
New day, new excursion

Thursday was reserved for another full-day excursion. This time we would first visit a school in Alviðra, then go for a birdwatching trip around the Stokkseyri area, and finally go see the crater at Kerið.

As noted, our first destination was Alviðra — "All Weather". We certainly got more of the weather on Thursday, as in fact the strong wind had continued for the whole night, and still showed no signs of slowing down.

In Alviðra, we visited a school which focused on the environment.

[One of the school buildings]

This is one of the school buildings. We were guided around the whole school by the teacher.


In this building, the pupils kept some animals...

[Fishtank room]

...such as these fish.



[Alviðra school building]

Here is the main building of the school, which is where the classroom is.

It is the classroom, because there are only a few dozen pupils.


We gathered into the classroom for the teacher's explanation of the school's activity.

Works by the pupils were on display, such as the plant identification chart on the table, visible in the center of the picture. The chart displayed parts of actual plants from around the Alviðra area, along with their names.


We met the pupils of the school shortly before they left with their teacher for a field trip.

My skill in Icelandic being nonexistent, I decided to leave the talking to the others, and just made sure I got the necessary pictures for this report.

[Meeting the pupils]

Before moving on, we gathered for a coffee break in the school building.

The coffee was nice, especially as it was a cold day.

[Coffee break]