), ('heidi-klum-show', 2), ('helene-fischer-shows', 2), ('helene-show', 2), ('herzblatt-show', 2), ('holografie-show', 2), ('home-makeover-show', 2), ('hr-show', 2), ('impro-langformat-show', 2), ('impro-shows', 2), ('indie-show', 2), ('instagram-show', 2), ('internet-show', 2), ('interview-show', 2), ('it-show', 2), ('killerwal-show', 2), ('klopp-show', 2), ('klubbing-show', 2), ('klum-show', 2), ('koch-late-night-show', 2), ('krimi-show', 2), ('landgren-shows', 2), ('late-show', 2), ('latenight-shows', 2), ('lecture-show', 2), ('leo-show', 2), ('letterman-show', 2), ('literatur-show', 2), ('live-talk-show', 2), ('luther-show', 2), ('lämmer-show', 2), ('lügendetektor-show', 2), ('macron-show', 2), ('magie-show', 2), ('mallorca-show', 2), ('man-show', 2), ('mann-show', 2), ('marketing-show', 2), ('maus-show', 2), ('mcfly-show', 2), ('mdr-osterfeuer-show', 2), ('mdr-show', 2), ('media-casting-show', 2), ('microsoft-show', 2), ('miniplayback-show', 2), ('minuten-show', 2), ('mockridge-show', 2), ('motto-shows', 2), ('multimedia-shows', 2), ('music-show', 2), ('musik-comedy-show', 2), ('mystery-show', 2), ('müller-show', 2), ('münchen-show', 2), ('nacht-show', 2), ('nackt-selfi-show', 2), ('nackt-show', 2), ('nazi-show', 2), ('nerd-show', 2), ('netflix-show', 2), ('netflix-shows', 2), ('nikolaus-show', 2), ('november-show', 2), ('off-show', 2), ('one-ei-show', 2), ('one-women-show', 2), ('open-air-release-show', 2), ('open-air-show', 2), ('oppong-show', 2), ('orchester-show', 2), ('panel-show', 2), ('panzer-show', 2), ('park-show', 2), ('peer-show', 2), ('pimmel-show', 2), ('playmobil-show', 2), ('poledance-show', 2), ('polizei-show', 2), ('pop-show', 2), ('populismus-show', 2), ('power-show', 2), ('pre-game-shows', 2), ('pre-shows', 2), ('pregame-show', 2), ('proberaum-show', 2), ('promo-show', 2), ('ptv-show', 2), ('raab-shows', 2), ('rate-show', 2), ('reality-tv-shows', 2), ('reunion-show', 2), ('revival-show', 2), ('robot-show', 2), ('rocko-schamoni-show', 2), ('rocky-horror-show', 2), ('rollstuhltanzsport-show', 2), ('rossi-show', 2), ('runway-show', 2), ('samstag-abend-shows', 2), ('sauf-show', 2), ('scheinwerfer-show', 2), ('schungs-show', 2), ('science-show', 2), ('seehofer-show', 2), ('sex-show', 2), ('shit-show', 2), ('signatur-show', 2), ('ski-show', 2), ('slide-shows', 2), ('soli-show', 2), ('solidaritäts-show', 2), ('sommer-show', 2), ('spiel-show', 2), ('sport-shows', 2), ('standup-show', 2), ('star-show', 2), ('striptease-shows', 2), ('support-show', 2), ('support-shows', 2), ('tabaluga-show', 2), ('talent-show', 2), ('tech-show', 2), ('tegel-show', 2), ('theater-show', 2), ('theater-talk-show', 2), ('themen-show', 2), ('tischtennis-show', 2), ('tivoli-show', 2), ('trailer-show', 2), ('trödel-show', 2), ('tuning-show', 2), ('tv-casting-shows', 2), ('tv-flirt-show', 2), ('uk-shows', 2), ('urwahl-casting-show', 2), ('varité-show', 2), ('verarsche-show', 2), ('verkaufs-show', 2), ('video-show', 2), ('video-shows', 2), ('videospiel-show', 2), ('vier-tore-show', 2), ('warm-up-shows', 2), ('warmup-show', 2), ('warmup-shows', 2), ('wein-show', 2), ('wien-show', 2), ('wintergarten-show', 2), ('wissens-show', 2), ('wissenschafts-show', 2), ('wm-show', 2), ('wochenend-show', 2), ('wohlfühl-show', 2), ('wüsten-show', 2), ('xmas-show', 2), ('yt-show', 2), ('überraschungs-show', 2), ('abba-tribute-show', 1), ('abdollahi-late-night-show', 1), ('abschiebe-show', 1), ('abschieds-show', 1), ('abschluss-shows', 1), ('abstimmungs-show', 1), ('ac-show', 1), ('aci-icehouse-show', 1), ('ackern-show', 1), ('action-reality-show', 1), ('adele-show', 1), ('adoptions-show', 1), ('advent-show', 1), ('advents-show', 1), ('afd-propaganda-show', 1), ('affen-show', 1), ('afrika-show', 1), ('after-shows', 1), ('akani-show', 1), ('akkustik-show', 1), ('akrobatik-zirkus-oldtime-jazz-show', 1), ('album-show', 1), ('alk-talk-show', 1), ('all-male-show', 1), ('alpaka-show', 1), ('amazon-auto-show', 1), ('amy-show', 1), ('anal-show', 1), ('android-show', 1), ('animations-tv-show', 1), ('anna-netrebko-show', 1), ('anschluss-shows', 1), ('anti-europa-cameron-show', 1), ('anti-trump-show', 1), ('antwerp-fashion-show', 1), ('apassionata-show', 1), ('apfel-show', 1), ('apologeten-reinwaschungs-anbiederungs-show', 1), ('apple-late-night-show', 1), ('araber-show', 1), ('ard-talk-shows', 1), ('ard-tv-show', 1), ('ard-vorabend-show', 1), ('arena-shows', 1), ('arenen-shows', 1), ('armory-show', 1), ('artus-show', 1), ('aschermittwochs-show', 1), ('askgaryvee-show', 1), ('assi-tv-shows', 1), ('atv-show', 1), ('audio-show', 1), ('audio-shows', 1), ('audiovision-show', 1), ('austriasnexttopleader-show', 1), ('auswanderer-trash-shows', 1), ('auto-ad-shows', 1), ('auto-angeber-prollo-show', 1), ('auto-horror-show', 1), ('awards-show', 1), ('awesome-coldmirror-show', 1), ('ayurveda-koch-show', 1), ('azad-show', 1), ('badewannen-show', 1), ('baku-show', 1), ('balder-show', 1), ('balder-shows', 1), ('balkon-show', 1), ('ballet-show', 1), ('ballett-show', 1), ('band-show', 1), ('bang-die-josy-show', 1), ('bar-show', 1), ('barbara-karlich-show', 1), ('barca-show', 1), ('barney-show', 1), ('barry-show', 1), ('barth-show', 1), ('bashing-show', 1), ('basler-show', 1), ('basquiat-show', 1), ('bastian-show', 1), ('batman-shows', 1), ('batschkapp-show', 1), ('batshuayi-show', 1), ('battle-shows', 1), ('bbc-show', 1), ('beatbox-show', 1), ('beauty-shows', 1), ('beckmann-show', 1), ('beginner-show', 1), ('benefiz-dinner-show', 1), ('bengalo-show', 1), ('benny-hill-show', 1), ('berlinale-show', 1), ('berry-show', 1), ('berufs-show', 1), ('best-practice-show', 1), ('besten-esc-momente-show', 1), ('betrunkenen-show', 1), ('bett-show', 1), ('bewerbungs-show', 1), ('beyaz-show', 1), ('bibi-und-tina-show', 1), ('bierzelt-show', 1), ('bierzelt-shows', 1), ('big-shows', 1), ('bigalke-show', 1), ('biggar-show', 1), ('bike-shows', 1), ('biker-show', 1), ('bild-dschungel-show', 1), ('billen-show', 1), ('billig-wiederholungs-show', 1), ('bingo-live-show', 1), ('björk-show', 1), ('blab-show', 1), ('blackface-shows', 1), ('blackhat-show', 1), ('blitz-show', 1), ('blockbuster-shows', 1), ('blogger-runway-show', 1), ('blödel-show', 1), ('bmt-radio-show', 1), ('bmx-show', 1), ('bombi-show', 1), ('bonaparte-show', 1), ('bonus-show', 1), ('book-a-lindner-show', 1), ('book-show', 1), ('boring-show', 1), ('boris-show', 1), ('bosshoss-show', 1), ('boy-burlesque-show', 1), ('boyleske-show', 1), ('br-show', 1), ('brainpool-show', 1), ('brandschutz-show', 1), ('brautmoden-show', 1), ('breakfast-show', 1), ('breakmx-show', 1), ('brick-show', 1), ('britten-show', 1), ('broadcasting-gesprächs-shows', 1), ('broadway-show', 1), ('broadway-shows', 1), ('brock-osweiler-show', 1), ('brontosaurus-show', 1), ('bröhmann-show', 1), ('brüssel-show', 1), ('bubbel-haifisch-show', 1), ('buddy-holly-show', 1), ('buehnen-show', 1), ('bunga-bunga-show', 1), ('buzzfeed-show', 1), ('buzzindex-show', 1), ('bäppi-show', 1), ('bücherclub-show', 1), ('bühne-show', 1), ('bühnen-live-show', 1), ('büro-quiz-show', 1), ('ca-sting-show', 1), ('cabuwazi-show', 1), ('candy-crush-tv-show', 1), ('cardioentertainment-show', 1), ('carmen-nebel-show', 1), ('carmen-nebel-shows', 1), ('casper-shows', 1), ('castings-show', 1), ('catsing-show', 1), ('catwalk-shows', 1), ('caveman-show', 1), ('cavewoman-show', 1), ('cd-promo-show', 1), ('cdu-show', 1), ('cebit-show', 1), ('celebrity-shows', 1), ('ceta-show', 1), ('challenge-show', 1), ('charlie-grünhorn-show', 1), ('charlie-sheen-show', 1), ('check-in-show', 1), ('chelsea-flower-show', 1), ('chicharito-kießling-show', 1), ('china-show', 1), ('chippendales-show', 1), ('chris-show', 1), ('christen-show', 1), ('cirkus-show', 1), ('clip-shows', 1), ('clown-shows', 1), ('clownerie-show', 1), ('clowns-show', 1), ('club-bingo-shows', 1), ('cnn-prime-time-show', 1), ('collection-show', 1), ('comedy-game-show', 1), ('comedy-hypnose-show', 1), ('comedy-impro-talk-show', 1), ('comedy-sketch-shows', 1), ('comedy-wissenshow-show', 1), ('comod-show', 1), ('container-shows', 1), ('cop-show', 1), ('cosby-show', 1), ('couchsurfing-show', 1), ('coulthard-show', 1), ('countdown-shows', 1), ('couture-show', 1), ('cowboy-show', 1), ('crew-show', 1), ('dabbur-show', 1), ('dahlien-show', 1), ('daily-reality-show', 1), ('daily-show', 1), ('daniel-aminati-fitness-show', 1), ('date-show', 1), ('daten-show', 1), ('dave-grohl-solo-show', 1), ('ddr-retro-shows', 1), ('delfin-shows', 1), ('dema-show', 1), ('demand-shows', 1), ('demo-show', 1), ('demokratie-show', 1), ('derwisch-show', 1), ('dessous-shows', 1), ('dezember-show', 1), ('dfb-pokal-halbzeit-show', 1), ('dfb-show', 1), ('dfl-show', 1), ('dia-ton-show', 1), ('didi-show', 1), ('dienstags-show', 1), ('dieter-bohlen-show', 1), ('digitalisierungs-show', 1), ('dildo-show', 1), ('dingdong-show', 1), ('dingens-show', 1), ('dinner-krimi-show', 1), ('dinner-open-air-show', 1), ('dinner-shows', 1), ('dinosaurier-show', 1), ('dirndl-show', 1), ('discjockey-show', 1), ('divertimento-show', 1), ('diy-show', 1), ('diy-shows', 1), ('doggy-show', 1), ('doku-show', 1), ('donald-show', 1), ('donald-trump-gesundheits-show', 1), ('donnerstags-show', 1), ('doom-show', 1), ('doppel-show', 1), ('dortmund-show', 1), ('downtown-show', 1), ('drag-show', 1), ('dreamliner-show', 1), ('dschungel-show', 1), ('dsds-motto-show', 1), ('duell-show', 1), ('dunham-hipster-feminismus-show', 1), ('duschgel-show', 1), ('dümmel-show', 1), ('edeka-show', 1), ('edmund-stoiber-show', 1), ('ego-shows', 1), ('egotronic-show', 1), ('einertalk-show', 1), ('einlauf-show', 1), ('einpark-show', 1), ('ekel-show', 1), ('election-show', 1), ('elektro-live-show', 1), ('elektro-radio-show', 1), ('elsner-show', 1), ('eluveitie-show', 1), ('elvis-revival-show', 1), ('emo-show', 1), ('energie-show', 1), ('energiewende-show', 1), ('energy-show', 1), ('engel-show', 1), ('england-shows', 1), ('ensemble-show', 1), ('entertainment-shows', 1), ('entscheidungs-shows', 1), ('ep-shows', 1), ('epochen-show', 1), ('ermittler-shows', 1), ('ernstings-family-fashion-catwalk-show', 1), ('erotik-show', 1), ('eröffnungs-shows', 1), ('es-show', 1), ('esc-countdown-show', 1), ('essen-motor-show', 1), ('ester-show', 1), ('eu-show', 1), ('euro-show', 1), ('europa-mitkoch-show', 1), ('europa-show', 1), ('eurovisions-show', 1), ('eva-green-show', 1), ('event-shows', 1), ('ex-show', 1), ('ex-trump-show', 1), ('exit-show', 1), ('experiment-show', 1), ('experiment-shows', 1), ('experimente-show', 1), ('expo-show', 1), ('express-tv-show', 1), ('fabulara-show', 1), ('facebook-video-shows', 1), ('faisal-kawusi-show', 1), ('falkner-show', 1), ('falknerei-show', 1), ('familien-abend-show', 1), ('familien-shows', 1), ('familienbande-show', 1), ('fantastico-show', 1), ('fantasy-tv-show', 1), ('farewell-shows', 1), ('faschings-show', 1), ('fascho-show', 1), ('fasion-show', 1), ('fast-oben-ohne-show', 1), ('fastbreak-show', 1), ('fastenbrechen-shows', 1), ('fb-live-show', 1), ('fdp-show', 1), ('feature-show', 1), ('feste-shows', 1), ('festgepoppt-shows', 1), ('fetisch-fashion-show', 1), ('fetish-show', 1), ('feuer-wasser-show', 1), ('fifa-talk-show', 1), ('final-shows', 1), ('finanz-show', 1), ('fischerleni-show', 1), ('fitzek-show', 1), ('flac-show', 1), ('flamenco-comedy-show', 1), ('flickr-show', 1), ('flop-show', 1), ('floyd-show', 1), ('folter-show', 1), ('fondue-dinner-show', 1), ('fontain-show', 1), ('foren-show', 1), ('forver-alone-show', 1), ('four-show', 1), ('fpö-show', 1), ('fpö-shows', 1), ('frag-mutti-show', 1), ('frage-antwort-show', 1), ('frank-elstner-show', 1), ('frank-schöbel-show', 1), ('frank-sinatra-show', 1), ('frankfurt-show', 1), ('frankreich-show', 1), ('frauen-latenight-show', 1), ('frauen-shows', 1), ('freaks-shows', 1), ('free-cam-show', 1), ('freeski-show', 1), ('freitag-nachmittag-show', 1), ('freitag-radio-show', 1), ('freitags-show', 1), ('freizeitpark-show', 1), ('fremdschäm-orf-show', 1), ('fremdschäm-show', 1), ('friyay-show', 1), ('frühstücks-show', 1), ('fulldome-show', 1), ('fulldome-shows', 1), ('funken-show', 1), ('fupa-show', 1), ('fussball-show', 1), ('fußball-multimedia-show', 1), ('fußball-strip-show', 1), ('föderalismus-show', 1), ('gabanna-show', 1), ('gadaffi-show', 1), ('gadget-show', 1), ('gala-shows', 1), ('gang-bang-show', 1), ('gastro-show', 1), ('gaza-jürgen-show', 1), ('gds-awards-show', 1), ('geissen-show', 1), ('geister-show', 1), ('geld-show', 1), ('genesis-show', 1), ('gentges-show', 1), ('gerd-show', 1), ('gesang-shows', 1), ('gesangs-show', 1), ('giga-show', 1), ('gina-lisa-show', 1), ('girlie-show', 1), ('girls-show', 1), ('give-a-show', 1), ('glamourotic-show', 1), ('gmk-show', 1), ('gohome-shows', 1), ('goodbey-show', 1), ('google-road-show', 1), ('google-show', 1), ('gp-show', 1), ('gr-show', 1), ('grad-show', 1), ('grappa-show', 1), ('griezmann-show', 1), ('griss-show', 1), ('group-show', 1), ('grubenlampen-show', 1), ('grundeinkommens-show', 1), ('grusel-show', 1), ('gstettenbauer-show', 1), ('guido-show', 1), ('gute-laune-show', 1), ('guttenberg-pr-show', 1), ('gysi-show', 1), ('götze-show', 1), ('hackfressen-show', 1), ('halbzeit-shows', 1), ('halbzeitpausen-show', 1), ('halftime-shows', 1), ('hallen-shows', 1), ('halloween-show', 1), ...]
show exhibits the most diversity in right-hand slots, slightly less diversity in left-hand slots, and the least diversity in word-internal slots
The total entropy for the base is 9.04
We compare entropy for a large number of anglicism bases
Source anglicism bases:
3,262 most common nouns in the British National Corpus (Kilgarriff, 1997)
10,000 most common nouns in the 9.6b-token ENCOW16ax corpus (Schäfer, 2015; Schäfer & Bildhauer, 2012)
Remove hyphenated types and types with 3 or fewer characters, convert to lower case
= 8,313 unique types
German Twitter corpus of 534m tokens (Coats, 2018)
Corpus of German WordPress blogs with 2.1b tokens (Barbaresi, 2016)
DECOW16bx corpus, a German web corpus of ~11b tokens (Schäfer, 2015; Schäfer & Bildhauer, 2012)
For each of the 8,313 bases, calculate frequencies and entropy as left-hand, internal, or right-hand constituents, as well as a total entropy score
Higher scores = more diversity of types
Lower scores = less diversity of types: the base may be more "fossilized", appearing with high frequencies in a few types (e.g. brand names, other named entities)
Which constituent base anglicism types are most frequent in hyphenated German compounds?
What can morphological diversity measures such as Shannon entropy tell us about the dynamics of anglicisms borrowed into German compounds?
left | left_typefreq | left_tokenfreq | intern | intern_typefreq | intern_tokenfreq | right | right_typefreq | right_tokenfreq | word | all | all_typefreq | all_tokenfreq | entropy | left_entropy | intern_entropy | right_entropy | |
2078 | ((video-abend, 6), (video-abgabe, 1), (video-a... | 1986 | 10464 | ((action-video-clip, 1), (album-video-snippet,... | 468 | 733 | ((aaa-videos, 1), (abba-video, 1), (abba-video... | 3825 | 18215 | video | ((video-abend, 6), (video-abgabe, 1), (video-a... | 6279 | 29412 | 8.670288 | 8.721093 | 7.977295 | 6.906846 |
7213 | ((twitter-a, 10), (twitter-abbild, 1), (twitte... | 4827 | 26360 | ((abstimmungs-twitter-filterbubbles, 1), (adle... | 555 | 653 | ((abou-chaker-twitter, 1), (afd-twitter, 2), (... | 287 | 446 | ((twitter-a, 10), (twitter-abbild, 1), (twitte... | 5669 | 27459 | 9.249835 | 8.992099 | 8.964237 | 7.576471 | |
6715 | ((facebook-a, 2), (facebook-ab, 1), (facebook-... | 3229 | 23369 | ((aal-facebook-gruppe, 1), (aber-facebook-lösc... | 317 | 379 | ((abendschau-facebook, 1), (analog-facebook, 1... | 97 | 153 | ((facebook-a, 2), (facebook-ab, 1), (facebook-... | 3643 | 23901 | 8.555522 | 8.401971 | 8.141200 | 5.977287 | |
4279 | ((team-a, 1), (team-abend, 11), (team-abendess... | 849 | 2248 | ((acommerce-team-treffen, 1), (adwords-team-in... | 190 | 282 | ((aa-team, 1), (aal-team, 1), (ab-team, 2), (a... | 5424 | 15583 | team | ((team-a, 1), (team-abend, 11), (team-abendess... | 6463 | 18113 | 11.023574 | 8.628063 | 6.899955 | 10.683781 |
6443 | ((chef-ablösung, 1), (chef-abräumer, 1), (chef... | 503 | 1112 | ((airbus-chef-tom, 1), (ar-chef-posten, 1), (a... | 56 | 91 | ((aa-chef, 4), (aare-chef, 1), (ab-in-den-urla... | 3596 | 16615 | chef | ((chef-ablösung, 1), (chef-abräumer, 1), (chef... | 4155 | 17818 | 9.876002 | 7.812489 | 4.903222 | 9.630945 |
6777 | ((news-abend, 1), (news-abfangjäger, 1), (news... | 690 | 2937 | ((ad-hoc-news-seite, 1), (agentur-news-geticke... | 371 | 628 | ((aal-news, 5), (aare-news, 1), (abschluss-new... | 1225 | 13988 | news | ((news-abend, 1), (news-abfangjäger, 1), (news... | 2286 | 17553 | 7.022636 | 6.980530 | 7.832721 | 5.910300 |
4598 | ((youtube-a, 1), (youtube-abbo, 1), (youtube-a... | 1458 | 15187 | ((anthropozän-youtube-channel, 1), (anti-is-yo... | 134 | 191 | ((absurditäts-youtube, 1), (afd-youtube, 1), (... | 51 | 57 | youtube | ((youtube-a, 1), (youtube-abbo, 1), (youtube-a... | 1643 | 15435 | 4.870839 | 4.714900 | 6.443502 | 5.609120 |
6092 | ((blog-a, 1), (blog-a-holic, 1), (blog-abc, 5)... | 797 | 5761 | ((aal-blog-beitrag, 1), (anti-blog-stimmung, 1... | 132 | 525 | ((ab-blog, 2), (aba-blog, 3), (abgeordnetenwat... | 2207 | 9110 | blog | ((blog-a, 1), (blog-a-holic, 1), (blog-abc, 5)... | 3136 | 15396 | 8.695120 | 5.782124 | 3.852587 | 8.881573 |
3367 | ((marketing-abende, 1), (marketing-abenteuern,... | 1298 | 5433 | ((affilate-marketing-videoserie, 1), (affiliat... | 687 | 1469 | ((abakus-internet-marketing, 1), (abo-marketin... | 606 | 7219 | marketing | ((marketing-abende, 1), (marketing-abenteuern,... | 2591 | 14121 | 8.018634 | 8.636450 | 8.415283 | 4.803502 |
7631 | ((media-a, 1), (media-abkommen, 1), (media-abl... | 1141 | 4253 | ((ag-social-media-newsletter, 1), (agentur-soc... | 1948 | 8302 | ((ag-media, 1), (agrar-media, 12), (alexa-medi... | 139 | 1542 | media | ((media-a, 1), (media-abkommen, 1), (media-abl... | 3228 | 14097 | 9.375089 | 8.340205 | 8.949528 | 2.447227 |
7666 | ((start-a-factory, 1), (start-abbruch, 1), (st... | 702 | 9843 | ((accelerator-start-ups, 1), (adligen-start-up... | 375 | 792 | ((abend-starts, 1), (airbus-start, 1), (akadem... | 676 | 1852 | start | ((start-a-factory, 1), (start-abbruch, 1), (st... | 1753 | 12487 | 5.192675 | 3.282305 | 7.791666 | 7.955331 |
7018 | ((account-abhängig, 2), (account-admin, 1), (a... | 159 | 389 | ((amazon-account-falle, 1), (amazon-account-sp... | 96 | 131 | ((abendblatt-account, 1), (academia-account, 2... | 1632 | 9252 | account | ((account-abhängig, 2), (account-admin, 1), (a... | 1887 | 9772 | 6.813946 | 6.180624 | 6.136402 | 6.487652 |
35 | ((internet-ab, 3), (internet-abbrüche, 1), (in... | 2399 | 8156 | ((abakus-internet-marketing, 1), (acta-interne... | 175 | 222 | ((adsl-internet, 1), (ajax-internet, 1), (aldi... | 263 | 1123 | internet | ((internet-ab, 3), (internet-abbrüche, 1), (in... | 2837 | 9501 | 9.964798 | 9.802741 | 7.199312 | 5.937027 |
1867 | ((google-abc, 1), (google-abfrage, 3), (google... | 2132 | 9040 | ((affiliate-google-banner, 1), (amp-google-pro... | 111 | 159 | ((adidas-google, 1), (amazon-google, 1), (anti... | 45 | 68 | ((google-abc, 1), (google-abfrage, 3), (google... | 2288 | 9267 | 8.761393 | 8.638905 | 6.380263 | 5.051900 | |
2075 | ((interview-abbruch, 2), (interview-abbrüche, ... | 341 | 874 | ((alba-interview-serie, 1), (architekten-inter... | 45 | 50 | ((aas-interviews, 1), (abc-interview, 2), (abc... | 2218 | 8271 | interview | ((interview-abbruch, 2), (interview-abbrüche, ... | 2604 | 9195 | 9.006969 | 7.140800 | 5.428758 | 8.668769 |
4515 | ((event-abend, 3), (event-ablaufplan, 2), (eve... | 719 | 2486 | ((after-event-party, 3), (apple-event-schauen,... | 128 | 164 | ((aba-event, 1), (abend-event, 14), (abend-eve... | 2228 | 6425 | event | ((event-abend, 3), (event-ablaufplan, 2), (eve... | 3075 | 9075 | 9.970468 | 7.811788 | 6.692560 | 9.520586 |
3335 | ((service-abbau, 3), (service-abdeckung, 1), (... | 778 | 2953 | ((absperr-service-mitarbeiter, 1), (alpha-serv... | 342 | 780 | ((abend-service, 2), (abfall-service, 1), (abh... | 1434 | 5021 | service | ((service-abbau, 3), (service-abdeckung, 1), (... | 2554 | 8754 | 9.049421 | 7.775919 | 7.090165 | 7.836843 |
584 | ((shop-a-holic, 1), (shop-a-look, 1), (shop-a-... | 329 | 989 | ((animexx-shop-liste, 1), (app-shop-kontrolle,... | 114 | 157 | ((abhol-shop, 2), (abhol-shops, 1), (abo-shop,... | 1317 | 7515 | shop | ((shop-a-holic, 1), (shop-a-look, 1), (shop-a-... | 1760 | 8661 | 6.514037 | 6.676252 | 6.458995 | 5.756222 |
728 | ((party-abend, 9), (party-abende, 1), (party-a... | 821 | 1737 | ((abi-party-fotos, 2), (abstimmungs-party-tool... | 265 | 321 | ((abba-jubiläums-party, 1), (abba-party, 1), (... | 2397 | 6207 | party | ((party-abend, 9), (party-abende, 1), (party-a... | 3483 | 8265 | 10.336258 | 8.786440 | 7.841839 | 9.613722 |
3642 | ((check-and-balance, 1), (check-anzug, 1), (ch... | 148 | 2867 | ((accu-check-mobile-connect, 1), (after-check-... | 127 | 247 | ((ab-check, 1), (abcde-check, 1), (abend-check... | 1432 | 4467 | check | ((check-and-balance, 1), (check-anzug, 1), (ch... | 1707 | 7581 | 7.448860 | 1.956753 | 6.177398 | 9.107501 |
6681 | ((show-abbruch, 1), (show-abend, 2), (show-abs... | 374 | 655 | ((af-ter-show-par-tyyyyy, 1), (afder-show-part... | 174 | 332 | ((abba-show, 5), (abba-tribute-show, 1), (abdo... | 1874 | 6455 | show | ((show-abbruch, 1), (show-abend, 2), (show-abs... | 2422 | 7442 | 9.038495 | 7.929430 | 5.510227 | 8.540707 |
5048 | ((smartphone-a, 1), (smartphone-abdeckung, 1),... | 1211 | 4756 | ((android-smartphone-besitzer, 1), (android-sm... | 71 | 98 | ((acer-smartphone, 1), (ai-smartphone, 1), (al... | 475 | 2562 | smartphone | ((smartphone-a, 1), (smartphone-abdeckung, 1),... | 1757 | 7416 | 8.622167 | 8.125577 | 5.775538 | 6.691052 |
5188 | ((update-abbruch, 1), (update-abend, 4), (upda... | 374 | 747 | ((abend-update-pushs, 1), (agb-update-emails, ... | 82 | 90 | ((abend-update, 2), (abendessen-update, 1), (a... | 1704 | 6568 | update | ((update-abbruch, 1), (update-abend, 4), (upda... | 2160 | 7405 | 9.243321 | 7.954416 | 6.305688 | 8.793558 |
7062 | ((post-abfragen, 1), (post-abgabestelle, 1), (... | 1756 | 3517 | ((abendsonnne-im-auto-post-wanderung-selfie, 1... | 143 | 196 | ((abend-posts, 1), (abnehm-posts, 1), (abo-pos... | 816 | 3687 | post | ((post-abfragen, 1), (post-abgabestelle, 1), (... | 2715 | 7400 | 8.924523 | 9.209736 | 6.666251 | 6.465252 |
5903 | ((mini-a, 1), (mini-a-thür, 1), (mini-abenteue... | 3338 | 6955 | ((aldi-mini-macbook, 1), (allstar-mini-projekt... | 152 | 169 | ((advents-minis, 3), (automatik-mini, 3), (bab... | 108 | 209 | mini | ((mini-a, 1), (mini-a-thür, 1), (mini-abenteue... | 3598 | 7333 | 10.805826 | 10.674379 | 7.164937 | 6.052175 |
6973 | ((star-accelerator, 2), (star-act, 2), (star-a... | 770 | 1861 | ((all-star-album, 1), (all-star-band, 2), (all... | 130 | 193 | ((abba-star, 3), (abwehr-star, 4), (action-sta... | 1264 | 5261 | star | ((star-accelerator, 2), (star-act, 2), (star-a... | 2164 | 7315 | 9.267195 | 8.475805 | 6.260323 | 8.290992 |
5 | ((test-abbilder, 1), (test-abbruch, 1), (test-... | 597 | 1525 | ((ab-test-learnings, 1), (admob-test-tag, 1), ... | 122 | 131 | ((aargauer-test, 2), (ab-test, 4), (ab-tests, ... | 2152 | 5571 | test | ((test-abbilder, 1), (test-abbruch, 1), (test-... | 2871 | 7227 | 9.942774 | 7.366455 | 6.884493 | 9.593985 |
6484 | ((ticket-a, 1), (ticket-abholstellen, 1), (tic... | 399 | 1263 | ((auswärtskarten-ticket-kontingent, 1), (bahn-... | 92 | 108 | ((ab-ticket, 4), (ab-tickets, 3), (abc-ticket,... | 1630 | 5650 | ticket | ((ticket-a, 1), (ticket-abholstellen, 1), (tic... | 2121 | 7021 | 9.299458 | 7.066459 | 6.235390 | 8.875424 |
1346 | ((tour-abbruch, 1), (tour-abend, 1), (tour-abn... | 369 | 895 | ((after-tour-party, 1), (after-tour-schlaf, 2)... | 103 | 120 | ((aa-tour, 1), (aaretrail-tour, 1), (aas-tour,... | 2143 | 5832 | tour | ((tour-abbruch, 1), (tour-abend, 1), (tour-abn... | 2615 | 6847 | 9.974095 | 7.457568 | 6.583933 | 9.628022 |
4242 | ((software-abo, 4), (software-abo-modell, 1), ... | 765 | 3506 | ((app-software-entwicklung, 1), (aps-software-... | 135 | 159 | ((aaa-software, 1), (abas-business-software, 4... | 985 | 3040 | software | ((software-abo, 4), (software-abo-modell, 1), ... | 1885 | 6705 | 8.971620 | 7.280220 | 6.966848 | 8.524847 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
8303 | ((time-abo, 1), (time-anruf, 1), (time-bare, 1... | 180 | 485 | ((adventure-time-ugly-christmas-sweater, 1), (... | 282 | 522 | ((aaaaacht-time, 1), (action-time, 1), (advent... | 762 | 2208 | time | ((time-abo, 1), (time-anruf, 1), (time-bare, 1... | 1224 | 3215 | 8.440877 | 5.929423 | 7.308391 | 7.498760 |
1850 | ((session-absage, 1), (session-anbietende, 1),... | 247 | 592 | ((auth-session-handling, 1), (barcamp-parallel... | 18 | 21 | ((abbau-session, 2), (abend-session, 10), (abe... | 1289 | 2593 | session | ((session-absage, 1), (session-anbietende, 1),... | 1554 | 3206 | 9.588130 | 6.829880 | 4.070656 | 9.341232 |
5788 | ((server-abschaltung, 1), (server-absturz, 4),... | 365 | 816 | ((akk-server-notebook, 1), (allround-server-pa... | 87 | 93 | ((aasport-server, 1), (access-server, 1), (ad-... | 817 | 2291 | server | ((server-abschaltung, 1), (server-absturz, 4),... | 1269 | 3200 | 9.054694 | 7.664067 | 6.393892 | 8.266525 |
1682 | ((marathon-abenteuer, 1), (marathon-abzeichen,... | 333 | 729 | ((after-marathon-drink, 1), (after-marathon-lo... | 67 | 76 | ((ab-marathon, 1), (abitur-marathon, 1), (abo-... | 919 | 2282 | marathon | ((marathon-abenteuer, 1), (marathon-abzeichen,... | 1319 | 3087 | 9.152338 | 7.475775 | 5.937274 | 8.515938 |
3287 | ((modus-flugstrategie, 1), (modus-mail, 1), (m... | 7 | 8 | ((arcade-modus-character, 1), (aufwärm-modus-m... | 10 | 10 | ((abba-modus, 2), (abenteuer-modus, 1), (aber-... | 1456 | 3066 | modus | ((modus-flugstrategie, 1), (modus-mail, 1), (m... | 1473 | 3084 | 9.447236 | 2.750000 | 3.321928 | 9.426860 |
2374 | ((museum-adventskalender, 2), (museum-angestel... | 213 | 365 | ((colani-museum-antrag, 1), (dresdener-museums... | 17 | 19 | ((aartal-museum, 1), (abba-museum, 7), (adam-r... | 952 | 2699 | museum | ((museum-adventskalender, 2), (museum-angestel... | 1182 | 3083 | 9.031410 | 7.064461 | 4.037401 | 8.672667 |
5504 | ((special-abilities, 1), (special-abschiedszug... | 242 | 436 | ((advent-special-webcast, 1), (apple-special-e... | 65 | 77 | ((abba-special, 1), (abbonenten-special, 1), (... | 935 | 2555 | special | ((special-abilities, 1), (special-abschiedszug... | 1242 | 3068 | 8.718218 | 7.089012 | 5.720634 | 8.182031 |
1595 | ((land-act-staudamm, 1), (land-adel, 1), (land... | 356 | 631 | ((afd-landes-chef, 1), (auf-dem-land-leben-vor... | 114 | 239 | ((aaa-land, 1), (aachen-land, 3), (ab-land, 1)... | 919 | 2142 | land | ((land-act-staudamm, 1), (land-adel, 1), (land... | 1389 | 3012 | 9.278131 | 7.611736 | 5.480372 | 8.628828 |
5073 | ((problem-aber, 1), (problem-achterbahn, 1), (... | 162 | 221 | ((abendgarderobe-kein-problem-mensch, 1), (akk... | 22 | 22 | ((aaa-problem, 3), (abc-problem, 1), (abfrage-... | 1588 | 2744 | problem | ((problem-aber, 1), (problem-achterbahn, 1), (... | 1772 | 2987 | 10.089361 | 7.070712 | 4.459432 | 9.895845 |
5631 | ((website-absprungraten, 1), (website-account,... | 396 | 1274 | ((agentur-website-problem, 1), (bad-website-sk... | 29 | 41 | ((ab-website, 1), (aba-website, 1), (abc-websi... | 919 | 1587 | website | ((website-absprungraten, 1), (website-account,... | 1344 | 2902 | 9.211947 | 6.912290 | 4.509872 | 9.196580 |
7280 | ((award-abend, 4), (award-abräumer, 1), (award... | 158 | 352 | ((academy-award-futter, 1), (architektur-award... | 68 | 74 | ((aal-award, 1), (abi-awards, 1), (acadamy-awa... | 1130 | 2470 | award | ((award-abend, 4), (award-abräumer, 1), (award... | 1356 | 2896 | 9.570063 | 6.298914 | 6.047291 | 9.320438 |
1534 | ((city-abklatsch, 1), (city-ableger, 1), (city... | 542 | 1607 | ((airport-city-day-ticket, 1), (bay-city-rolle... | 112 | 173 | ((ac-city, 1), (afc-city, 1), (airport-city, 2... | 382 | 1019 | city | ((city-abklatsch, 1), (city-ableger, 1), (city... | 1036 | 2799 | 8.740469 | 7.650724 | 6.361619 | 7.460839 |
1675 | ((power-ableger, 1), (power-achter, 1), (power... | 691 | 1645 | ((ac-power-markt, 1), (anti-power-point-partei... | 159 | 172 | ((abb-power, 1), (abo-power, 1), (abspritz-pow... | 560 | 953 | power | ((power-ableger, 1), (power-achter, 1), (power... | 1410 | 2770 | 9.460823 | 8.340854 | 7.266324 | 8.229437 |
1122 | ((highlight-abend, 1), (highlight-adressen, 1)... | 200 | 443 | ((animation-highlights-präsentationen, 1), (ce... | 20 | 20 | ((abend-highlight, 1), (abschluss-highlight, 4... | 857 | 2257 | highlight | ((highlight-abend, 1), (highlight-adressen, 1)... | 1077 | 2720 | 8.799028 | 6.367892 | 4.321928 | 8.469974 |
3983 | ((deal-aktion, 1), (deal-aktionen, 1), (deal-a... | 63 | 90 | ((close-this-deal-now, 1), (daily-deal-mann, 1... | 17 | 18 | ((abflussfee-deal, 1), (accor-fairmont-deal, 1... | 1008 | 2552 | deal | ((deal-aktion, 1), (deal-aktionen, 1), (deal-a... | 1088 | 2660 | 8.748959 | 5.696190 | 4.058814 | 8.606778 |
2333 | ((support-abrechnungstool, 1), (support-abteil... | 318 | 992 | ((amazon-support-chat, 2), (apple-id-aussperru... | 82 | 95 | ((abi-support, 1), (acer-support, 1), (actives... | 684 | 1523 | support | ((support-abrechnungstool, 1), (support-abteil... | 1084 | 2610 | 8.714356 | 6.750285 | 6.259226 | 8.162452 |
7582 | ((alarm-abbruch, 1), (alarm-abos, 1), (alarm-a... | 52 | 72 | ((amok-alarm-system, 1), (arschloch-alarm-app,... | 18 | 21 | ((abc-alarm, 20), (abc-alarms, 1), (ablöse-ala... | 962 | 2490 | alarm | ((alarm-abbruch, 1), (alarm-abos, 1), (alarm-a... | 1032 | 2583 | 8.352629 | 5.314594 | 4.070656 | 8.215788 |
2555 | ((style-abc, 1), (style-action, 1), (style-akr... | 185 | 463 | ((afd-style-verknappung, 1), (alpen-style-burg... | 84 | 91 | ((abathur-style, 1), (abb-style, 1), (abranz-s... | 1295 | 1996 | style | ((style-abc, 1), (style-action, 1), (style-akr... | 1564 | 2550 | 9.805696 | 6.132223 | 6.331970 | 9.672612 |
5782 | ((winter-abc, 1), (winter-abend, 2), (winter-a... | 989 | 2017 | ((alfa-winter-foto, 1), (alfa-winter-fotos, 1)... | 133 | 185 | ((abfahrt-winter, 1), (aktiv-winter, 1), (alib... | 122 | 345 | winter | ((winter-abc, 1), (winter-abend, 2), (winter-a... | 1244 | 2547 | 9.361418 | 9.129133 | 6.669673 | 5.282222 |
7941 | ((album-abschlusskonzert, 1), (album-acappella... | 143 | 397 | ((bestmusictalent-album-tipp, 4), (bestmusicta... | 21 | 25 | ((abalonia-album, 1), (abdi-album, 2), (acoust... | 959 | 2116 | album | ((album-abschlusskonzert, 1), (album-acappella... | 1123 | 2538 | 8.937372 | 5.992747 | 4.243856 | 8.702028 |
5751 | ((multi-abgeordneten-account, 1), (multi-acade... | 994 | 2437 | ((anti-multi-kulti-hetzer, 1), (aria-multi-con... | 29 | 30 | ((agro-multis, 1), (biotech-multi, 1), (biotec... | 43 | 56 | multi | ((multi-abgeordneten-account, 1), (multi-acade... | 1066 | 2523 | 8.413525 | 8.276048 | 4.840224 | 5.214153 |
4371 | ((shirt-abos, 1), (shirt-aktion, 4), (shirt-al... | 72 | 100 | ((achilles-buch-shirt-paket, 1), (audrey-t-shi... | 70 | 92 | ((aarau-shirt, 1), (abba-shirt, 1), (abercromb... | 1608 | 2329 | shirt | ((shirt-abos, 1), (shirt-aktion, 4), (shirt-al... | 1750 | 2521 | 10.367522 | 5.892662 | 5.653997 | 10.242985 |
5947 | ((standard-a, 4), (standard-abc, 1), (standard... | 1019 | 1593 | ((android-standard-browser, 1), (business-inte... | 64 | 67 | ((ac-standard, 2), (accessibility-standards, 1... | 440 | 760 | standard | ((standard-a, 4), (standard-abc, 1), (standard... | 1523 | 2420 | 9.989035 | 9.412138 | 5.965270 | 8.161374 |
413 | ((premium-a, 2), (premium-abenteuer, 2), (prem... | 899 | 2177 | ((aka-aki-premium-bezahl-account, 2), (apple-p... | 75 | 114 | ((anti-premium, 1), (bf-premium, 1), (cartoon-... | 41 | 102 | premium | ((premium-a, 2), (premium-abenteuer, 2), (prem... | 1015 | 2393 | 8.762617 | 8.535340 | 5.829919 | 4.517685 |
3926 | ((mode-abc, 7), (mode-abstimmung, 1), (mode-ab... | 596 | 1258 | ((anti-mode-mode, 1), (anti-mode-terror, 1), (... | 76 | 104 | ((ackermann-mode, 1), (activetrack-mode, 1), (... | 490 | 895 | mode | ((mode-abc, 7), (mode-abstimmung, 1), (mode-ab... | 1162 | 2257 | 9.525621 | 8.511114 | 5.961076 | 8.330156 |
3466 | ((logo-abs, 1), (logo-abstimming, 1), (logo-ab... | 238 | 490 | ((app-logo-quiz, 1), (apple-logo-tatoo, 2), (a... | 30 | 34 | ((abi-logo, 1), (absolventa-logo, 1), (adac-lo... | 950 | 1714 | logo | ((logo-abs, 1), (logo-abstimming, 1), (logo-ab... | 1218 | 2238 | 9.443094 | 7.114346 | 4.829966 | 9.069214 |
701 | ((baby-a-a, 1), (baby-aa, 1), (baby-aale, 1), ... | 867 | 1489 | ((after-baby-body, 7), (after-baby-bodys, 1), ... | 49 | 88 | ((abendbuffet-baby, 1), (abstiegskampf-baby, 1... | 359 | 577 | baby | ((baby-a-a, 1), (baby-aa, 1), (baby-aale, 1), ... | 1275 | 2154 | 9.732625 | 9.157437 | 4.372483 | 8.055854 |
6566 | ((band-abend, 1), (band-achat-perlen, 2), (ban... | 188 | 332 | ((alltime-greatest-band-eve, 1), (bestmusictal... | 68 | 73 | ((abi-band, 1), (abklatsch-band, 1), (acapella... | 830 | 1656 | band | ((band-abend, 1), (band-achat-perlen, 2), (ban... | 1086 | 2061 | 9.201629 | 6.864101 | 6.042497 | 8.753347 |
5642 | ((text-account, 1), (text-ad, 1), (text-ads, 3... | 397 | 874 | ((appetit-text-häppchen, 1), (appstore-text-op... | 85 | 146 | ((ab-text, 1), (abo-text, 2), (about-text, 3),... | 638 | 1040 | text | ((text-account, 1), (text-ad, 1), (text-ads, 3... | 1120 | 2060 | 9.077875 | 7.063622 | 5.201136 | 8.753219 |
7127 | ((nerd-abend, 3), (nerd-abteilung, 1), (nerd-a... | 550 | 936 | ((akademiker-nerd-bonus, 1), (angeber-nerd-wis... | 62 | 64 | ((abi-jahrgangstufen-nerd, 1), (aldi-nerd, 1),... | 433 | 729 | nerd | ((nerd-abend, 3), (nerd-abteilung, 1), (nerd-a... | 1045 | 1729 | 9.462777 | 8.531720 | 5.937500 | 8.167483 |
111 rows × 17 columns
left | left_typefreq | left_tokenfreq | intern | intern_typefreq | intern_tokenfreq | right | right_typefreq | right_tokenfreq | word | all | all_typefreq | all_tokenfreq | entropy | left_entropy | intern_entropy | right_entropy | |
6092 | ((blog-a-ward, 1), (blog-account, 13), (blog-a... | 885 | 7294 | ((0815-blog-template, 1), (14-tage-blog-fitmac... | 1184 | 2033 | ((04-blogs, 1), (05-blog, 2), (0815-blog, 7), ... | 12005 | 37997 | blog | ((blog-a-ward, 1), (blog-account, 13), (blog-a... | 14074 | 47324 | 11.835847 | 6.862641 | 9.068396 | 11.861069 |
584 | ((shop-accounts, 1), (shop-administrator, 2), ... | 170 | 494 | ((100-yen-shop-fieber, 1), (250-shops-mall, 1)... | 356 | 546 | ((02-shop, 1), (02-shops, 2), (100-en-shop, 4)... | 3818 | 38231 | shop | ((shop-accounts, 1), (shop-administrator, 2), ... | 4344 | 39271 | 5.176090 | 6.288191 | 8.023523 | 4.912667 |
4279 | ((team-412-stand, 2), (team-6-gate, 1), (team-... | 346 | 1290 | ((2000-meter-team-staffel, 1), (2er-team-aufga... | 360 | 543 | ((007-team, 2), (05er-team, 1), (09-team, 2), ... | 11048 | 29533 | team | ((team-412-stand, 2), (team-6-gate, 1), (team-... | 11754 | 31366 | 12.100307 | 7.159381 | 7.970333 | 11.996497 |
2985 | ((system-a-new-dimension-in-endodontics, 1), (... | 256 | 799 | ((10-finger-system-schreibtrainer, 2), (10-ste... | 213 | 314 | ((0x-system, 1), (10-20-system, 1), (10-blindf... | 8680 | 25415 | system | ((system-a-new-dimension-in-endodontics, 1), (... | 9149 | 26528 | 11.625423 | 6.814389 | 7.297087 | 11.530372 |
2078 | ((video-8-player, 1), (video-abstracts, 1), (v... | 859 | 5458 | ((1080p-video-aufnahmen, 2), (1080p-video-unte... | 843 | 1118 | ((06-07-video, 1), (0815-videos, 1), (10-bit-v... | 5280 | 16668 | video | ((video-8-player, 1), (video-abstracts, 1), (v... | 6982 | 23244 | 10.264906 | 7.311496 | 9.491506 | 9.825952 |
6443 | ((chef-admin, 2), (chef-administrator, 1), (ch... | 128 | 457 | ((15-minuten-chef-gefühl, 1), (ace-chef-jurist... | 138 | 174 | ((007-chef, 1), (05-chef, 2), (19-punkte-chef,... | 4696 | 21058 | chef | ((chef-admin, 2), (chef-administrator, 1), (ch... | 4962 | 21689 | 9.938513 | 5.405011 | 6.893611 | 9.841089 |
3225 | ((version-administration, 1), (version-check, ... | 26 | 36 | ((android-version-jelly, 1), (bewertungsbogen-... | 24 | 30 | ((02-pdf-version, 1), (0711-version, 1), (07er... | 5211 | 20452 | version | ((version-administration, 1), (version-check, ... | 5261 | 20518 | 9.760410 | 4.503258 | 4.506891 | 9.742793 |
3335 | ((service-account, 9), (service-accounts, 7), ... | 348 | 1947 | ((0180-service-nummer, 1), (0800-service-hotli... | 666 | 1197 | ((04-service, 2), (10-gratis-sms-service, 1), ... | 2676 | 16207 | service | ((service-account, 9), (service-accounts, 7), ... | 3690 | 19351 | 6.980357 | 6.193502 | 8.536443 | 6.009625 |
3517 | ((film-1-soundtrack, 2), (film-a-film-unfinshe... | 495 | 2486 | ((100-top-film-liste, 1), (16-millimeter-film-... | 646 | 785 | ((007-film, 3), (007-films, 3), (007-pierce-br... | 4510 | 16002 | film | ((film-1-soundtrack, 2), (film-a-film-unfinshe... | 5651 | 19273 | 10.517818 | 6.521741 | 9.182178 | 10.250267 |
6950 | ((dollar-a-month, 1), (dollar-a-year, 1), (dol... | 95 | 263 | ((000-dollar-angebot, 1), (000-dollar-frage, 1... | 932 | 1478 | ((10-dollar, 1), (10-milliarden-dollar, 1), (1... | 382 | 15926 | dollar | ((dollar-a-month, 1), (dollar-a-year, 1), (dol... | 1409 | 17667 | 2.359112 | 5.475742 | 9.425207 | 1.069794 |
6681 | ((show-adapter, 1), (show-agency-group, 4), (s... | 206 | 547 | ((acappella-show-rock, 2), (after-show-absacke... | 417 | 800 | ((10-minuten-show, 1), (100-sekunden-chart-sho... | 3840 | 15130 | show | ((show-adapter, 1), (show-agency-group, 4), (s... | 4463 | 16477 | 9.477024 | 6.708962 | 6.519493 | 9.202061 |
728 | ((party-action-adrenalin-city, 1), (party-agen... | 435 | 1208 | ((06-we-b-dooinit-acappella-party-1, 1), (1st-... | 769 | 1205 | ((00er-party, 1), (0815-party, 1), (0815-party... | 4298 | 12674 | party | ((party-action-adrenalin-city, 1), (party-agen... | 5502 | 15087 | 10.588637 | 7.839408 | 8.394676 | 10.113977 |
1346 | ((tour-agency, 1), (tour-agenda, 1), (tour-alb... | 198 | 701 | ((20-jahre-pfok-tour-in-england, 1), (2000-tou... | 252 | 311 | ((000-kilometer-tour, 1), (07-hanoi-tour, 2), ... | 4691 | 13546 | tour | ((tour-agency, 1), (tour-agenda, 1), (tour-alb... | 5141 | 14558 | 10.547958 | 5.921411 | 7.788490 | 10.392927 |
2763 | ((euro-08-chef, 1), (euro-08-host-city, 1), (e... | 666 | 7661 | ((000-euro-preisgeld, 1), (10-euro-abgabe, 1),... | 1946 | 5356 | ((10-euro, 1), (10-milliarden-euro, 1), (100-e... | 386 | 1180 | euro | ((euro-08-chef, 1), (euro-08-host-city, 1), (e... | 2998 | 14197 | 7.514866 | 4.479499 | 8.496801 | 7.014356 |
6715 | ((facebook-account, 2278), (facebook-account-b... | 771 | 13128 | ((100-facebook-fans-gewinnspiels, 1), (100-fac... | 554 | 786 | ((4lyn-facebook, 1), (5000-facebook, 1), (abba... | 150 | 199 | ((facebook-account, 2278), (facebook-account-b... | 1475 | 14113 | 6.115341 | 5.500648 | 8.680537 | 7.044713 | |
5 | ((test-a-mint, 1), (test-account, 25), (test-a... | 335 | 906 | ((11-gang-test-menü, 1), (14-tage-test-version... | 315 | 422 | ((10-km-test, 1), (10-stunden-test, 2), (10-te... | 3937 | 11613 | test | ((test-a-mint, 1), (test-account, 25), (test-a... | 4587 | 12941 | 10.328446 | 7.513457 | 8.092007 | 9.994368 |
4515 | ((event-abenteuer-workshop-wasweissich-wochene... | 280 | 972 | ((15206-event-mouse, 1), (8042-serio-1-event-m... | 242 | 332 | ((0815-events, 1), (10-day-event, 1), (10-even... | 3630 | 11584 | event | ((event-abenteuer-workshop-wasweissich-wochene... | 4152 | 12888 | 10.322990 | 6.776658 | 7.701960 | 10.077604 |
7018 | ((account-administration, 1), (account-agent, ... | 38 | 79 | ((auto-account-assistent, 1), (bank-account-er... | 78 | 133 | ((0xp-accounts, 1), (10-tage-probe-account, 1)... | 1634 | 12060 | account | ((account-administration, 1), (account-agent, ... | 1750 | 12272 | 6.323315 | 4.577480 | 5.566043 | 6.198289 |
1876 | ((forum-account, 1), (forum-accounts, 3), (for... | 105 | 257 | ((20er-jahre-forum-gebäude, 1), (ads-forum-kop... | 105 | 141 | ((04-tausend-freunde-forum, 1), (08-fuffzehn-f... | 4096 | 11701 | forum | ((forum-account, 1), (forum-accounts, 3), (for... | 4306 | 12099 | 10.711520 | 5.807357 | 6.476545 | 10.622559 |
6566 | ((band-1-teil-1-2004-441-s-text, 1), (band-1-t... | 230 | 672 | ((10-band-equalizer, 5), (100-band-equalizer, ... | 323 | 430 | ((02-band, 1), (03-band, 1), (0815-band, 1), (... | 3342 | 10957 | band | ((band-1-teil-1-2004-441-s-text, 1), (band-1-t... | 3895 | 12059 | 10.081007 | 6.802394 | 8.021230 | 9.780440 |
2096 | ((club-08-10-cable, 1), (club-08-10-cable-2011... | 294 | 780 | ((1000-kumpel-und-malocher-club-freunden, 1), ... | 435 | 601 | ((04-club, 1), (089-club, 1), (100-clubs, 1), ... | 3041 | 10097 | club | ((club-08-10-cable, 1), (club-08-10-cable-2011... | 3770 | 11478 | 10.361785 | 6.933252 | 8.502558 | 9.999397 |
4154 | ((regime-chance, 1), (regime-change, 176), (re... | 69 | 342 | ((anti-regime-bewegung, 3), (anti-regime-blogg... | 51 | 71 | ((14-regime, 1), (abbadon-regime, 1), (abbas-r... | 1085 | 10885 | regime | ((regime-chance, 1), (regime-change, 176), (re... | 1205 | 11298 | 6.961636 | 3.581080 | 5.526301 | 6.817240 |
4242 | ((software-administrator, 1), (software-agent,... | 354 | 1968 | ((140506_permira-funds-to-acquire-leading-soft... | 407 | 579 | ((16bit-software, 1), (20-euro-software, 1), (... | 2268 | 8542 | software | ((software-administrator, 1), (software-agent,... | 3029 | 11089 | 9.603950 | 6.218432 | 8.405681 | 9.225295 |
35 | ((internet-abc-module, 1), (internet-access, 1... | 1150 | 8425 | ((0815-internet-user, 2), (10-minuten-internet... | 661 | 980 | ((3d-internet, 11), (3d-internets, 2), (3g-int... | 374 | 1254 | internet | ((internet-abc-module, 1), (internet-access, 1... | 2185 | 10659 | 8.466999 | 7.435192 | 8.948822 | 6.964626 |
3367 | ((marketing-accounts, 2), (marketing-addict, 1... | 325 | 1744 | ((10-gehalt-marketing-branche, 1), (360-grad-m... | 818 | 1419 | ((1a-marketing, 1), (2011_location-based-marke... | 958 | 7456 | marketing | ((marketing-accounts, 2), (marketing-addict, 1... | 2101 | 10619 | 7.878334 | 6.670314 | 9.093224 | 6.257288 |
6989 | ((code-60-phase, 2), (code-academy, 1), (code-... | 144 | 387 | ((20-zeilen-code-patch, 1), (analyzing-hadoop-... | 227 | 355 | ((10-punkte-code, 1), (13-mann-code, 1), (15-e... | 1545 | 9508 | code | ((code-60-phase, 2), (code-academy, 1), (code-... | 1916 | 10250 | 7.247052 | 6.046257 | 7.347304 | 6.810221 |
6777 | ((news-account, 3), (news-activity, 2), (news-... | 261 | 966 | ((24-stunden-news-zyklus, 1), (24h-news-cycle,... | 412 | 742 | ((14-uhr-news, 1), (18599-news, 2), (1904-news... | 1641 | 8180 | news | ((news-account, 3), (news-activity, 2), (news-... | 2314 | 9888 | 8.698966 | 6.544295 | 7.511009 | 8.052422 |
7941 | ((album-abschluss-song, 1), (album-album, 8), ... | 109 | 883 | ((40-album-charts, 2), (amazon-album-charts, 1... | 84 | 126 | ((0815-album, 2), (10-album, 3), (10-punkte-al... | 2645 | 8774 | album | ((album-abschluss-song, 1), (album-album, 8), ... | 2838 | 9783 | 9.050583 | 4.641614 | 6.130224 | 8.939829 |
7631 | ((media-access-control, 2), (media-access-cont... | 438 | 1177 | ((4stage-media-group, 1), (50-smart-ways-to-cr... | 1768 | 6594 | ((3h-media, 5), (3rze-media, 1), (60-prozent-d... | 346 | 1992 | media | ((media-access-control, 2), (media-access-cont... | 2552 | 9763 | 8.840740 | 7.632080 | 8.678836 | 4.120127 |
2075 | ((interview-activity, 1), (interview-archive, ... | 101 | 479 | ((2015-interview-walker, 1), (_dlf-interview-u... | 75 | 89 | ((11-fragen-interview, 7), (11-freunde-intervi... | 2242 | 9055 | interview | ((interview-activity, 1), (interview-archive, ... | 2418 | 9623 | 8.952230 | 4.852183 | 6.130173 | 8.813707 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6700 | ((line-album, 2), (line-arena, 1), (line-array... | 108 | 281 | ((1st-line-therapie, 1), (360-line-up, 2), (3d... | 289 | 398 | ((10-yd-line, 1), (1000-line, 2), (10yds-line,... | 824 | 1942 | line | ((line-album, 2), (line-arena, 1), (line-array... | 1221 | 2621 | 9.376426 | 5.272676 | 7.955038 | 8.805520 |
6137 | ((freak-a-leak, 1), (freak-accident, 1), (frea... | 78 | 211 | ((akte-x-freak-studentenverbindungen, 1), (bie... | 42 | 56 | ((30er-freaks, 1), (60er-jahre-freaks, 1), (64... | 1143 | 2350 | freak | ((freak-a-leak, 1), (freak-accident, 1), (frea... | 1263 | 2617 | 9.275033 | 4.655760 | 5.070137 | 9.176404 |
2411 | ((minute-by-minute, 4), (minute-chance, 2), (m... | 24 | 38 | ((10-minute-mail, 1), (10-minute-mails, 1), (1... | 794 | 1768 | ((10-minute, 2), (10-minutes, 1), (10-to-20-mi... | 193 | 771 | minute | ((minute-by-minute, 4), (minute-chance, 2), (m... | 1011 | 2577 | 8.163729 | 4.333325 | 8.504806 | 4.283174 |
1615 | ((crew-album, 1), (crew-bashing, 1), (crew-bas... | 51 | 89 | ((ballon-crew-sachsen, 1), (cabin-crew-leader,... | 28 | 32 | ((08xx-crew, 1), (101-crew, 1), (10er-crew, 1)... | 1327 | 2456 | crew | ((crew-album, 1), (crew-bashing, 1), (crew-bas... | 1406 | 2577 | 9.685900 | 5.335025 | 4.750000 | 9.580040 |
2624 | ((pause-blog, 2), (pause-button, 15), (pause-b... | 18 | 138 | ((15-minuten-geh-pause-an-der-frischen-luft, 1... | 33 | 39 | ((10-jahres-pause, 2), (10-minuten-pause, 8), ... | 1016 | 2381 | pause | ((pause-blog, 2), (pause-button, 15), (pause-b... | 1067 | 2558 | 8.500896 | 1.925452 | 4.926428 | 8.494105 |
529 | ((drama-action, 1), (drama-anime, 2), (drama-a... | 87 | 270 | ((16-episoden-drama-verwandten, 1), (abenteuer... | 100 | 121 | ((007-drama, 1), (1999-drama, 1), (1999er-dram... | 910 | 2141 | drama | ((drama-action, 1), (drama-anime, 2), (drama-a... | 1097 | 2532 | 8.949142 | 4.240389 | 6.507504 | 8.783774 |
2903 | ((clan-action, 1), (clan-album, 2), (clan-bloc... | 51 | 119 | ((aggro-clan-libanese, 1), (bush-clan-mitglied... | 36 | 40 | ((abels-clan, 1), (aborigenese-clans, 1), (abo... | 1122 | 2361 | clan | ((clan-action, 1), (clan-album, 2), (clan-bloc... | 1209 | 2520 | 9.309541 | 4.693655 | 5.121928 | 9.195855 |
6780 | ((feature-album, 1), (feature-artist, 1), (fea... | 75 | 162 | ((30-minuten-feature-produktion, 1), (az-obama... | 34 | 38 | ((14-features, 1), (1password-features, 1), (2... | 1055 | 2291 | feature | ((feature-album, 1), (feature-artist, 1), (fea... | 1164 | 2491 | 9.247516 | 5.885504 | 5.017536 | 9.055777 |
6984 | ((bashing-blog, 3), (bashing-festival, 6), (ba... | 12 | 20 | ((adhs-bashing-artikel, 1), (banken-bashing-fi... | 42 | 54 | ((4e-bashing, 2), (68er-bashing, 8), (abendbro... | 999 | 2399 | bashing | ((bashing-blog, 3), (bashing-festival, 6), (ba... | 1053 | 2473 | 9.085037 | 3.208695 | 4.976114 | 9.000558 |
4996 | ((newsletter-account, 1), (newsletter-ankündig... | 61 | 195 | ((ahk-newsletter-team, 1), (attacke-newsletter... | 30 | 50 | ((10-minuten-internet-newsletter, 1), (151-new... | 959 | 2218 | newsletter | ((newsletter-account, 1), (newsletter-ankündig... | 1050 | 2463 | 8.926205 | 4.903945 | 4.176691 | 8.787320 |
1236 | ((world-adapter, 1), (world-aids-day, 1), (wor... | 438 | 812 | ((1st-world-menschen, 1), (1st-world-problems,... | 468 | 703 | ((02-world, 6), (20-awesomely-untranslatable-w... | 495 | 943 | world | ((world-adapter, 1), (world-aids-day, 1), (wor... | 1401 | 2458 | 9.893448 | 8.191467 | 8.427592 | 8.347394 |
4472 | ((hype-alarm, 2), (hype-anime, 2), (hype-auto,... | 60 | 107 | ((airplay-hype-bands, 1), (anti-hype-blog, 9),... | 62 | 88 | ((2012-hype, 9), (2012-weltuntergangs-hype, 1)... | 1128 | 2231 | hype | ((hype-alarm, 2), (hype-anime, 2), (hype-auto,... | 1250 | 2426 | 9.397184 | 5.266193 | 5.659390 | 9.217154 |
2333 | ((support-account, 1), (support-accounts, 3), ... | 134 | 625 | ((20-minuten-support-boykott, 2), (24-stunden-... | 142 | 209 | ((1080p-support, 1), (1a-support, 2), (1st-lev... | 727 | 1568 | support | ((support-account, 1), (support-accounts, 3), ... | 1003 | 2402 | 8.786066 | 5.369020 | 6.626067 | 8.576952 |
1918 | ((block-8-land, 1), (block-abfertigungs-plan, ... | 88 | 190 | ((action-block-buster, 1), (ad-block-plus, 5),... | 89 | 124 | ((02-block, 1), (0²-block, 1), (1000er-block, ... | 1115 | 2070 | block | ((block-8-land, 1), (block-abfertigungs-plan, ... | 1292 | 2384 | 9.715434 | 5.813593 | 6.233565 | 9.487949 |
8292 | ((model-2-model-transformation, 2), (model-act... | 130 | 370 | ((alles-ist-schön-top-model-shows-gesellschaft... | 120 | 143 | ((36-model, 1), (36minus-model, 1), (3d-city-m... | 766 | 1833 | model | ((model-2-model-transformation, 2), (model-act... | 1016 | 2346 | 8.690716 | 6.117171 | 6.808370 | 8.148314 |
4799 | ((gang-action, 4), (gang-adventure, 1), (gang-... | 73 | 167 | ((10-gang-doppelkupplungsgetriebe, 1), (10-gan... | 230 | 423 | ((10-20-minuten-pipi-gang, 1), (10-gang, 3), (... | 991 | 1749 | gang | ((gang-action, 4), (gang-adventure, 1), (gang-... | 1294 | 2339 | 9.679775 | 5.265745 | 7.033454 | 9.361611 |
7346 | ((self-abandonment, 3), (self-ability, 1), (se... | 872 | 2105 | ((99-cent-self-publisher-story, 1), (abwesenhe... | 78 | 101 | ((agent-self, 1), (alligator-minigolf-self, 1)... | 66 | 116 | self | ((self-abandonment, 3), (self-ability, 1), (se... | 1016 | 2322 | 9.331608 | 9.084620 | 6.083796 | 5.811567 |
6898 | ((card-adapter, 1), (card-barometer, 3), (card... | 73 | 124 | ((abo-card-besitzer, 2), (abo-card-inhaber, 1)... | 225 | 335 | ((100-card, 1), (16gb-sd-card, 1), (1gb-sd-car... | 959 | 1855 | card | ((card-adapter, 1), (card-barometer, 3), (card... | 1257 | 2314 | 9.735530 | 5.929248 | 7.486321 | 9.291442 |
6255 | ((junkie-bassist, 1), (junkie-bitch, 1), (junk... | 19 | 19 | ((anti-junkie-schwarzlicht, 1), (baby-robbe-un... | 21 | 21 | ((140-zeichen-junkie, 1), (24-jack-bauer-junki... | 1049 | 2252 | junkie | ((junkie-bassist, 1), (junkie-bitch, 1), (junk... | 1089 | 2292 | 9.133431 | 4.247928 | 4.392317 | 9.071992 |
5620 | ((ring-a-buzz, 2), (ring-a-ring-a-roses, 1), (... | 98 | 184 | ((alfred-nobel-ring-anlieger, 1), (am-ring-fan... | 112 | 158 | ((12-tonnen-wurmloch-ring, 1), (148er-ring, 1)... | 995 | 1935 | ring | ((ring-a-buzz, 2), (ring-a-ring-a-roses, 1), (... | 1205 | 2277 | 9.631400 | 6.062894 | 6.620400 | 9.322376 |
3983 | ((deal-administration, 1), (deal-alert, 1), (d... | 25 | 45 | ((ab-in-den-urlaub-deal-gutschein, 2), (adress... | 39 | 43 | ((10-milliarden-deal, 1), (100-millionen-dolla... | 951 | 2155 | deal | ((deal-administration, 1), (deal-alert, 1), (d... | 1015 | 2243 | 9.014190 | 4.227545 | 5.240218 | 8.900112 |
5699 | ((lager-abbau-revival, 1), (lager-basis, 1), (... | 23 | 41 | ((42500-lager-in-der-ns-zeit-niemand-konnte-we... | 43 | 54 | ((007-lager, 1), (1000-mann-lager, 1), (16er-l... | 1034 | 2087 | lager | ((lager-abbau-revival, 1), (lager-basis, 1), (... | 1100 | 2182 | 9.295775 | 4.236231 | 5.245447 | 9.185026 |
5563 | ((pack-a-bowl, 1), (pack-a-punch, 5), (pack-a-... | 35 | 68 | ((10er-pack-stempel, 1), (5er-pack-wanderung, ... | 108 | 126 | ((000er-pack, 1), (10-er-pack, 1), (10-er-pack... | 910 | 1985 | pack | ((pack-a-bowl, 1), (pack-a-punch, 5), (pack-a-... | 1053 | 2179 | 9.191108 | 4.629249 | 6.641054 | 8.942346 |
7785 | ((house-affair, 1), (house-album, 6), (house-a... | 219 | 514 | ((90er-french-house-generation, 1), (90er-hous... | 340 | 423 | ((100-mile-house, 7), (105-mile-house, 1), (10... | 545 | 1191 | house | ((house-affair, 1), (house-album, 6), (house-a... | 1104 | 2128 | 9.310220 | 6.917878 | 8.274387 | 8.160874 |
8016 | ((boot-an-land-schleppen, 1), (boot-animation,... | 160 | 389 | ((140418-boot-beschriftung-svea, 1), (140418-b... | 174 | 223 | ((10-loch-boots, 1), (10-meter-bootes, 1), (10... | 728 | 1494 | boot | ((boot-an-land-schleppen, 1), (boot-animation,... | 1062 | 2106 | 9.026800 | 6.254062 | 7.214296 | 8.405997 |
335 | ((book-a-cook, 2), (book-a-cook-auftrag, 1), (... | 202 | 538 | ((13-books-store, 1), (amazon-book-shit, 1), (... | 210 | 279 | ((10-book, 1), (62-seiten-flip-book, 1), (75e-... | 617 | 1289 | book | ((book-a-cook, 2), (book-a-cook-auftrag, 1), (... | 1029 | 2106 | 9.111032 | 6.381152 | 7.548933 | 8.427341 |
235 | ((school-administration, 1), (school-aged, 6),... | 153 | 241 | ((70er-jahre-high-school-portrait, 1), (80er-j... | 653 | 994 | ((3d-schools, 2), (93-and-school, 1), (after-s... | 293 | 771 | school | ((school-administration, 1), (school-aged, 6),... | 1099 | 2006 | 9.009722 | 6.944610 | 8.983356 | 6.048083 |
3346 | ((trick-animation, 1), (trick-bike, 1), (trick... | 48 | 69 | ((accessoires-trick-kiste, 1), (alliterations-... | 42 | 64 | ((007-tricks, 1), (3d-tricks, 1), (51yds-trick... | 993 | 1695 | trick | ((trick-animation, 1), (trick-bike, 1), (trick... | 1083 | 1828 | 9.440248 | 5.403754 | 4.831051 | 9.294571 |
7823 | ((front-airbag, 2), (front-airbags, 2), (front... | 136 | 351 | ((agnostic-front-cover, 1), (agnostic-front-le... | 64 | 78 | ((18er-front, 1), (4er-front, 1), (50mm-front,... | 875 | 1344 | front | ((front-airbag, 2), (front-airbags, 2), (front... | 1075 | 1773 | 9.571996 | 6.187834 | 5.916750 | 9.396498 |
3784 | ((tradition-blog, 1), (tradition-bound, 9), (t... | 41 | 65 | ((anti-traditions-muslim, 1), (anti-traditions... | 5 | 5 | ((100-tage-tradition, 1), (1940-er-noir-tradit... | 1094 | 1702 | tradition | ((tradition-blog, 1), (tradition-bound, 9), (t... | 1140 | 1772 | 9.781913 | 5.013924 | 2.321928 | 9.720770 |
211 rows × 17 columns
left | left_typefreq | left_tokenfreq | intern | intern_typefreq | intern_tokenfreq | right | right_typefreq | right_tokenfreq | word | all | all_typefreq | all_tokenfreq | entropy | left_entropy | intern_entropy | right_entropy | |
2985 | ((system-a, 4), (system-abbau, 2), (system-abb... | 5688 | 31926 | ((aaorrac-system-pwf, 1), (abas-system-bowl, 1... | 2588 | 5580 | ((aa-system, 8), (aaa-core-system, 1), (aaa-sy... | 68952 | 544725 | system | ((system-a, 4), (system-abbau, 2), (system-abb... | 77228 | 582231 | 12.221675 | 9.911026 | 9.679466 | 11.972890 |
35 | ((internet-a, 3), (internet-a-gps, 6), (intern... | 23427 | 487181 | ((abakus-internet-forum, 1), (abakus-internet-... | 4045 | 8641 | ((abakus-internet, 1), (abendland-internet, 1)... | 1301 | 11251 | internet | ((internet-a, 3), (internet-a-gps, 6), (intern... | 28773 | 507073 | 9.152062 | 8.902414 | 10.616467 | 6.331341 |
1876 | ((forum-a, 1), (forum-ab, 3), (forum-abc, 1), ... | 5836 | 39116 | ((abends-im-forum-die-zeit-tot-schlagen, 2), (... | 1920 | 2964 | ((aa-europa-forum, 1), (aa-fan-forum, 1), (aa-... | 26808 | 370759 | forum | ((forum-a, 1), (forum-ab, 3), (forum-abc, 1), ... | 34564 | 412839 | 10.634618 | 8.964246 | 10.272242 | 10.243028 |
6989 | ((code-a, 6), (code-a-disc, 2), (code-a-finale... | 2542 | 18719 | ((abap-code-analyse, 1), (abap-code-projekt, 1... | 1474 | 2705 | ((aa-code, 6), (aaa-code, 6), (aacs-code, 2), ... | 7506 | 377274 | code | ((code-a, 6), (code-a-disc, 2), (code-a-finale... | 11522 | 398698 | 4.174569 | 8.461761 | 9.611394 | 3.572597 |
4279 | ((team-a, 5), (team-ab, 1), (team-ab-racing, 3... | 5313 | 37937 | ((aal-team-hh, 1), (abenteuer-team-aufgabe, 1)... | 2518 | 4918 | ((aa-team, 13), (aaa-dj-team, 2), (aaa-info-te... | 54772 | 316350 | team | ((team-a, 5), (team-ab, 1), (team-ab-racing, 3... | 62603 | 359205 | 12.848199 | 9.312728 | 10.359035 | 12.642428 |
584 | ((shop-a, 1), (shop-a-gogo, 1), (shop-a-holic,... | 2268 | 38833 | ((abo-shop-site, 2), (actionfiguren-shop-seite... | 2187 | 6751 | ((aa-shop, 13), (aaa-shop, 1), (aafes-shop, 1)... | 15480 | 299395 | shop | ((shop-a, 1), (shop-a-gogo, 1), (shop-a-holic,... | 19935 | 344979 | 6.071884 | 6.506082 | 8.656748 | 5.216132 |
3225 | ((version-a, 4), (version-aber, 1), (version-a... | 470 | 1574 | ((aktuelle-version-thread, 1), (alpha-version-... | 221 | 267 | ((aa-version, 6), (aaa-version, 4), (aac-kapit... | 28026 | 335784 | version | ((version-a, 4), (version-aber, 1), (version-a... | 28717 | 337625 | 9.889244 | 7.065319 | 7.666834 | 9.851862 |
4242 | ((software-a-a-service-dienstleister, 1), (sof... | 7842 | 157546 | ((abas-erp-software-architektur, 1), (abas-erp... | 3472 | 6311 | ((aa-software, 27), (aaa-logo-software, 1), (a... | 18664 | 161393 | software | ((software-a-a-service-dienstleister, 1), (sof... | 29978 | 325250 | 10.473335 | 8.070525 | 10.927506 | 10.546890 |
3335 | ((service-a, 1), (service-aafes, 1), (service-... | 5797 | 106357 | ((abc-service-fahrzeug, 1), (abendessen-servic... | 7385 | 29408 | ((aa-service, 1), (aaf-service, 3), (aai-servi... | 18181 | 185457 | service | ((service-a, 1), (service-aafes, 1), (service-... | 31363 | 321222 | 10.458371 | 8.119012 | 9.813824 | 9.648214 |
2078 | ((video-a, 9), (video-aasgeier, 1), (video-abb... | 11369 | 144030 | ((aas-video-guide, 1), (abc-video-podcast, 1),... | 4910 | 11052 | ((aaa-video, 1), (aac-video, 1), (aanalog-vide... | 11947 | 99349 | video | ((video-a, 9), (video-aasgeier, 1), (video-abb... | 28226 | 254431 | 10.268572 | 9.320311 | 10.796706 | 8.534387 |
7594 | ((html-a, 1), (html-a-tag, 3), (html-abbild, 2... | 4661 | 251459 | ((abfrage-html-code, 1), (actionscript-html-ja... | 595 | 1017 | ((admin-html, 1), (ak-html, 4), (allerwelts-ht... | 307 | 1006 | html | ((html-a, 1), (html-a-tag, 3), (html-abbild, 2... | 5563 | 253482 | 3.666283 | 3.559640 | 8.375398 | 6.646972 |
4458 | ((portal-aber, 1), (portal-abgrund, 1), (porta... | 1031 | 4268 | ((aai-portal-projekt, 1), (abas-portal-anwendu... | 455 | 719 | ((aa-portal, 3), (aachen-portal, 2), (aai-port... | 9626 | 242507 | portal | ((portal-aber, 1), (portal-abgrund, 1), (porta... | 11112 | 247494 | 5.268792 | 7.971472 | 8.306426 | 5.054775 |
2763 | ((euro-a, 23), (euro-a-day, 5), (euro-ab, 1), ... | 15280 | 207014 | ((aaa-euro-länder, 1), (abo-ein-euro-jobber, 2... | 3813 | 27667 | ((ab-euro, 26), (abfindungs-euro, 1), (abmahn-... | 1116 | 5309 | euro | ((euro-a, 23), (euro-a-day, 5), (euro-ab, 1), ... | 20209 | 239990 | 9.182818 | 8.841181 | 6.246215 | 7.752058 |
3517 | ((film-a, 3), (film-a-team, 1), (film-ab, 6), ... | 6894 | 46067 | ((aachentv-film-previewkarl, 1), (aafa-film-se... | 3206 | 4856 | ((aa-film, 6), (aaf-film, 5), (aafa-film, 3), ... | 18332 | 176359 | film | ((film-a, 3), (film-a-team, 1), (film-ab, 6), ... | 28432 | 227282 | 11.035423 | 9.866733 | 11.067336 | 10.219587 |
5788 | ((server-a, 1), (server-aachen, 1), (server-ab... | 3701 | 41478 | ((ab-server-beratungssystem, 1), (acc-server-p... | 3450 | 8429 | ((aa-server, 5), (aaa-radius-server, 1), (aaa-... | 12979 | 169608 | server | ((server-a, 1), (server-aachen, 1), (server-ab... | 20130 | 219515 | 9.860805 | 8.562716 | 9.883143 | 8.983436 |
5947 | ((standard-a, 41), (standard-a-anlage, 1), (st... | 34316 | 133992 | ((aa-alkalien-standard-batterie, 1), (aas-stan... | 2869 | 3834 | ((aa-standard, 2), (aaa-standard, 3), (aaad-st... | 9323 | 72680 | standard | ((standard-a, 41), (standard-a-anlage, 1), (st... | 46508 | 210506 | 12.485997 | 12.465448 | 11.145521 | 9.554024 |
5 | ((test-a, 7), (test-a-doo, 16), (test-a-klasse... | 5632 | 32294 | ((ab-test-ansatz, 1), (abbott-hiv-test-packung... | 2554 | 5270 | ((aa-test, 3), (aa-zellen-test, 1), (aabb-test... | 20479 | 157208 | test | ((test-a, 7), (test-a-doo, 16), (test-a-klasse... | 28665 | 194772 | 11.066268 | 10.068089 | 9.706320 | 10.300668 |
6092 | ((blog-a, 2), (blog-a-holics, 1), (blog-a-like... | 5122 | 86186 | ((abacus-nachhilfe-blog-freising, 1), (abend-b... | 1803 | 4248 | ((aa-blogs, 1), (aaa-blog, 1), (aace-blog, 1),... | 14314 | 100106 | blog | ((blog-a, 2), (blog-a-holics, 1), (blog-a-like... | 21239 | 190540 | 10.309378 | 7.410847 | 8.329346 | 10.742056 |
6443 | ((chef-abenteurer, 1), (chef-abgang, 1), (chef... | 3241 | 16607 | ((aamc-chef-advocat, 1), (abc-chef-regie, 1), ... | 550 | 713 | ((aa-chef, 17), (aaa-chef, 2), (aak-chef, 1), ... | 19634 | 172974 | chef | ((chef-abenteurer, 1), (chef-abgang, 1), (chef... | 23425 | 190294 | 10.745503 | 8.723933 | 8.869139 | 10.438633 |
3367 | ((marketing-ab, 1), (marketing-abc, 4), (marke... | 4992 | 79240 | ((abgrenzungonline-marketing-mix, 1), (abo-mar... | 3887 | 13511 | ((ab-marketing, 1), (abakus-internet-marketing... | 3159 | 90646 | marketing | ((marketing-ab, 1), (marketing-abc, 4), (marke... | 12038 | 183397 | 7.892290 | 8.333371 | 9.829395 | 4.582147 |
5903 | ((mini-a, 22), (mini-a-bombe, 5), (mini-a-bomb... | 30100 | 169928 | ((aaa-mini-z, 1), (abc-mini-serie, 1), (abente... | 2946 | 4973 | ((abi-mini, 1), (abnehmen-mini, 1), (abracadab... | 1675 | 4966 | mini | ((mini-a, 22), (mini-a-bombe, 5), (mini-a-bomb... | 34721 | 179867 | 12.181625 | 11.930079 | 10.617253 | 9.186868 |
4485 | ((format-a, 2), (format-abhängig, 2), (format-... | 854 | 3075 | ((absatz-format-menü, 1), (ad-format-anbieter,... | 490 | 848 | ((aa-format, 49), (aaa-format, 12), (aaaa-form... | 12197 | 171744 | format | ((format-a, 2), (format-abhängig, 2), (format-... | 13541 | 175667 | 8.341115 | 8.208178 | 8.291751 | 8.168670 |
385 | ((original-a, 12), (original-a-bajonett-objekt... | 23961 | 161860 | ((acronis-original-plugin, 2), (adidas-origina... | 643 | 849 | ((ab-original, 3), (abba-original, 3), (abel-f... | 1931 | 4718 | original | ((original-a, 12), (original-a-bajonett-objekt... | 26535 | 167427 | 10.258179 | 10.051894 | 8.947118 | 9.376325 |
8286 | ((high-a, 2), (high-abgänger, 1), (high-abo, 2... | 18739 | 158611 | ((abhoer-high-tech, 1), (ac-high-flow-sensor, ... | 1762 | 4884 | ((aaa-high, 1), (abnehmen-high, 1), (ace-high,... | 614 | 1992 | high | ((high-a, 2), (high-abgänger, 1), (high-abo, 2... | 21115 | 165487 | 8.480997 | 8.243905 | 6.908082 | 7.502975 |
2096 | ((club-a, 5), (club-a-go-go, 1), (club-ab, 1),... | 4595 | 33312 | ((aac-club-logo, 1), (abc-club-stiftung, 1), (... | 3588 | 6492 | ((aa-club, 5), (aaa-club, 3), (aachener-boots-... | 12440 | 124082 | club | ((club-a, 5), (club-a-go-go, 1), (club-ab, 1),... | 20623 | 163886 | 10.658397 | 9.345808 | 10.875745 | 9.737219 |
7244 | ((window-abschnitt, 1), (window-adapter, 1), (... | 10927 | 151610 | ((ach-ich-bin-ein-tolle-programmierer-denn-ich... | 1413 | 3037 | ((aa-window, 1), (ablauf-window, 1), (about-wi... | 990 | 6899 | window | ((window-abschnitt, 1), (window-adapter, 1), (... | 13330 | 161546 | 8.817984 | 8.562264 | 9.458592 | 5.069866 |
1444 | ((management-abbrecher, 1), (management-abgäng... | 2642 | 36010 | ((aal-management-plan, 2), (aal-management-plä... | 6921 | 38145 | ((aa-management, 1), (aaa-management, 2), (aal... | 8606 | 82777 | management | ((management-abbrecher, 1), (management-abgäng... | 18169 | 156932 | 10.296542 | 8.215035 | 7.759268 | 9.584250 |
6950 | ((dollar-aber, 1), (dollar-abfindung, 2), (dol... | 2239 | 13059 | ((acht-dollar-die-stunde-hilfskräfte, 1), (ach... | 2697 | 7109 | ((aber-miliarden-dollar, 1), (abonnenten-dolla... | 799 | 136558 | dollar | ((dollar-aber, 1), (dollar-abfindung, 2), (dol... | 5735 | 156726 | 2.269668 | 8.255339 | 9.993383 | 0.521292 |
2737 | ((partner-abend, 2), (partner-aber, 2), (partn... | 2957 | 21889 | ((abacus-partner-meeting, 1), (abo-partner-clu... | 1097 | 2089 | ((aaa-partner, 1), (aachen-partner, 1), (aag-p... | 10483 | 131853 | partner | ((partner-abend, 2), (partner-aber, 2), (partn... | 14537 | 155831 | 8.072252 | 8.136769 | 8.850671 | 7.239502 |
437 | ((mail-a, 6), (mail-a-scientist, 1), (mail-aan... | 3217 | 52856 | ((ab-und-zu-mail-leser, 1), (abc-mails-zukunft... | 3373 | 13187 | ((ab-mahn-e-mail, 2), (ab-mail, 1), (abacho-ma... | 5214 | 87312 | ((mail-a, 6), (mail-a-scientist, 1), (mail-aan... | 11804 | 153355 | 7.569355 | 6.569940 | 8.126042 | 5.812767 | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7398 | ((tick-abstand, 1), (tick-adjust-wert, 1), (ti... | 235 | 1191 | ((ad-tick-fighter, 1), (art-tick-akteur, 1), (... | 61 | 114 | ((abenteuer-tick, 1), (achsen-tick, 2), (acous... | 838 | 1560 | tick | ((tick-abstand, 1), (tick-adjust-wert, 1), (ti... | 1134 | 2865 | 8.275945 | 5.004218 | 4.984844 | 8.830567 |
2150 | ((eagle-abgasanlage, 1), (eagle-ableger, 1), (... | 745 | 2090 | ((afn-eagle-hörer, 1), (agnico-eagle-mines, 2)... | 77 | 104 | ((afn-eagle, 2), (agent-eagle, 2), (aggressor-... | 181 | 666 | eagle | ((eagle-abgasanlage, 1), (eagle-ableger, 1), (... | 1003 | 2860 | 8.643641 | 8.343318 | 5.996966 | 5.730284 |
5261 | ((local-absender, 1), (local-act, 1), (local-a... | 793 | 2085 | ((act-local-system, 1), (afghan-local-police, ... | 149 | 238 | ((all-local, 4), (allgäu-local, 1), (almost-ga... | 239 | 529 | local | ((local-absender, 1), (local-act, 1), (local-a... | 1181 | 2852 | 9.070886 | 8.385968 | 6.648964 | 7.036218 |
7138 | ((english-a, 2), (english-abo, 2), (english-ad... | 565 | 1390 | ((all-english-breakfast, 1), (american-english... | 179 | 282 | ((abci-english, 1), (action-english, 1), (afri... | 263 | 1116 | english | ((english-a, 2), (english-abo, 2), (english-ad... | 1007 | 2788 | 8.283730 | 7.996415 | 6.893213 | 5.586125 |
3022 | ((water-absolvent, 1), (water-action, 3), (wat... | 645 | 1260 | ((above-water-level, 1), (absolute-only-water-... | 421 | 791 | ((aacher-power-water, 1), (abc-water, 2), (agn... | 204 | 723 | water | ((water-absolvent, 1), (water-action, 3), (wat... | 1270 | 2774 | 9.379208 | 8.761515 | 7.976111 | 6.086188 |
8135 | ((guitar-abonnent, 1), (guitar-achievement, 1)... | 471 | 1306 | ((acoustic-guitar-cover-pop, 2), (acoustic-gui... | 267 | 330 | ((ac-guitar, 2), (ac-guitars, 1), (acc-guitar,... | 329 | 1120 | guitar | ((guitar-abonnent, 1), (guitar-achievement, 1)... | 1067 | 2756 | 8.409664 | 7.249696 | 7.874747 | 6.462243 |
2577 | ((supporter-account, 1), (supporter-accountsta... | 365 | 957 | ((alf-supporters-group, 1), (arminia-supporter... | 69 | 101 | ((aachen-supporter, 2), (aarau-supporter, 1), ... | 685 | 1660 | supporter | ((supporter-account, 1), (supporter-accountsta... | 1119 | 2718 | 8.906687 | 7.355464 | 5.791205 | 8.121965 |
3986 | ((camera-a, 2), (camera-acting, 36), (camera-a... | 443 | 1151 | ((action-camera-szene, 2), (adobe-camera-raw, ... | 141 | 287 | ((action-camera, 1), (action-sports-camera, 1)... | 454 | 1271 | camera | ((camera-a, 2), (camera-acting, 36), (camera-a... | 1038 | 2709 | 8.846763 | 7.611801 | 6.106716 | 7.642461 |
6436 | ((bell-a-mir, 3), (bell-a-mobil, 1), (bell-abl... | 678 | 1710 | ((alexander-bell-straße, 6), (alexander-graham... | 178 | 346 | ((adamek-bell, 2), (agogo-bell, 2), (agusta-be... | 197 | 640 | bell | ((bell-a-mir, 3), (bell-a-mobil, 1), (bell-abl... | 1053 | 2696 | 8.938646 | 8.393497 | 6.470744 | 6.298479 |
4779 | ((slang-abend, 1), (slang-abkürzung, 2), (slan... | 131 | 537 | ((american-slang-übersetzer, 1), (arizona-slan... | 45 | 52 | ((abnahme-slang, 1), (aboriginies-slang, 1), (... | 874 | 2091 | slang | ((slang-abend, 1), (slang-abkürzung, 2), (slan... | 1050 | 2680 | 8.750162 | 5.270435 | 5.402175 | 8.631970 |
4373 | ((variant-ableger, 1), (variant-abo-umschlag, ... | 162 | 694 | ((abessinier-variant-baby, 1), (abessinier-var... | 41 | 54 | ((abessinier-variant, 6), (abo-variant, 1), (a... | 1057 | 1916 | variant | ((variant-ableger, 1), (variant-abo-umschlag, ... | 1260 | 2664 | 8.835874 | 5.113765 | 5.208410 | 8.949384 |
3682 | ((ambition-a, 2), (ambition-ausführung, 2), (a... | 47 | 159 | ((blonde-ambition-show, 1), (blonde-ambition-t... | 5 | 5 | ((abenteuer-ambition, 1), (abenteurer-ambition... | 1076 | 2500 | ambition | ((ambition-a, 2), (ambition-ausführung, 2), (a... | 1128 | 2664 | 9.204795 | 4.439136 | 2.321928 | 9.153247 |
1758 | ((summer-academie, 1), (summer-academy, 3), (s... | 599 | 1664 | ((acw-summer-event, 1), (after-summer-party, 9... | 255 | 385 | ((action-summer, 1), (adams-summer, 4), (adobe... | 190 | 561 | summer | ((summer-academie, 1), (summer-academy, 3), (s... | 1044 | 2610 | 8.660493 | 7.707008 | 7.604803 | 6.174094 |
7457 | ((valley-abhang, 1), (valley-ableger, 1), (val... | 271 | 405 | ((arun-valley-wildlife-expedition, 1), (baross... | 357 | 692 | ((action-valley, 1), (adaptronik-valley, 1), (... | 451 | 1484 | valley | ((valley-abhang, 1), (valley-ableger, 1), (val... | 1079 | 2581 | 8.736061 | 7.811883 | 7.656110 | 7.078671 |
6370 | ((hunger-abschaffen, 1), (hunger-afrika, 1), (... | 546 | 1352 | ((anti-hunger-betroffenheitswear, 1), (anti-hu... | 112 | 268 | ((abend-hunger, 1), (abenteuer-hunger, 2), (ab... | 432 | 941 | hunger | ((hunger-abschaffen, 1), (hunger-afrika, 1), (... | 1090 | 2561 | 9.017725 | 8.079859 | 5.326666 | 7.720429 |
2222 | ((asphalt-abenteuerspielplatz, 2), (asphalt-ab... | 837 | 2148 | ((adfc-asphalt-autobahn, 2), (ama-asphalt-misc... | 59 | 71 | ((afrika-asphalt, 1), (akne-asphalt, 1), (alt-... | 166 | 334 | asphalt | ((asphalt-abenteuerspielplatz, 2), (asphalt-ab... | 1062 | 2553 | 8.891617 | 8.451024 | 5.811719 | 6.744294 |
36 | ((geek-a-cycle, 1), (geek-abenteuer, 1), (geek... | 585 | 1488 | ((access-geeks-blog, 1), (alpha-geek-leben, 1)... | 65 | 83 | ((abenteuer-geeks, 1), (action-geek, 1), (adob... | 383 | 972 | geek | ((geek-a-cycle, 1), (geek-abenteuer, 1), (geek... | 1033 | 2543 | 8.858112 | 7.955541 | 5.879625 | 7.501461 |
6070 | ((depression-aehnlichem, 1), (depression-aktiv... | 341 | 885 | ((alter-depression-schmerz, 1), (an-depression... | 99 | 216 | ((abortion-depression, 1), (advents-depression... | 571 | 1417 | depression | ((depression-aehnlichem, 1), (depression-aktiv... | 1011 | 2518 | 8.705121 | 7.382613 | 5.314685 | 7.736219 |
3753 | ((maximum-a-posteriori-adaption, 1), (maximum-... | 479 | 1214 | ((absolute-maximum-rating, 1), (adoleszenz-max... | 66 | 101 | ((absorptions-maximum, 1), (abstimm-maximum, 2... | 533 | 1165 | maximum | ((maximum-a-posteriori-adaption, 1), (maximum-... | 1078 | 2480 | 8.868034 | 7.687014 | 5.471775 | 7.828888 |
1676 | ((terrain-abdeckung, 1), (terrain-abhängige, 1... | 283 | 801 | ((all-terrain-armored-transporter, 1), (all-te... | 148 | 435 | ((action-terrain, 1), (adventure-terrain, 1), ... | 638 | 1197 | terrain | ((terrain-abdeckung, 1), (terrain-abhängige, 1... | 1069 | 2433 | 8.822450 | 6.866251 | 5.972357 | 8.168750 |
3529 | ((spinner-abteilung, 3), (spinner-account, 1),... | 265 | 541 | ((all-turn-it-spinner-ersatz, 1), (alu-spinner... | 45 | 51 | ((aalround-spinner, 9), (aaron-spinner, 1), (a... | 705 | 1698 | spinner | ((spinner-abteilung, 3), (spinner-account, 1),... | 1015 | 2290 | 8.918361 | 7.169125 | 5.437131 | 8.320645 |
6135 | ((loser-abschied, 1), (loser-affäre, 1), (lose... | 501 | 1247 | ((absoluten-online-loser-vollhorst-preis, 3), ... | 75 | 160 | ((abkacker-loser, 1), (abs-loser, 1), (afc-los... | 452 | 783 | loser | ((loser-abschied, 1), (loser-affäre, 1), (lose... | 1028 | 2190 | 9.162143 | 7.968248 | 5.507344 | 8.261235 |
1915 | ((argumentation-als-narration, 2), (argumentat... | 243 | 427 | ((die-argumentation-des-feindes-kennenlernen, ... | 13 | 17 | ((aber-argumentation, 1), (abitur-argumentatio... | 1038 | 1721 | argumentation | ((argumentation-als-narration, 2), (argumentat... | 1294 | 2165 | 9.703910 | 7.413752 | 3.499228 | 9.352129 |
3072 | ((expertise-angebot, 1), (expertise-ansatz, 1)... | 108 | 216 | ((bh-expertise-template, 1), (re-expertise-kos... | 7 | 14 | ((abenteurer-expertise, 1), (abgabenordnung-ex... | 887 | 1911 | expertise | ((expertise-angebot, 1), (expertise-ansatz, 1)... | 1002 | 2141 | 9.026928 | 6.086210 | 2.495603 | 8.816009 |
6235 | ((lake-agnes-trail, 1), (lake-aktion, 1), (lak... | 342 | 703 | ((abijata-shala-lakes-nationalpark, 1), (andhr... | 183 | 411 | ((abaya-lake, 1), (acid-lake, 1), (acres-lake,... | 483 | 1023 | lake | ((lake-agnes-trail, 1), (lake-aktion, 1), (lak... | 1008 | 2137 | 8.854502 | 7.456583 | 6.071877 | 7.812522 |
363 | ((overkill-abend, 1), (overkill-action, 1), (o... | 203 | 410 | ((action-effekt-overkill-double-feature, 1), (... | 47 | 58 | ((abhör-overkill, 2), (abschreckungs-overkill,... | 845 | 1602 | overkill | ((overkill-abend, 1), (overkill-action, 1), (o... | 1095 | 2070 | 9.203837 | 6.959941 | 5.452640 | 8.759612 |
522 | ((technology-absolvent, 1), (technology-accapt... | 235 | 532 | ((advanced-flow-technology-software, 1), (adva... | 195 | 329 | ((abc-technology, 2), (abk-technology, 6), (ac... | 629 | 1206 | technology | ((technology-absolvent, 1), (technology-accapt... | 1059 | 2067 | 9.443547 | 7.171150 | 7.075364 | 8.727653 |
3383 | ((program-alerts, 1), (program-analyser-anlage... | 240 | 556 | ((albatros-program-men, 1), (annual-program-fu... | 53 | 60 | ((aaa-program, 1), (aamc-program, 1), (abap-pr... | 781 | 1206 | program | ((program-alerts, 1), (program-analyser-anlage... | 1074 | 1822 | 9.504958 | 7.019761 | 5.648394 | 9.212835 |
2176 | ((pose-aber, 1), (pose-and-mark-modul, 1), (po... | 56 | 109 | ((auf-die-pose-werfer, 1), (ich-putz-mich-währ... | 10 | 12 | ((abschluss-pose, 3), (abschluß-pose, 1), (abw... | 960 | 1584 | pose | ((pose-aber, 1), (pose-and-mark-modul, 1), (po... | 1026 | 1705 | 9.370497 | 5.244871 | 3.251629 | 9.267372 |
2 | ((imitation-assimilation-transformation, 1), (... | 48 | 61 | ((albert-koch-imitation-post, 1), (anti-imitat... | 24 | 31 | ((abba-imitation, 2), (acad-imitation, 1), (ac... | 977 | 1365 | imitation | ((imitation-assimilation-transformation, 1), (... | 1049 | 1457 | 9.694730 | 5.408208 | 4.478232 | 9.579924 |
1387 rows × 17 columns
Which anglicisms show the greatest difference in $H_R$ and $H_L$ values?
Greater left-hand constituency: more use as modifiers, class conversion from English heads (nouns) to German modifying adjuncts (adjectives)?
Slightly lower overall entropy in the DECOW16bx corpus
Preponderance of traditional online text genres in this corpus = less creativity in hyphenated compound formation?
Better preprocessing necessary (cf. Evert & Lüdeling, 2001; Lüdeling, Evert & Heid, 2000)
Proper nouns and verbal phrases as distinct categories
Take relative frequencies and entropies in English text into account
Hyphenation in German compounds exhibits variation
The productivity of constituent bases in hyphenated compounds can be evaluated using Shannon entropy
The most productive anglicism bases may be those whose meanings are well-understood by German users → inclusion in the German lexicon (cf. Hein & Engelberg, 2017: More common indigenous bases are more productive)
Many of these types denote entities in the domains of internet or information technology: Bedürfnislehnwörter 'necessary borrowings' (Carstensen, 1965; Onysko, 2007; Onysko & Winter-Froemel, 2011; Winter-Froemel, Onysko & Calude, 2014)
Genre effects may be evident when considering corpora from Twitter, WordPress blogs, and the web
Internal capitalization (ReiseCenter, YouTube, etc.)
Borrowability index?
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