[Walking to the greenhouse]

Greenhouse classroom

After the introductory lecture, we went to see the greenhouse classroom for ourselves.

As the name suggests, this was an old greenhouse that had been converted into a classroom, where all kinds of school projects could be done.

In the picture, the group is gathering at the greenhouse, visible at the upper right.

[Inside the greenhouse]

Sigurður told us more about the use of the greenhouse as a teaching environment.


The interior of the greenhouse was filled with projects made by the pupils, such as these drums...

[Pupil project]

...and this viking-related construction.

It seems the sign says... Fagribaer?

[Pupil project]


[Fish tank]


[What's in the aquarium?]

The greenhouse was divided into two parts by a storage room in the middle. The back part, shown in these two pictures, housed fish.


Problem-based learning in biology

Problem-based learning best works with a real problem in the field of study. It encourages the students to discuss the problem and suggest solutions, making the students into active learners.

What does the instructor need to do to create a problem-based learning environment? Basically, this consists of the following tasks:

  1. Form small groups.

    3-5 people per group is fine.

  2. Present the problem.

    State the problem to the class briefly. You may use a video clip or specimen as a trigger.

  3. Activate the groups.

    Get the groups started on solving the problem. Follow their progress. Assist, but do not offer solutions.

  4. Provide feedback.

    It is important to maintain the students' interest in the problem, while prolonging the solution process for better learning results. Continuous feedback helps to achieve this.

    The group work can also be temporarily halted and the groups' ideas discussed with the whole class.

  5. Ask for a solution.

    When enough groups have solved the problem, ask them to present their solutions.



Problem-based Learning in Biology (with 20 Case Examples)

[ http://www.saltspring.com/capewest/pbl.htm ]
Referred on 20th of September 2005.