Hannu-Pekka Komsa homepage
Assistant Professor at University of Oulu
2023.1.30 Computational Raman database website and the corresponding manuscript published.
2023.1.27 Arsalan Hashemi successfully defended his thesis "Modeling Raman and Photoluminescence Spectra of Defective Materials". Congratulations!
2022.6.6 I visited 3 weeks in Japan, kindly hosted by Prof. Kazu Suenaga at Osaka University and Dr. Yung-Chang Lin at AIST, Tsukuba.
2022.3.28-29 Mini symposium on 2D materials organized jointly with Hannes Raebiger from Yokohama National University.
2022.3.1 Welcome to new doctoral students Touko Lehenkari and Shuei-De Huang! They will be working on the Infotech project.
2022.1.21 Rina Ibragimova successfully defended her thesis "On the surface: Effects of functionalization and defects in two-dimensional MXenes". Congratulations!
2021.9.8 We received Infotech Oulu funding for four years to study memristors and neuromorphic sensors based on layered materials.
2021.7.27 Our paper "Synthesis and Properties of Monolayer MnSe with Unusual Atomic Structure and Antiferromagnetic Ordering" was published in ACS Nano.
2021.4.9: Our paper "Formation of Highly Doped Nanostripes in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides via a Dislocation Climb Mechanism" was published in Advanced Materials. There is also news blurp on the University home page here.
2021.2.17: Our paper "First principles study of the stability of MXenes under an electron beam" was published in Nanoscale Advances. There is also a journal cover for it created by Zhongpeng Lyu!

2021.1.1: Website moved.