Ulkomaisia luottamustehtäviä (International confidential posts)
Tutkinnot (Qualifications)
Muu koulutus (Other education)
Opetuskokemus (Educational expertise)
Pedagoginen koulutus (Pedagogical education)
Opetuksen kehittämiseen liittyvät julkaisut (Educational publications)
Muut julkaisut (Other publications)
Opiskelun ja oppimisen tukeminen (Supporting studying and learning)
Opetusmenetelmät ja työtavat (Teaching methods)
Arviointi ja kehittäminen (Evaluation and development)
Kotimaiset ja EU-projektit (National and EU projects)
 Intensiivikurssit (Intensive courses) 
Opettajanvaihto (Teacher exchange)
Opiskelijapalaute (From students)
Kolleegapalaute (From colleagues)
Kotimaiset (National)
Ulkomaiset (International)

Invited reviewer "Primary School Students' Perceptions on Water Systems: Exploring Sources and Usage at Home and in Society", Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Manuscript EJMSTE-25794-2023-R1.
Invited reviewer "Uncertainty, science education and sustainability: A brief introduction", Sustainability and science education - exploring roles andchallenges for science education in sustainability education. Springer. 4th Manuscript. 15.12.2023
Invited Editor (STEM) of Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (EJMSTE) -
Invited Special Issue "Editorial Board Members’ Collection Series in “STEM Education”" Education Sciences, Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102), MDPI.
Invited reviewer "Assessing Secondary School Students’ Scientific Literacy Levels: Exploring Gender-Based Differences", Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Manuscript ID EJMSTE-24636-2023-R1.
Invited reviewer "Inquiring sustainability through dialogic Video Clubs in upper secondary schools". Environmental Education Research, CEER-2023-0057.R1
Invited reviewer "Examining Novice Elementary Teachers’ Developing Teacher Practices: Instructional Plabbing and Discourse". Journal of ScienceTeacher Education, Manuscript ID JSTE-D-22-00146R1
Invited reviewer "An environmental and sustainability education center as a “street-level policy entrepreneur” Environmental Education Research,Manuscript ID CEER-2023-0312.
Invited reviewer "What and why in teaching about sustainability: Science teachers’ emphasis on content choice when teaching about SustainableDevelopment". NorDiNa
Invited reviewer "Inquiring sustainability through dialogic Video Clubs in upper secondary schools". Environmental Education Research, CEER-2023-0057.

Invited reviewer, Journal of Biological Education_RJBE- 2021-0094.R1: Investigating what students learnt about biodiversity following a visit to a nature reserve using Personal Meaning Maps. 20.3.2022.


Invited Section Board Member in STEM education, Education Sciences, MDPI

Invited reviewer, Τhe effect of training on environmental educators: perceptions of early childhood educators, Education Sciences, Manuscript ID education 1231685 2021
Invited reviewer, The Congruence of Self, Peer-group and Teachereducator’s Assessment: A Case Study on a Competency Based Teacher Training Course. Education Sciences, Manuscript IDeducation_1229844 2021
Invited reviewer, Life, Death, Self and Other: A Place for Multimodal Objects in Biology Didactics? NorDiNa, Nordic8749. 2021
Invited reviewer, Education for Sustainable Development, Environmental education, environmental indicators, ecopedagogy, Finnish education. Environmental Education Research, CEER-2021-0061. 2021
Invited reviewer, Geography Education for Promoting Sustainability in Indonesia, sustainability-114741. 2021
Invited reviewer, SELF – REPORTED WELLNESS AND TEACHING PERFORMANCE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN CATUBIG VALLEY, Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, Ms_JESBS_66171. 2021
Invited reviewer, Critical Thinking Skills of Environmental Changes: A Biological Instruction Using Guided Discovery Learning-Argument Mapping (GDL-AM). NorDiNa, Nordic8574. 2021
Invited member of the Advisory board of Editor's Choice Articles, Education Sciences2020
Invited reviewer Teaching and Teacher Education, Elsevier
Invited reviewer, “Students’ Knowledge of Climate Change Mitigation and Its Connection to Hope”. Manuscript ID: sustainability-719790.

Invited Special Issue Academic Editor for Geography Education Promoting Sustainability, Series 2, (ISSN 2227-7102). MDPI. Education Sciences

2020- 2022

Invited Special Issue Academic Editor for Sustainability in Biology, Geography and Interdisciplinary Studies and

Sustainable Pedagogies, with Ph.D., Adjunct professor Eija Yli-Panula. Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050). MDPI.

2020- 2023
Invited reviewer, "Integrating sustainability in higher education: A Swedish case". Manuscript ID: IJSHE-10-2019-0292: Review 21.11.2019 and 12-2-2020 2019-2020

Invited guest editor, a topical collection in Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), Science Education promoting sustainability.

Invited Volume Editor for the book focusing on SDG 4, “Transitioning to Quality Education”. “Transitioning to Sustainability”, Open Access book series, Edited by Prof. Dr. M. M. Bergman. MDPI, Education Sciences.

Invited reviewer, The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.

2019- onwards
Invited reviewer, the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Manuscript ID IJSHE-10-2019-0292.
Invited reviewer, Student conceptual understanding of the cell and the cell as a system - a case study. NorDiNa. 2019
Invited reviewer, More of the same: A critical analysis of the formations of teacher students through sustainability education. Environmental Education Research, Manuscript ID: CEER-2019-0092. 2019

  Invited member of Editorial board, and Section Editor, Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management.

2018- 2023

Invited Special Issue Academic Editor Geography Education Promoting Sustainability Series 1, Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102). MDPI.

Invited reviewer, A qualitative study on parental and community stakeholder views of the link between full-day kindergarten and health in Southern Nevada. Children: Manuscript ID: children-436500.
Invited reviewer, Children, MDPI.
Invited member of the editorial rewiev board of  Asian Journal of Education and Training  (Online ISSN: 2519-5387) 2018-
Invited reviewer: Academic Globalization and Inter-Cultural Communication: AGIC 2018 in the context of The 22nd Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2018, July 8 - 11, 2018 ~Orlando, Florida, USA.
Invited reviewer, Students’ decision-making in education for sustainability-related extracurricular activities – A systematic
literature review. Sustainability: Manuscript ID: sustainability-377694.
Invited reviewer, Sustainable Development in Geography education for Middle School in China. Sustainability: Manuscript ID: sustainability-369713. 2018
Invited reviewer, It’s a hit! Mapping Austrian research contributions to the Sustainable Development
Goals by keyword search. Sustainability: Manuscript ID: sustainability-357334.
Invited reviewer, Internet use by Secondary School students: A digital divide in sustainable societies? Sustainability: Manuscript ID: sustainability-355149. 2018
Invited member of the editorial board of Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102)2017-
Invited reviewer, British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science (BJESBS)
Invited reviewer, The Pros and Cons of using Personal Response Systems in an Interactive Scientific Debate. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science (BJESBS): Manuscript Number: Ms_BJESBS_31348. 2017
Invited reviewer, The Greenhouse Effect Conception of the Pre-Service Teachers of Kotobe Teacher Training University (KTTU). British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science Ms_BJESBS_31500. 2017
Invited reviewer, Concept mapping about plants and water: a useful consolidation tool for females and a useful
recapitulation tool for males.Education Sciences: Manuscript ID: education-214526.
Invited reviewer, Medicine education at home – a Finnish case study. Health Education Journal (HEJ),
Manuscript ID: HEJ-17-0161.

                              Invited Special Issue Academic Editor "Teaching Methods in Science Subjects Promoting Sustainability", Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102).

Invited reviewer, Basic Science as a predictor of students’ performance in senior school Science subjects in Ekiti state, Nigeria. International Journal of Biology Education, IJOBED: Manuscript Number: 5000183010-5000327125-1-RV. 2016
Invited reviewer, Cross-Cultural Differences in Concrete and Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Campaigns:
Perceived Message Clarity and Perceived CSR as Mediators. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility,
Manuscript Number: JCSR-D-16-00010.
Invited reviewer, Awareness on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Malaysian Higher Education; Assessing Environmental Competencies of primary education preserviceteachers in Spain: a comparative study between two universities. Environmental Education Research. 2015-2016
Invited reviewer, Motivating action through fostering climate change hope and concern and avoiding despair among
adolescents. Sustainability, Manuscript ID: sustainability-111102.
Invited reviewer, Teaching preschool children about sustainability through movies. Copernicus Publications, Web Ecology, Special Issue: Ecology at the Interface. 2015
Invited reviewer, Environmental education in pre-service teacher training: literature review. IJESE-00061. 2015
Invited reviewer, Environmental Education Research2015
Reviewer, European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), ESERA 2015 CONFERENCE, August 31st - September 4th 2015, Helsinki, Finland, 12 reviews. 2015
Reviewer, European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), ESERA 2015 CONFERENCE, August 31st - September 4th 2015 Helsinki, Finland:
Adolescents and the dip in sustainability consciousness;
Analysis of the narratives of the museum mediation for a particle accelerator;
Conveying the importance of training informal science educators;
Defining and Redefining Informal Science Education;
Designing and testing an education for sustainable development self-efficacy scale for pre-service teachers: preliminary findings, European Health Literacy Scale (HLS-EU-Br) applied in a Brazilian Higher Education population of Rio Grande do Sul (RS); Factual Knowledge is overestimated!;
Fostering Ecological Behaviour by Environmental Perception, Action related- and Effectiveness Knowledge;
Museum Science Teaching: Museum Educators’ Personal Epistemology and Created Learning Experiences;
Preparing Scientists to be Science Communicators;
Sex Education in Portuguese Basic Education: an action-research including teachers and students;
Teaching the theory of evolution in informal settings to those who are uncomfortable with it;
Turkish middle school students’ level of knowledge on the vital threat of their future: climate change.
Invited referee Sustainability, MDPI 2014-2015
Invited reviewer of Nordic Studies in Science Education (NorDiNa). 2013-
Invited member in the International Editorial Board of the scientific journal ACTA Universitatis Matthiae Belii, Environmental Management Series (ACTA), ISSN (print) 1338-4430, ISSN (online) 1338-449X. 2013-

    Invited member of the editorial board of International Journal of Biology Education (IJOBED), ISSN: 2147-4990.


Invited reviewer of the Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (SJER).2010
Invited reviewer of the Journal of Science Teacher Education (JSTE).2010
Reviewer, European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), ESERA 2009 CONFERENCE, August 31st - September 4th 2009. Istanbul, Turkey.2009
Invited reviewer of Journal of Education, Informatics and Cybernetics (JEIC).
Chair in next three Round tables: Future Prospects in Geography, Sustainability and global issues and Future of HERODOT /EUROGEO. HERODOT Conference. 4.-7.9.2008. Liverpool Hope University. Liverpool, United Kingdom. 2008
Invited reviewer, the 9th Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 11th -15th June 2008 Reykjavik, Iceland.2008
Invited member of editorial review board of Journal of Geography in Higher Education (JGHE). 2007
Invited member of the review board for the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics.
2006- 2012
Invited break-out group chair in the session “Innovations to promote biodiversity by co-operation of teachers and scientists”. In: Actions for the 2010 Biodiversity Target in Europe - How does research contribute to halting the biodiversity loss?- XVI EPBRS Meeting in 2006; 16.-19.11.2006, Espoo.
(XVI EPBRS Meeting is a meeting by invitation. It is one of the Research and Technology events organised during the Finnish EU presidency.)
Invited reviewer, WMSCI - The 9th- World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics July 1013, 2005 - Orlando, Florida, USA
Invited member of the editorial board of International Journal of Environmental and Science Education (IJESE, Int. J Env Sci Ed (Web of Science) ), e-ISSN: 1306-3065. 2005-
Invited member of the editorial review board for the Journal of Science Teacher Education (JSTE). 2005-
Invited conveyor, The 2nd HERODOT Thematic Network conference Changing Horizons in Geography Education. September 2nd – 5th 2005. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland. 2005
Invited reviewer, det 8. nordiske Forskersymposium om undervisning I naturfag. Naturdidaktikkens mange facetter. 30. april til 3. maj 2005. Aalborg Seminarium, Aalborg, Danmark. 2005
Invited co-chair in the session “Education and Information Systems II”, 21.7.2004. SCI-2004, The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. July 18-21, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA. Organized by IIIS, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.   2004
Invited evaluator of the presentations and articles in the session “Education and Information Systems II”, 21.7.2004. SCI-2004, The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. July 18-21, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA. Organized by IIIS, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.  2004
Invited co-chair in the session “Integrating E-Learning and Classroom Learning II”, 23.7.2004. EISTA´04, International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications. July 21 – 25, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA. Organized by IIIS, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.  2004
Invited evaluator of the presentations and articles in the session “Integrating E-Learning and Classroom Learning II”, 23.7.2004. EISTA´04, International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications. July 21 – 25, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA. Organized by IIIS, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.   2004
Vertaislausunto väitöskirjan käsikirjoituksesta (Peer evaluation of dissertation manuscript):
Slabin, Uladzimir. Pedagogical Conditions of Design and Application of Computer Programs as Means of Environmental Education of Senior Pupils (on Natural Subjects Material), University of Vitebsk Belarussia.