
Closing words

I am sure some of you wondered why I was snapping pictures all the time, and what I was going to do with them all. At least for me, a critical component in taking successful pictures is to take really many of them, and then to simply discard all the bad ones. The end result was approximately 700 images, about 100 of which you could see on the pages of this report.

As for taking the photographs, my new digital camera came in really handy. It is a Canon Digital IXUS 40 — it has just enough manual control, and it fits into the shirt pocket. It was perfect for the job.

During the workshop on Tuesday, I was quite surprised that it was possible to digiscope through a microscope so easily. The binoculars on Thursday's birdwatching excursion, on the other hand...



The scenery never ceased to astonish. Some of the places we visited during the course I would even call nature's works of art. And, from the geysirs to the waterfalls and lava fields — it is all quite different from how Finland looks like.

Overall, the week was an interesting and enlightening experience.