[Alka presentation]

On Saturday, Birgitte told us about the Àlka network.


Then, we students had a group exercise on how we could use in teaching what we learned during the course. At the same time, the teachers held a network meeting.

[Group exercise]

The results of the group exercise were presented to the whole group once the network meeting was over and the teachers had returned.

Student exercise: Values for science education

In this fact box are the results from the student group exercise at the conclusion of the course.

First, in original Danish:

Værdier for naturfaget

  • Eleverne skal lære at tage stilling til emner og problemstillinger ud fra forskellige synspunkter.
  • Gennem eksperimenterende undervisning skal eleverne bevare deres nysgerrighed samt lysten til at lære og kunne stille spørgsmål.
  • Undervisningen skal lede frem imod at eleverne opnår en større forståelse for sammenspillet mellem natur, mennesker, dyr og planter.
  • I samarbedje mellem skole og hjemmet skal eleverne opnå en glæde og respekt for naturen. Denne respekt skal komme til syne i deres hverdag.

Here is an English version:

Values for science education

  • The students shall learn to understand the presented subjects and problems from a variety of different viewpoints.
  • Through learning by experiment, the students shall retain their curiosity and a desire to learn, as well as a desire to be able to pose questions.
  • The education shall be aimed so that the students achieve a greater understanding of the interaction and connections between nature, human beings, animals and plants.
  • By co-operation between school and home, the students shall achieve a feeling of joy and respect toward nature. This respect shall become a part of their everyday life.

Source: All student participants; English translation: J. Jeronen

[Group exercise results]