Refereed articles in international scientific journals
S. Ahola, F. Casanova, J. Perlo, K. Münnemann, B. Blümich and
S. Stapf: Monitoring of fluid motion in a micromixer by
dynamic NMR microscopy, Lab on a Chip 6, 90-95
(2006). [DOI]
S. Ahola, J. Perlo, F. Casanova, S. Stapf, and B. Blümich: Multiecho sequence for velocity imaging in inhomogeneous rf
fields, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 182, 143-151
(2006). [DOI]
P. Lantto and J. Vaara: Calculations of nuclear
quadrupole coupling in noble gas - noble metal fluorides: Interplay
of relativistic and electron correlation effects, Journal of
Chemical Physics, 125, 174315:1-7 (2006). [DOI]
P. Lantto, R. H. Romero, S. S. Gómez, G. A. Aucar, and
J. Vaara: Relativistic heavy-atom effects on heavy-atom
nuclear shieldings, Journal of Chemical Physics, 125,
184113:1-13 (2006). [DOI]
J. Saunavaara and J. Jokisaari: Determination of sample
temperature and temperature stability with 129Xe
NMR, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 180, 58-62
(2006). [DOI]
P. Tallavaara and J. Jokisaari: An easy way to prepare
pressurized glass inserts for MAS rotors, Journal of
Magnetic Resonance 181, 229-232 (2006). [DOI]
P. Tallavaara, V.-V. Telkki, and J. Jokisaari: Behavior
of a Thermotropic Nematic Liquid Crystal Confined to Controlled Pore
Glasses as Studied by 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 21603-21612
(2006). [DOI]
P. Tallavaara and J. Jokisaari: 2D 129Xe
EXSY of xenon atoms in a thermotropic liquid crystal confined to a
controlled pore glass, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
8, 4902-4907 (2006). [DOI]
V.-V. Telkki, J. Lounila, and J. Jokisaari: Xenon
porometry at room temperature, Journal of Chemical Physics
124, 034711:1-8 (2006). [DOI]
V.-V. Telkki, J. Lounila, and J. Jokisaari: Influence
of diffusion on pore size distributions determined by xenon
porometry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8,
2072-2076 (2006). [DOI]
V.-V. Telkki: Xenon porometry. A novel method for
characterization of porous materials by means of 129Xe
NMR spectroscopy of xenon dissolved in a medium, Thesis in
Report series in
physical sciences, 37 (2006).
H. Tervonen, J. Saunavaara, L. P. Ingman, and J. Jokisaari: 19F Single-Quantum and 19F-33S Heteronuclear Multiple-Quantum Coherence NMR of
SF6 in Thermotropic Nematogens and in the Gas Phase,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 16232-16238
(2006). [DOI]
Conference proceedings and abstracts
S. Ahola, M. Hanni, J. Jokisaari, A. Kantola, J. Lounila,
T. Pennanen, J. Saunavaara, P. Tallavaara, V-V. Telkki and
H. Tervonen: Investigation of molecules and materials by
means of NMR spectroscopy and imaging, The XXVIII Finnish
NMR Symposium, Kuopio, June 7 - 9, 2006.
M. Hanni, P. Lantto, and J. Vaara: Fully relativistic
four-component Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of the magnetic
properties of xenon dimer, NIC Winter School on
Computational Nanoscience, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany,
February 14 - 22, 2006 and 3rd International Symposium on Xenon NMR
of Materials, Ottawa, Canada, June 1 - 3, 2006.
J. Jokisaari: 129Xe NMR of xenon in
isotropic and anisotropic liquids confined to mesoporous
glasses, 3rd International Symposium on Xenon NMR of
Materials, Ottawa, Canada, June 1 - 3, 2006.
A. M. Kantola, J. Autschbach and J. Jokisaari: Experimental and computational 199Hg-13C
spin-spin coupling tensors in methylmercury halides, The
XXVIII Finnish NMR Symposium, Kuopio, June 7 - 9, 2006.
P. Lantto and J. Vaara: Ab initio nuclear quadrupole
couplings in noble gas - noble metal fluorides: The importance of
relativistic and correlation effects, The XII International
Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC), Kyoto, May 21 - 26,
2006. Abstract book: B103.
P. Lantto and J. Vaara: Ab initio nuclear quadrupole
couplings in noble gas - noble metal fluorides: The importance of
relativistic and correlation effects, The XXVIII Finnish
NMR Symposium, Kuopio, June 7 - 9, 2006.
T. S. Pennanen, P. Lantto, A. J. Sillanpää and J. Vaara: Nuclear magnetic resonance parameters vs. hydrogen bond number
in liquid water, The XXVIII Finnish NMR Symposium, Kuopio,
June 7 - 9, 2006.
J. Saunavaara and J. Jokisaari: Measurements of xenon
diffusion inside porous material applying hyperpolarized xenon
gas, 3rd International Symposium on Xenon NMR of Materials,
Ottawa, Canada, June 1 - 3, 2006 and The XXVIII Finnish NMR
Symposium, Kuopio, June 7 - 9, 2006.
P. Tallavaara and J. Jokisaari: An easy way to prepare
pressurized glass inserts for MAS rotors, The XXVIII
Finnish NMR Symposium, Kuopio, June 7 - 9, 2006.
V-V. Telkki, J. Lounila and J. Jokisaari: Characterization of porous materials by xenon
porometry, The XXVIII Finnish NMR Symposium, Kuopio, June 7
- 9, 2006.
V-V. Telkki, J. Lounila and J. Jokisaari : Xenon
porometry: a novel method for characterization of porous
materials, 3rd International Symposium on Xenon NMR of
Materials, Ottawa, Canada, June 1 - 3, 2006.
H. Tervonen, J. Saunavaara, L. P. Ingman and J. Jokisaari: 19F SQ and 19F-33S HMQC NMR of
SF6 in thermotropic nematogens and in gas phase,
The XXVIII Finnish NMR Symposium, Kuopio, June 7 - 9, 2006.
P. Tallavaara and J. Jokisaari: An easy way to prepare
pressurized glass inserts for MAS rotors, ICMR Summer
School on Porous Materials, Santa Barbara, USA, July 31 - August 12,
J. Jokisaari, V-V. Telkki, J. Lounila : Xenon
porometry. A novel method for the derivation of pore size
distributions, Invited talk in: 8th International Bologna
Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, Bologna, September
10-14, 2006.
J. Lounila, V.-V. Telkki and J. Jokisaari: Extracting
information on porous materials by xenon porometry, Poster
in: 8th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in
Porous Media, Bologna, September 10-14, 2006.
T. S. Pennanen, P. Lantto, A. J. Sillanpää, and J. Vaara: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Parameters vs. Hydrogen Bond Number
in Liquid Water, Poster in: The 9th Sostrup Summer School,
Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Properties, Aarhus, Denmark,
P. Tallavaara, V.-V. Telkki, and J. Jokisaari:
Phase 4 Liquid Crystal in Controlled Pore Glasses as Studied by
129Xe NMR Spectroscopy,
Poster in the Joint Graduate School Seminar, Espoo, Finland 2006.