Fra miljøforandringer til kulturforandringer — klimaændringer, arktisk økologi, tilpasning og levevilkår

From environmental changes to cultural changes — climate change, arctic ecology, adaptation and conditions of life


Nordplus course in Environmental Education in Ilinniarfissuaq (Grønlands Seminarium; Teachers' Training School of Greenland) 27.8.-1.9.2007



To read the course report, choose one of the sections at the top, or click next.

The topics are presented chronologically, each topic in the section for the day during which it took place. Participants are listed in the appendix, along with some other information.

All the photographs used in the report can be clicked for a larger version.


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  • Konqueror 3.5
  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0

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This report written and the photographs taken by Juha Jeronen.
Comments, complaints and compliments concerning the report can be addressed to jumijero (at)