
Another element that achieved massive moving was the after war and especially in the 1960s strenghtened change of the economic structure. The rapid industrialization and the mechanization of agriculture and forestry brought about the power to the migration from the countryside. Where the parting movement has been lively, there the population growth has been retarded. The people who have been moving, have usually been young and as a consequense of that, in the counties of net emigration, has the percent of old people and pensioners increased. The diminishing tax revenues forces these counties to reduce the countys services and for example close schools because of the lack of students. Where the coming movement is abundant, the population growth speeds up. In these areas there is more families with children at home than in the average counties. That causes shortage of apartments and childrens day care places. In addition to that moving to new city causes very often difficulties in adapting for both children and adults. There is migration also inside the counties, from the border areas to the centers. Lots of farms are becoming deserted, when there is no one coming to resettle in those farms. 

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