Refereed articles in international scientific journals
M. Engström, J. Vaara, B. Schimmelpfennig, and H. Ågren:
Density functional theory calculations of EPR parameters of
a nitroxide spin label in Tissue factor and Factor VIIa protein
complex, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106,
12354-12360 (2002). [DOI]
M. Kaupp, C. Remenyi, J. Vaara, O. L. Malkina, and V. G.
Malkin: Density functional calculations of electronic
g-tensors for semiquinone radical anions. The role of hydrogen
bonding and substituent effects, Journal of the American
Chemical Society 124, 2709-2722 (2002). [DOI]
J. Jokisaari, S. Järvinen, J. Autschbach, and T. Ziegler: 199Hg shielding tensor in methylmercurey halides: NMR
experiments and ZORA DFT calculations, Journal of Physical
Chemistry A 106, 9313-9318 (2002). [DOI]
J. Konu, A. Maaninen, K. Paananen, P. Ingman, R. S. Laitinen,
T. Chivers, and J. Valkonen: Preparation and structural
characterization of (Me3SiNSN)2Se, a
new synthon for sulfur-selenium nitrides, Inorganic
Chemistry 41(6), 1430-1435 (2002). [DOI]
J. Kowalewski, M. Effemey and J. Jokisaari: Dipole-dipole coupling constant for a directly bonded CH-pair. A
carbon-13 relaxation study, Journal of Magnetic Resonance,
157, 171-177 (2002). [DOI]
P. Lantto, J. Vaara, and T. Helgaker: Spin-spin coupling
tensors by density-functional linear response theory,
Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 5998-6009 (2002). [DOI]
P. Lantto, J. Vaara, A. M. Kantola, V.-V. Telkki,
B. Schimmelpfennig, K. Ruud, and J. Jokisaari: Relativistic
spin-orbit coupling effects on secondary isotope shifts of13C nuclear shielding in CX2 (X = O, S,
Se, Te), Journal of the American Chemical Society 124,
2762-2771 (2002). [DOI]
J. Vaara, J. Jokisaari, R. E. Wasylishen, and
D. L. Bryce: Spin-spin coupling tensors as determined by
experiment and computational chemistry, Progress in Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 41, 233-304 (2002). [DOI]
S.L. Segel, R.J.C. Brown, E.E. Ylinen, L.P. Ingman, and T.J.
Bastow: Quadrupole coupling in ammonium metaperiodate at low
temperature, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 57a,
661-662 (2002).