Konstantin Mikhaylov
Dr.Tech (Wireless Systems), Title of Docent
Assistant Professor (tenure track),
Centre for Wireless Communications
University of Oulu
Street address:
Oulu, Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 3, TS473
Post Index:
FIN 90014
+358 442 452 292
Some stats:
Book Chapters:
[Ch4] C. Buratti, K. Mikhaylov, R. Marini and R. Verdone, “Low-power Wide-Area Networks: A Comparative Analysis Between LoRaWAN and NB-IoT,” in CNIT technical report 5 - Internet of Thing, L. Atzori and G. Ferrari (Eds.), CNIT, 2020, pp. 1-22.
[Ch3] R. Fujdiak, K. Mikhaylov, M. Stusek, P. Masek, I. Ahmed, L. Malina, P. Parambage, M. Voznak, A. Pouttu and P. Mlynek, “Security in Low Power Wide Area Networks: state-of-the-art and development towards the 5G,” in LPWAN Technologies for IoT and M2MApplications, B. S. Chaudhari and M. Zennaro (Eds.), Elsevier, 2020, pp. 373-396.
[Ch2] K. Mikhaylov, J. Jamsa, M. Luimula, J. Tervonen and V. Autio, “Intelligent sensor interfaces and data format,” in Intelligent Sensor Networks: Across Sensing, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning, F. Hu and Q. Hao (Eds.), Taylor & Francis LLC, CRC Press, 2012, pp. 55-76.
[Ch1] K. Mikhaylov, J. Tervonen and D. Fadeev, “Development of Energy Efficiency Aware Applications Using Commercial Low Power Embedded Systems,” in Embedded Systems - Theory and Design Methodology, K. Tanaka, Ed., Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2012, pp. 407-430.
Refereed International Journal papers:
+4 in development/review
[J36] K. Lin, M. A. Ullah, H. Alves, K. Mikhaylov and T. Hao, "Subterranean mMTC in Remote Areas: Underground-to-Satellite Connectivity Approach", accepted for publication by IEEE Communications Magazine.
[J35] T. Taleb, C. Benzaid, M. Bordallo Lopez, K. Mikhaylov, S. Tarkoma, P. Kostakos, and M. Latva-aho, "6G System Architecture – A Service of Services Vision", accepted for publication by ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies.
[J34] R. Marini, K. Mikhaylov, G. Pasolini and C. Buratti, "Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: Comparison of LoRaWAN and NB-IoT performance", IEEE IoT Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 21, Nov. 2022, pp. 21051-21063. (© ).
[J33] M.A. Ullah, A. Yastrebova, K. Mikhaylov, M. Höyhtyä, and H. Alves, "Situational Awareness for Autonomous Ships in the Arctic: mMTC Direct-to-Satellite Connectivity", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 60, Issue 6, June 2022, pp. 32-38. (© ).
[J32] I. Ahmad, Z. Asghar, T. Kumar, G. Li, A. Manzoor, K. Mikhaylov, S. A. Shah, M. Hoyhtya, J. Reponen, J. Huusko and E. Harjula, "Emerging Technologies for Next Generation Remote Health Care and Assisted Living", IEEE Access, Vol. 10, 2022, pp. 56094-56132. (© ).
[J31] M.A. Ullah, K. Mikhaylov, and H. Alves, "Enabling mMTC in Remote Areas: LoRaWAN and LEO Satellite Integration for Offshore Wind Farms Monitoring", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 18, Issue 6, June 2022, pp. 3744-3753. (© ).
[J30] M.A. Ullah, K. Mikhaylov, and H. Alves, "Analysis and Simulation of LoRaWAN LR-FHSS for Direct-to-Satellite Scenario", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 11, Issue 3, Mar. 2022, pp. 548-552. (© ).
[J29] M. Stusek, D. Moltchanov, P. Masek, K. Mikhaylov, J. Hošek, S. Andreev, Y. Koucheryavy, P. Kustarev, O. Zeman, and M. Roubicek, "LPWAN Coverage Assessment Planning without Explicit Knowledge of Base Station Locations", IEEE IoT Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 6, 2022, pp. 4031-4050. (© ).
[J28] R. Fujdiak, K. Mikhaylov, J. Pospisil, A. Povalac, and J. Misurec, "Insights into the Issue of Deploying a Private LoRaWAN", Sensors, Vol. 22, Issue 5, 2022, article 2042.
[J27] M.A. Ullah, K. Mikhaylov, and H. Alves, "Massive Machine Type Communication and Satellite Integration for Remote Areas", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 28, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 74-80. (© ).
[J26] O. Pospil, R. Fujdiak, K. Mikhaylov, H. Ruotsalainen, and J. Misurec, "Testbed for LoRaWAN Security: Design and Validation through Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Study", Applied Science, Vol. 11, Issue 16, 2021, article 7642.
[J25] N. H. Mahmood, S. Böker, I. Moerman, O. Lopez, A. Munari K. Mikhaylov, F. Clazzer, H. Bartz, O.-S. Park, E. Mercier, S. Saidi, D.M. Osorio, R. Jäntti, R. Pragada, E. Annanperä, Y. Ma, C. Wietfeld, M. Andraud, G. Liva, Y. Chen, E. Garro, F. Burkhardt, C.-F. Liu, H. Alves, Y. Sadi, M. Kelanti, J.-B. Dore, E. Kim, JS Shin, G.-Y. Park, S.-K. Kim, C. Yoon, K. Anwar and P. Seppänen, "Machine Type Communications: Key Drivers and Enablers Towards the 6G Era", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2021:134, 2021. (© )
[J24] D. Carrillo, K. Mikhaylov, P. J. Nardelli, S. Andreev, and D. B. da Costa, "Understanding UAV-Based WPCN-Aided Capabilities for Offshore Monitoring Applications", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 2021, pp. 114-120. (© ).
[J23] R. Marini, K. Mikhaylov, G. Pasolini, and C. Buratti "LoRaWANSim: A Flexible Simulator for LoRaWAN Networks", Sensors, Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2021, article 695.
[J22] R. Yasmin, K. Mikhaylov, and A. Pouttu, "LoRaWAN for Smart Campus: Deployment and Long-Term Operation Analysis", Sensors, Vol. 20, Issue 23, 2020, article 6721.
[J21] J. Pospisil, R. Fujdiak, and K. Mikhaylov, "Investigation of the Performance of TDoA-Based Localization Over LoRaWAN in Theory and Practice", Sensors, Vol. 20, Issue 19, 2020, article 5464.
[J20] M. Stusek, D. Moltchanov, P. Masek, K. Mikhaylov, O. Zeman, M. Roubicek, Y. Koucheryavy, and J. Hosek, "Accuracy Assessment and Cross-Validation of LPWAN Propagation Models in Urban Scenarios", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 154625-154636, 2020. (© ).
[J19] A. Tiurlikova, N. Stepanov, and K. Mikhaylov, "Wireless power transfer from unmanned aerial vehicle to low-power wide area network nodes: Performance and business prospects for LoRaWAN", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks(Sage), Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp. 1-14, Nov. 2019.
[J18] K. Mikhaylov, V. Petrov, R. Gupta, O. Galinina, S. Andreev, Y. Koucheryavy, M. Valkama, A. Pouttu, and M. Dohler, "Energy Efficiency of Multi-Radio Massive Machine-Type Communication (MR-MMTC): Applications, Challenges, and Solutions", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 57, Issue 6, pp. 100-106, April 2019. (© ).
[J17] J. Janhunen,K. Mikhaylov,J. Petäjäjärvi and M. Sonkki, "Wireless Energy Transfer Powered Wireless Sensor Node for Green IoT: Design, Implementation and Evaluation", Sensors, Vol. 19, Issue 1, 2019, article 90.
[J16] V. Petrov, K. Mikhaylov D. Moltchanov, S. Andreev, G. Fodor, J. Torsner, H. Yanikomeroglu, M. Juntti, and Y. Koucheryavy, "When IoT Keeps People in the Loop: A Path Towards a New Global Utility", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 114-121. (© ).
[J15] H. Almasalma, S. Claeys, K. Mikhaylov, J. Haapola, A. Pouttu, and G. Deconinck, "Experimental Validation of Peer-to-Peer Distributed Voltage Control System", Energies, Vol. 11, Issue 5, 2018, article 1304.
[J14] O. Galinina, K. Mikhaylov, K. Huang, S. Andreev, and Y. Koucheryavy, "Wirelessly Powered Urban Crowd Sensing over Wearables: Trading Energy for Data", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 25, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 140-149. (© )
[J13] K. Mikhaylov and J. Petäjäjärvi, "Design and Implementation of the Plug&Play enabled Flexible Modular Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network Platform", Asian Journal of Control (Wiley), Vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 1-21, Sept. 2017. (© )
[J12] K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Hämäläinen, A. Tikanmäki, and R. Kohno, "Effect of the IEEE 802.15.4a Communication Settings on UWB Localization Performance", International Journal of Wireless Information Networks(Springer), Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 124–139, June 2017.(© )
[J11] J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, R. Yasmin, M. Hämäläinen, and J. Iinatti, "Evaluation of LoRa LPWAN Technology for Indoor Remote Health and Wellbeing Monitoring", International Journal of Wireless Information Networks(Springer), Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 153-165, June 2017.(© )
[J10] J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, M. Pettissalo, J. Janhunen, and J. Iinatti, "Performance of a low-power wide-area network based on LoRa technology: Doppler robustness, scalability, and coverage", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks(Sage), Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp. 1-21, Mar. 2017.
[J9] J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, R. Vuohtoniemi, H. Karvonen, and J. Iinatti, "On the human body communications: wake-up receiver design and channel characterization", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2016:1, Aug. 2016. (© )
[J8] O. Galinina, H. Tabassum, K. Mikhaylov, S. Andreev, E. Hossain, and Y. Koucheryavy, "On Feasibility of 5G-Grade Dedicated RF Charging Technology for Wireless-Powered Wearables", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 23, Issue 2, 2016, pp. 28-37. (© arXiv pre-print )
[J7] K. Mikhaylov and T. Hänninen, "Mechanisms for Improving Throughput and Energy Efficiency of Bluetooth Low Energy for Multi Node Environment", Journal of High Speed Networks, Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 165-180. ( © IOS Press )
[J6] O. Galinina, K. Mikhaylov, S. Andreev, A. Turlikov, and Y. Koucheryavy, "Smart Home Gateway System over Bluetooth Low Energy with Wireless Energy Transfer Capability", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015:178, June 2015. (© )
[J5] J. Petäjäjärvi, H. Karvonen, K. Mikhaylov, A. Pärssinen, M. Hämäläinen, and J. Iinatti, "WBAN Energy Efficiency and Dependability Improvement Utilizing Wake-up Receiver", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E98-B, Issue 4, pp. 535-542, Apr. 2015.
[J4] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Analysis and evaluation of the maximum throughput for data streaming over IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks", Journal of High Speed Networks (IF(SJR)=0.151), Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 181-202. ( © IOS Press )
[J3] K. Mikhaylov, T. Pitkäaho, and J. Tervonen, "Plug-and-play mechanism for plain transducers with wired digital interfaces attached to Wireless Sensor Network nodes", International Journal of Sensor Networks (IF=1.386), Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 50-63. ( © Inderscience )
[J2] K. Mikhaylov, N. Plevritakis, and J. Tervonen, "Performance analysis and comparison of Bluetooth Low Energy with IEEE 802.15.4 and SimpliciTI", Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, Vol. 2, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 589-613.
[J1] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Energy–efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Power–Source Type Identification", International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 253-266. (© Inderscience)
Other research reports and studies:
[W1] N.H. Mahmood, O. Lopez, O.-S. Park, I. Moerman, K. Mikhaylov, E. Mercier, A. Munari, F. Clazzer, S. Böcker and H. Bartz (eds.), "White Paper on Critical and Massive Machine Type Communication towards 6G", 6G Research Visions, No. 11, 2020.
International Conference Proceedings:
[C64*]K. Mikhaylov , H. Alves, and M. Höyhtyä, “Drivers, use-cases, key indicators, and requirements for satellite-based machine-type connectivity and IoT,” accepted for ICSSC'2022.
[C63*]D. Adhesha, K. Mikhaylov , and O. Lopez, “Wireless Power Transfer for Bluetooth Low Energy Based IoT Device: an Empirical Study of Energy Performance,” accepted for ICUMT'2022.
[C62]S. G. Jayaweera, K. Mikhaylov , and M. Hamalainen, “Enabling Cooperative Awareness for UAVs: ETSI CAM Protocol Extension,” in Proc. EuCNC'2022, June 7-10, pp. 339-344. (© )
[C61]K. Mikhaylov , T. Hanninen, P. Masek, M. Stusek, and J. Hosek, “Improving LoRaWAN Performance by Data and On-Air Activation Traffic Patterns Randomization,” in Proc. ICC'2022, May 16-20, pp. 4432-4437. (© )
[C60] F. Valle, M. Cooney, K. Mikhaylov and A. Vinel, “The integration of UAVs to the C-ITS Stack,” in Proc. ICNP’2022, Nov. 1-5, pp. 1-6. (© )
[C59] K. Mikhaylov , “On the Uplink Traffic Distribution in Time for Duty-Cycle Constrained LoRaWAN Networks,” in Proc. ICUMT’2021, Oct. 25-27, pp. 1-6. (© )
[C58] S. Mignardi, K. Mikhaylov , V. Cacchiani, R. Verdone and C. Buratti, “Unmanned Aerial Base Stations for NB-IoT: Trajectory Design and Performance Analysis,” in Proc. PIMRC’2020, 31 Aug.-3 Sept., pp. 1-6. (© )
[C57]K. Mikhaylov , M. Stusek, P. Masek, R. Fujdiak, R. Mozny, S. Andreev and J. Hosek, “Communication Performance of a Real-Life Wide-Area Low-Power Network Based on Sigfox Technology,” in Proc. ICC’2020, June 7-11, pp. 1-6. (©
[C56]K. Mikhaylov , M. Stusek, P. Masek, R. Fujdiak, R. Mozny, S. Andreev and J. Hosek, “On the Performance of Multi-Gateway LoRaWAN Deployments: An Experimental Study,” in Proc. WCNC’2020, May 25-28, pp. 1-6. (©
[C55] R. Yasmin, K. Mikhaylov , M. Arif, A. Pouttu, V. Niemela and O. Liinamaa, “NB-IoT Micro-Operator for Smart Campus: Performance and Lessons Learned in 5GTN,” in Proc. WCNC’2020, May 25-28, pp. 1-6. (© )
[C54]K. Mikhaylov and H. Karvonen, “Wake-up radio enabled BLE wearables: empirical and analytical evaluation of energy efficiency,” in Proc. ISMICT’2020, May 20-22, pp. 1-6. (©
[C53]A. Hoeller, J. Sant’Ana, J. Markkula, K. Mikhaylov , R. Souzay, and H. Alves, “Beyond 5G Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: A LoRaWAN Suitability Study,” in Proc. 6G Summit’2020, Mar. 17-20, pp. 1-6. (© )
[C52]R. Mozny, M. Stusek, P. Masek, K. Mikhaylov , and J. Hosek , “Unifying Multi-Radio Communication Technologies to Enable mMTC Applications in B5G Networks,” in Proc. 6G Summit’2020, Mar. 17-20, pp. 1-5. (© )
[C51]K. Mikhaylov , M. Lema, S. Andreev, R. Gupta, O. Galinina, G. Destino, T. Mahmoodi, M. Dohler, Y. Koucheryavy and M. Valkama, “Multi-Radio Perspectives for Massive MTC Localization: Energy Consumption and Utility,” in Proc. ICUMT'2019, Oct. 28-30, pp. 1-6. (©
[C50]K. Mikhaylov and A. Pouttu, “On Spatial Diversity for LoRaWAN: Experimental Evaluation of Performance of a Dual-Gateway Network With and Without Downlink,” in Proc. ICUMT'2019, Oct. 28-30, pp. 1-6. (©
[C49] A. Tiurlikova, N. Stepanov and K. Mikhaylov , “Improving the energy efficiency of a LoRaWAN by an UAV-based gateway,” in Proc. ICUMT'2019, Oct. 28-30, pp. 1-6. (©
[C48] K. Mikhaylov , R. Fujdiak, A. Pouttu, M. Voznak, L. Malina and P. Mlynek, “Energy Attack in LoRaWAN: Experimental Validation,” in Proc. ARES’2019, article 74. (©
[C47] J. Markkula, K. Mikhaylov and J. Haapola, “Simulating LoRaWAN: on Importance of Inter Spreading Factor Interference and Collision Effect,” in Proc. ICC'2019, May 20-24, pp. 1-7. (© )
[C46] P. Masek, K. Stusek, K. Zeman, J. Hosek, K. Mikhaylov S. Andreev, Y. Koucheryavy, O. Zeman, J. Votapek and M. Roubicek, “Tailoring NB-IoT for Mass Market Applications: A Mobile Operator's Perspective”, in Proc. Globecom’2018 workshops, 9-13 Dec. 2018, pp. 1-7.(© )
[C45] R. Yasmin, M. Salminen, E. Gilman, J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov M. Pakanen, A. Niemelä, J. Riekki, S. Pirttikangas and A. Pouttu, “Combining IoT Deployment and Data Visualization: experiences within campus maintenance use-case”, in Proc. NoF'2018, Nov. 19-21, pp. 101-105. (© )
[C44] K. Mikhaylov , A. Moiz, A. Pouttu, J. M. M. Rapun and S.A. Gascon, “LoRaWAN LPWAN for Wind Turbine Monitoring: Prototype and Practical Deployment Experiences”, in Proc. ICUMT’2018, Nov. 5-9, pp. 1-6. (©
[C43] A. Tiurlikova, N. Stepanov and K. Mikhaylov , “Method of assigning spreading factor to improve the scalability of the LoRaWAN wide area network”, in Proc. ICUMT’2018, Nov. 5-9, pp. 1-4. (©
[C42] H. Karvonen, K. Mikhaylov, D. Acharya and M. Rahman, "Performance Evaluation of Bluetooth Low Energy Technology under Interference", in Proc. BodyNets'2018, pp. pp 147-156. (©
[C41] R. Yasmin, J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov and A. Pouttu, "Large and Dense LoRaWAN Deployment to Monitor Real Estate Conditions and Utilization Rate", in Proc. PIMRC'2018, Sept. 9-12, pp. 1-6. (©
[C40]K. Mikhaylov , J. Petäjäjärvi and A. Pouttu, "Effect of Downlink Traffic on Performance of LoRaWAN LPWA Networks: Empirical Study", in Proc. PIMRC'2018 , Sept. 9-12, pp. 1-6. (©
[C39] R. Fujdiak, P. Petr, K. Mikhaylov, L. Malina, P. Mlynek, J. Misurec and V. Blazek, "On Track of Sigfox Confidentiality with End-to-End Encryption", in Proc. ARES’2018, article 19. (©
[C38] J. Petäjäjärvi, J. Kaleva, K. Mikhaylov, H. Pulkkinen, J. Ahola and M. Björkgren, "Automatic Charging of an Energy Harvesting Powered Sensor Node from Controllable Energy Source", in Proc. IWCMC'2018, June 25-29, pp. 600-605. (©
[C37] K. Mikhaylov, M. Stusek, P. Masek, V. Petrov, J. Petäjäjärvi, S. Andreev, J. Pokorny, J. Hosek, A. Pouttu and Y. Koucheryavy, "On Multi-RAT LPWAN for Smart City: Trial Implementation of Joint LoRaWAN and NB-IoT Device", in Proc. ICC'2018, May 20-24, pp. 1-6. (©
[C36] H. Karvonen, C.P. Raez, K. Mikhaylov, M. Hämäläinen and J. Iinatti, "Experimental Performance Evaluation of BLE 4 vs BLE 5 in Indoors and Outdoors Scenarios", in Proc. BodyNets'2017, Sept. 28-29, paper 271230. (©
[C35] H. Karvonen, C.P. Raez, K. Mikhaylov, M. Hämäläinen and J. Iinatti, "Interference of Wireless Technologies on BLE Based WBANs in Hospital Scenarios", in Proc. PIMRC'2017, Oct. 8-13, pp. 1-6. (©
[C34] R. Yasmin, J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov and A. Pouttu, "On the Integration of LoRaWAN with the 5G Test Network", in Proc. PIMRC'2017, Oct. 8-13, pp. 1-6. (©
[C33] J. Janhunen, K. Mikhaylov and J. Petäjäjärvi, "Experimental RF-Signal Based Wireless Energy Transmission", in Proc. EuCNC'2017, June 12-15, pp. 1-6. (©
[C32] K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi and J. Janhunen, "On LoRaWAN Scalability: Empyrical Evaluation of Technology Succeptability to In Network Interference", in Proc. EuCNC'2017, June 12-15, pp. 1-6. (©
, arXiv pre-print )
[C31] K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi, J. Haapola and A. Pouttu, "D2D Communications in LoRaWAN Low Power Wide Area Network: From Idea to Empirical Validation", in Proc. IEEE ICC'2017 workshops, May 21-25, pp. 737-742. (© , arXiv pre-print )
[C30] J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, H. Karvonen, R. Vuohtoniemi and J. Iinatti, "Superregenerative wake-up receiver with 20 µW power consumption for human body communications", in Proc. NTMS'2016, Nov. 20-23, pp. 1-6. (©
[C29] K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi and T. Hänninen, "Analysis of the Capacity and Scalability of the LoRa Wide Area Network Technology",in Proc. European Wireless'2016, May 16-20, pp. 1-6. (© VDE)
[C28] I.O. Popa, J. Janhunen and K. Mikhaylov, "Performance Evaluation of ZigBee and UWB Wireless Sensors under Doppler Effect in Rotating Mechanical Structures", in Proc. European Wireless'2016, May 16-20, pp. 1-6. (© VDE)
[C27] K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Mäkeläinen, A. Paatelma and T. Hänninen, "[Technology Exhibit] Modular Multi-Wireless-Technology Enabled IoT Research Platform", in Proc. IEICE SmartCom'2016, May 16-17. best demo award
[C26] K. Mikhaylov, A. Tikanmäki, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Hämäläinen and R. Kohno, "On the Selection of Protocol and Parameters for UWB-based Wireless Indoors Localization", in Proc. ISMICT'2016, Mar. 20-23 2016, pp. 1-5. (©
[C25] J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, M. Hämäläinen and J. Iinatti, "Evaluation of LoRa LPWAN Technology for Remote Health and Wellbeing Monitoring", in Proc. ISMICT'2016 (©
[C24] J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Pettissalo, K. Mikhaylov, A. Roivainen and T. Hänninen, "On the Coverage of LPWANs: Range Evaluation and Channel Attenuation Model for LoRa Technology", in Proc. ITST'15, Dec. 2-4 2015, pp. 55-59. (©
[C23] K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Mäkeläinen, A. Paatelma and T. Hänninen, "Modular Multi-Radio Wireless Sensor Platform with Plug&Play Modules Connection", in Proc. IEEE SENSORS'15, Nov. 1-4 2015, p. 1. (©
[C22] K. Mikhaylov and A. Paatelma, "Enabling Modular Plug&Play Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network Nodes: Software Architecture", in Proc. IEEE SENSORS'15, Nov. 1-4 2015, pp. 1-4. (©
[C21] K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Mäkeläinen, A. Paatelma and T. Hänninen, "Modular Multi-radio Wireless Sensor Platform for IoT Trials with Plug&Play Module Connection", in Proc. MobiCom'15, Sept. 7-11 2015, pp. 188-189 (©
[C20] A. Pagani and K. Mikhaylov, "Resource Sharing Between Neighboring Nodes in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proc. EuCNC'15, June 29 - July 2 2015, pp. 522-527. (©
[C19] K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Mäkeläinen, A. Paatelma and T. Hänninen, "Extensible Modular Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network and IoT Platform with Plug&Play Module Connection", in Proc. IPSN'15, Apr. 13-16 2015, pp. 386-387. (©
[C18] J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, H. Karvonen, R. Vuohtoniemi and M. Hämäläinen, "Loose Synchronization Method for Low-power Superregenerative Wake-up receiver", in Proc. ISMICT'15, Mar. 24-26 2015, pp. 209-212. (©
[C17] J. Tervonen, K. Mikhaylov, S. Pieskä, J. Jämsä and M. Heikkilä, "Cognitive Internet-of-Things Solutions Enabled by Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks", in Proc. IEEE CogInfoCom'14, Nov. 5-7 2014, pp. 97-102. (©
) best paper award
[C16] K. Mikhaylov and M. Huttunen, "Modular Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network Nodes with Plug-and-Play Module Connection", in Proc. IEEE SENSORS'14, Nov. 2-5 2014, pp. 470-473. (©
[C15] K. Mikhaylov, "Accelerated Connection Establishment (ACE) Mechanism for Bluetooth Low Energy", in Proc. PIMRC'14, Sept. 2-5 2015, pp. 1264-1268 (©
[C14] K. Mikhaylov, "Simulation of Network-Level Performance for Bluetooth Low Energy", in Proc. PIMRC'14, Sept. 2-5 2015, pp. 1259-1263 (©
[C13] O. Galinina, K. Mikhaylov, S. Andreev and A. Turlikov, “Wireless Sensor Network Based Smart Home System over BLE with Energy Harvesting Capability", in Proc. NEW2AN’14, Aug. 27-29 2014, pp. 419-432. (© )
[C12] K. Mikhaylov, T. Pitkäaho, J. Tervonen and M. Niemela, "Wireless Sensor Glove Interface and its Application in Digital Holography", in Proc. CogInfoCom'13, Dec. 2-5 2013, pp. 325-330. (©
[C11] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Multihop Data Transfer Service for Bluetooth Low Energy", in Proc. ITST'13, Nov. 5-7 2013, pp. 319-324. (©
[C10] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Data Collection From Isolated Clusters in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Mobile Ferries", in Proc. FINA'13(AINA'13), Mar. 25-28 2013, pp. 903-909. (©
[C9] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Energy Consumption of the Mobile Wireless Sensor Network's Node Platform with Controlled Mobility", in Proc. EASyCoSe'13(AINA'13), Mar. 25-28 2013, pp. 1582-1587. (©
[C8] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Novel Energy Consumption Model for Simulating Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proc. ICUMT 2012, Oct. 3-5 2012, pp. 22-28. (©
[C7] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Evaluation of Power Efficiency for Digital Serial Interfaces of Microcontrollers", in Proc. NTMS 2012, May 7-10 2012, pp. 1-5. (©
[C6] K. Mikhaylov J. Tervonen, J. Heikkilä and J. Känsäkoski, "Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Environment: Real-Life Evaluation Results", in Proc. BCFIC 2012, Apr. 25-27 2012, pp. 1-7. (©
[C5] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Experimental Evaluation of Alkaline Batteries' Capacity for Low-Power Applications", in Proc. AINA 2012, Mar. 26-29 2012, pp. 331-337. (©
[C4] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Node’s power source type identification in Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proc. BWCCA 2011, Oct. 26-28 2011, pp. 521-525. (©
[C3] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Energy efficient data restoring after power-downs for wireless sensor networks nodes with energy scavenging", in Proc. WSN-ADT'11(NTMS 2011), Feb. 7-10 2011, pp. 1-5. (©
[C2] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Optimization of Microcontroller Hardware Parameters for Wireless Sensor Network Node Power Consumption and Lifetime Improvement", in Proc. ICUMT 2010, May 7-10 2012, pp. 1-5. (©
[C1] K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen, "Improvement of Energy Consumption for Over-The-Air Reprogramming in Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proc. ISWPC 2010, May 5-7 2010, pp. 86-92. (©
[O8] University of Oulu invention report №OU21024, 2021
[O7] University of Oulu invention report №OU21023, 2021
[O6] University of Oulu invention report №OU21020, 2021
[O5] University of Oulu invention report №OU19035, 2019
[O4] University of Oulu invention report №OU17001, 2017
[O3] University of Oulu invention report №OU14029, 2014
[O2] University of Oulu invention report №OU13043, 2013
[O1] University of Oulu invention report №OU12024, 2012