[Arriving at the ground cabin]

[At the ground cabin]

Next up in our program was a visit to bedstemors hytte — a ground cabin (jordhytte), a traditional dwelling in Greenland. See the photo on the lower left.

This one was built only about twenty years ago, though.

To the left: Walking to the cabin. The place was located a short drive along the road back to town from Naturinstitut.

Didactics: Phases of an active visit

Source: E. Jeronen / personal communication

  1. Planning phase
    1. Selection of the theme to be studied
    2. Gathering and familiarizing with the information
    3. Making contacts and time tables
  2. Planning a visiting program together with the pupils and the staff of the place to be visited
    1. Selection of the topics to be studied by the pupil groups
    2. Preparation for the visit (e.g. preparing questions on the selected topics)
  3. Visiting the place
    1. Guidelines for the visit
    2. A short tour to get a holistic conception of the place
    3. Group exercises
  4. After the visit, making a summary of observations, experiences and studied topics (e.g. presentations, discussions, a report).
  5. Sending the report to the place visited for thanks.


Palmberg, I. 2005. Toiminnalliset vierailut työmuotona. (Active visits as work methods.) In: V.Eloranta, E.Jeronen & I.Palmberg (eds.) 2005. Biologia eläväksi. Biologian didaktiikka. (Biology Education.) Keuruu: Otavan Kirjapaino. 147-148.

Sahlberg, P. 1990. (ed.) Luonnontieteiden opetuksen työtapoja. (Methods in Science Education.) Helsinki: valtion painatuskeskus.

We stopped at the cabin for coffee and some pastries. This is how the cabin looks like on the inside.

It got crowded rather quickly, as the interior of the cabin was a square about only three meters wide on each side. (The door was also pretty low, so you had to crouch when going in. See the second photo on this page.)

[At the ground cabin]

Water for coffee was boiling on a stove in the corner.

[Boiling water for coffee]


[At the ground cabin]

Here is another inside view.


[At the ground cabin]

Now that most of the people went inside, here you can see a clearer view of... grass?

Actually, here you can see a closer look at the side of the cabin that was seen at the right edge of the second photo on this page.

You can also see a window in the middle of the picture, which...


...brings us to this photo. There were two windows on opposing sides of the cabin, and the door was on a third side. The fourth side, facing the road, was a plain wall.

Here is a close-up of one of the windows. This one was on the far side of the cabin when seen from the location of the previous photo.
