[Stokkseyri sea shore]

Stokkseyri and Eyrarbakki

The Stokkseyri sea shore is a good place to go birdwatching. We stopped there for a while.

[Stokkseyri landscape]

This is how the landscape looks like.


We drove around for a bit to see if we could find more birds.

What's outside?


Hmm... ducks.

At least they were more co-operative with being photographed.



[Lunch break at Eyrarbakki]

It was time for a lunch break. Again, we had packed food with us, so we went to the shore in Eyrarbakki to enjoy both the lunch and the view.

[Leaving Eyrarbakki]

On the way back to the bus from the lunch break.

Here the birdwatching excursion ended, and next in the plan was a farm visit.