Day five: all good things...

On the last field day of the course, to see how waste is handled in the Oulu region, we visited the Rusko waste management facility.

There we first listened to a presentation about the facility, after which there was a tour.

  [Rusko waste management facility (office)]

The photo on the right is from the biological waste processing unit, where biodegradable waste is turned into soil.

  [Biological waste processing]

The rectangular formations of rubble on the left are storage for hazardous waste.

  [Hazardous waste storage]

The highest point of Oulu resides in Rusko, on top of a retired landfill.

[View from the top]  

A view toward the town from the top of the hill.

[Back down]  

Heading back down.


There were a lot of gulls throughout the facility area.


More gulls.

  [More birds]