

Friday, the last day of the course, consisted of group exercises.

We discussed how to employ IT in teaching, and made mind maps studying the starting points for problem-based learning in biology and geography. For example, the group I was in considered how to teach biology and geography in the laboratory.

After these exercises, the course proper ended, and we had lunch.

[Old lava field]

Interestingly, now that the course was over, the weather had returned to normal.

It was time to head for Reykjavik. We boarded the bus once again.

The picture on the left was taken during the drive — as can be seen, old lava fields are common in Iceland.


In Reykjavik, we visited an art installation by Finnbogi Pétursson.

[Waiting for the artist]

The artist himself arrived to tell us about the project.

The topic of the installation was the ancient four elements, and it consisted of two rooms. In one room, fire and air combined to form small flames that were manipulated by low frequency sounds. The other room was partially filled with water, and a similar sound created waves on the surface, casting patterns of light onto the walls.

Personally, I would classify the installation as a visual equivalent of ambient music.

Visible in the background is the entrance to the earth and water room.

[Heading to Dry River]


[Dry River]

In the evening, we had a course conclusion dinner at the Iceland University of Education.

[Iceland's oldest road]

Having dinner.

The group from Finland (myself and Eila) had to excuse ourselves right after the dinner, as our flight was to leave in the middle of the night.

Thus, I will conclude my report here.