[Near Kangersuneq]

There it is! Approaching Kangersuneq.


Down at the shore. Icebergs of various sizes filled the whole fjord, and some of them had drifted ashore.

[Kangersuneq shore]

(View to the other direction.)

[Kangersuneq shore (another view)]

We stopped for a lunchbreak, eating sandwiches that we had packed at Kapisillit for the excursion.

In addition to my sandwiches, I took the opportunity to take more photos so...

[Lunchbreak at Kangersuneq]


[Kangersuneq (on the shore)]


[On the way back]

...that I could build the above panorama later. For the interested Google Earth user, judging by the terrain and the route we took, I think the coordinates of the panorama are somewhere around 64°27'47"N, 50°09'52"W.

It was already half past noon. After the lunchbreak, we started heading back to our landing point.