Matti Hämäläinen

Dr.Sc. (EE)
University Researcher, Adjunct Professor (Docent)
Wireless Communications

CWC-Networks and Systems
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Published papers:

1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

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The following statement applies to all publications on this site that are published in IEEE Conferences or Journals. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted or mass reproduced without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. IEEE Copyright policies.


  1. M. Hämäläinen: Radiokanavan laajakaistaisen mittauslaitteen digitaalisen vastaanottimen suorituskykysimulointeja ja -mittauksia (Performance simulations and measurements for a digital receiver of a wideband radio channel measurement system), 63 p. Diploma Thesis, University of Oulu, Finland, 1994. (written in Finnish) 
  2. 1996

  3. J. Talvitie, V. Hovinen, M. Hämäläinen, I. Oppermann: Wideband Channel Measurement and Characterization for Wireless Local Loops, the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC'96, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, Oct. 15-18, 1996, pp. 5-9.
  4. 1997

  5. M. Hämäläinen, A. Nykänen, V. Hovinen, P. Leppänen: Digital Stepping Correlator in a Wideband Radio Channel Measurement System, the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Communications, PIMRC'97. Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 1-4, 1997, pp. 1120-1124.
  6. 1998

  7. J. Talvitie, V. Hovinen, M. Hämäläinen: Channel Measurement, Characterization and Modelling for Wireless Local Loops, International Journal of WIRELESS INFORMATION NETWORKS, Vol.5, No 1, 1998. Plenium Publishing Corporation, pp. 13-27.
  8. M. Hämäläinen, J. Talvitie, V. Hovinen, P. Leppänen: Wideband Radio Channel Measurement in a Mine, the IEEE 5th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications, ISSSTA'98. Sun City, South Africa, Sept. 2-4, 1998, pp. 522-526.
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  10. M. Hämäläinen, V. Hovinen, M. Latva-aho: Survey to Ultra Wideband Systems. Presented in COST262-action meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jul 8-9, 1999, document: cwc_wg2_TD013(99), 7 p.
  11. M. Hämäläinen, V. Hovinen, M. Latva-aho: Introduction to Impulse Radio Systems, URSI/IEEE, XXIV Convention on Radio Science. Turku, Finland, Oct 4-5, 1999, pp. 36-37.
  12. 2000

  13. M. Hämäläinen, S. Karhu, V. Hovinen: Antennas for Ultra Wideband Use: A Literature Study, the 1st Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop, FCWC'00, Oulu, Finland, May 29-30, 2000.
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  15. M. Hämäläinen, V. Hovinen, M. Latva-aho, S. Karhu: Lyhyen kantaman impulssiradio: Informaatiota kohinasta, Prosessori, 3/2001, s.58-62 (written in Finnish).
  16. M. Hämäläinen, V. Hovinen, J. Iinatti, M. Latva-aho: In-band Interference Power Caused by Different Kinds of UWB Signals at UMTS/WCDMA Frequency Bands, the 2001 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, RAWCON2001. Waltham-Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Aug 19-22, 2001, pp. 97-100.
  17. M. Hämäläinen, V. Hovinen, J. Iinatti: Performance Comparison Between Various UWB Signals in AWGN Channel in Presence of Multitone Interference at the GSM Downlink Band, the 4th Int'l Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC01.Aalborg, Denmark, Sep 9-12, 2001, pp. 449-453.
  18. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, V. Hovinen, M. Latva-aho: In-band Interference of Three Kind of UWB Signals in GPS L1 Band and GSM900 Uplink Band, the 12th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC2001. San Diego, CA, USA, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2001, pp. D 76-80. Original publication number I in my Dr. thesis.
  19. M. Hämäläinen, T. Pätsi, V. Hovinen: Ultra Wideband Indoor Radio Channel Measurements, the 2nd Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop, FCWC'01, Tampere, Finland, Oct 23-24, 2001.
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  21. M. Hämäläinen: Kaksitieradiokanavan vaikutus ilmailun hajaspektritiedonsiirtoon VHF-ja UHF -alueilla (The effect of a two-path radio channel on the spread spectrum aviation communication in VHF and UHF frequencies), 78 p. Licentiate Thesis, University of Oulu, 2002. (written in Finnish)
  22. V. Hovinen, M. Hämäläinen, T. Pätsi: Ultra Wideband Indoor Radio Channel Models: Preliminary Results, IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies, UWBST2002,Baltimore, MD, USA, May 21-23, 2002, pp. 75-79.
  23. M. Hämäläinen, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti: On the UWB System Performance Studies in AWGN Channel with Interference in UMTS Band, IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies, UWBST2002, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 21-23, 2002, pp. 321-325.
  24. R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, V. Hovinen: On the Influence of Pulsed Jamming and Coloured Noise in UWB Transmission, The 3rd Finnish Wireless Communication Workshop, FWCW2002, Helsinki, Finland, May 29, 2002.
  25. V. Hovinen, M. Hämäläinen: Ultra Wideband Radio Channel Modelling for Indoors, COST273 Workshop,Helsinki, Finland, May 29, 2002.
  26. M. Hämäläinen: Näin toimii UWB tiedonsiirto, Tietokone, No. 6-7, 2002. (written in Finnish)
  27. M. Hämäläinen, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti, V. Hovinen: On the Performance Comparison of Different UWB Data Modulation Schemes in AWGN Channel in the Presence of Jamming, 2001 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, RAWCON2002. Boston, MA, USA, Aug 11-14, 2002, pp. 83-86. Original publication number III in my Dr. thesis.
  28. M. Hämäläinen, V. Hovinen, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti, M. Latva-aho: On the UWB System Coexistence with GSM900, UMTS/WCDMA, and GPS, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Dec. 2002, Vol. 20, Number 9, pp. 1712-1721. Original publication number II in my Dr. thesis.
  29. V.Hovinen, M.Hämäläinen, R.Tesi, L. Hentilä, N. Laine: A proposal for a selection of indoor UWB path loss model. IEEE 802.15-02/280.
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  31. M. Hämäläinen, R. Tesi, V. Hovinen, N. Laine, J. Iinatti: Ultra Wideband System Performance Studies in AWGN Channel with Intentional Interference. International Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems, Oulu, June 2-5, 2003. Original publication number IV in my Dr. thesis.
  32. A. Pouttu, S. Glisic, H. Saarnisaari, M. Hämäläinen: Multislot mPPM and amPPM modulation for UWB applications. International Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems, Oulu, June 2-5, 2003.
  33. S. Soderi, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen: CLPDI-Algorithm in UWB Synchronization. International Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems, Oulu, June 2-5, 2003.
  34. M. Hämäläinen, J. Saloranta, J-P. Mäkelä, T. Patana, I. Oppermann: Ultra Wideband Signal Impact on IEEE802.11b Network Performance. IST Mobile & Wireless Communication Summit 2003, Aveiro, Portugal, Jun 15-18, 2003.
  35. M. Hämäläinen, J. Saloranta, J-P. Mäkelä, I. Oppermann, T. Patana: Ultra Wideband Signal Impact on IEEE802.11b and Bluetooth Performances. The 14th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Peking, China, Sep 7-10, 2003.
  36. M. Hämäläinen, L.Hentilä, J.Pihlaja, P.Nissinaho: Modified frequency domain radio channel measurement system for ultra wideband studies. The 4th Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop, Oulu, Finland, Oct. 16-17, 2003.
  37. R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Impact of the Number of Fingers of a Selective Rake Receiver for UWB Systems in Modified Saleh-Valenzuela Channel. The 4th Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop, Oulu, Finland, Oct. 16-17, 2003.
  38. A. Rabbachin, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: CLPDI Algorithm in UWB Initial Code Acquisition with Saleh-Valenzuela Modified Channel Models. The 4th Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop, Oulu, Finland, Oct. 16-17, 2003.
  39. M. Hämäläinen, J. Saloranta, J-P. Mäkelä, I. Oppermann, T. Patana: UWB Impact on IEEE802.11b Wireless Local Area Network. The 6th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Yokosuka, Japan, Oct 19-22, 2003.
  40. M. Abdel-Hafez, F. Alagoz, M. Hämäläinen: M-ary PPM UWB Radio in Fading Channels. The Proceedings of the Fifth IFIP-TC6 International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, MWCM2003, Singapore, Oct 27-29, 2003.
  41. M. Abdel-Hafez, F. Alagoz, M. Hämäläinen: Performance of M-ary PPM UWB Radio in Fading Channels. Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), Volume 5, Number 4, December 2003, pp. 365-373.
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  43. M. Hämäläinen, J. Saloranta, J-P. Mäkelä, I. Oppermann, T. Patana: Ultra-Wideband Signal Impact on the Performances of IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth Networks. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 10, No. 4, October 2003 (© 2004), p. 201- 210. Original publication number VIII in my Dr. thesis.
  44. M. Hämäläinen, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti: UWB Co-Existence with IEEE802.11a and UMTS in Modified Saleh-Valenzuela Channel. 2004 International Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems Joint with Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies (Joint UWBST&IWUWBS 2004), Kyoto, Japan, 19-21.5.2004. Original publication number V in my Dr. thesis.
  45. R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, I. Oppermann, V. Hovinen: On the Multi-User Interference Study for Ultra Wideband Communication Systems in AWGN and Modified Saleh-Valenzuela Channel. 2004 International Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems Joint with Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies (Joint UWBST&IWUWBS 2004), Kyoto, Japan, 19-21.5.2004.
  46. J. Ylitalo, JP Nuutinen, J. Hämäläinen, T. Jämsä, M. Hämäläinen: Multi-Dimensional Wideband Radio Channel Characterisation for 2-6 GHz Band. 11th Wireless World Research Forum Meeting, Oslo, June 2004.
  47. N. Laine, M. Hämäläinen, L. Hentilä, J. Iinatti, M. Nenonen, S. Karhu: Outdoor Ultra Wideband Propagation Channel Modeling at VHF/UHF Band. Joint Nordic Radio Symposium 2004 & the 5th Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop. Oulu, Finland 16-18. 8. 2004.
  48. L. Hentilä, V. Hovinen, M. Hämäläinen: Sub-band Analysis in UWB Radio Channel Modeling. Joint Nordic Radio Symposium 2004 & the 5th Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop. Oulu, Finland 16-18. 8. 2004
  49. I. Oppermann, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti (Eds.): UWB: Theory and Applications. Wiley & Sons, September 2004, ISBN: 0-470-86917-8, 249 pages. More details. Table of Contents.
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  51. M. Abdel-Hafez, F. Alagoz, M. Hämäläinen, M. Latva-aho: On UWB Capacity with Respect to Different Pulse Waveforms. The Second IEEE and IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, WOCN 2005, Dubai, United Arab Emirates UAE, Mar 6-8, 2005.
  52. M. Abdel-Hafez, F. Alagoz, M. Hämäläinen, M. Latva-aho: Effect of Pulse Selection on the Capacity of Multi-User UWB Systems. IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2005, Dresden, Germany, June 19-23, 2005.
  53. M. Hämäläinen, J. Saloranta, A. Isola, J. Iinatti, I. Oppermann, L. Koskela, T. Kumpumäki: Real Co-existence Measurements between UMTS/WCDMA and Ultra Wideband Systems. WWRF14-meeting. San Diego, CA, USA, Jul 7-8, 2005.
  54. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Analysis of Interference on DS-UWB System in AWGN Channel. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Ultra Wideband, Zürich, Switzerland, Sept. 5-8. 2005.
  55. L. Hentilä, A. Taparungssanagorn, H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen: Measurement and Modelling of an UWB Channel at Hospital. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Ultra Wideband, Zürich, Switzerland, Sept. 5-8. 2005.
  56. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Analysis of Jamming on DS-UWB System. 2005 IEEE Military Communication Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, Oct. 17-21. 2005. Original publication number VII in my Dr. thesis.
  57. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Interference and Distance Studies for DS-UWB. 2005 International Workshop on UWB Technologies, Yokosuka, Japan, Dec. 8-10. 2005. Original publication VI in Dr. thesis.
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  59. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, I. Oppermann, M. Latva-aho, J. Saloranta, A. Isola: Co-existence Measurements between UMTS and UWB Systems. IEE Proceedings - Communications, Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006, p. 153 - 158. ('The copy of the record is also available at IEE Digital Library'.) Original publication number IX in my Dr. thesis.
  60. M. Hämäläinen, A. Isola, J. Saloranta, J. Iinatti: UWB coexistence measurements with IEEE802.11a. IET Seminar on Ultra Wideband Systems, Technologies and Applications, London, April 20, 2006, p. 186 - 190.
  61. M. Hämäläinen: Singleband UWB Systems. Analysis and Measurements of Coexistence with Selected Existing Radio Systems, 99 p. Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2006. Original publications included in the thesis are pointed out in the publication list above with bold Roman numbers I - IX.
  62. I. Oppermann, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, A. Rabbachin, B. Allen, SA. Ghorashi, M. Ghavami, O. Albert, CG Mecklenbräuker: Signal Processing. Chapter in UWB Communication Systems. A Comprehensive Overview, 497 p, edited by M-G Di Benedetto, T. Kaiser, AF Molisch, I. Oppermann, C. Politano, D. Porcino. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, USA, 2006. Pages 143 - 203.
  63. R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Channel Estimation Algorithms Comparison for Multiband-OFDM. 2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Helsinki, Finland, Sep. 11-14, 2006.
  64. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Comparative studies of MB-OFDM and DS-UWB with Co-existing Systems in AWGN Channel. 2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Helsinki, Finland, Sep. 11-14, 2006.
  65. H. Karvonen, C. Pomalaza-Raez, M. Hämäläinen: Cross-Layer Energy Efficiency of FEC Coding in UWB Sensor Networks. International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, Waltham - Boston, MA, USA, Sep. 24 - 27, 2006.
  66. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: The impact of co-existing systems on MB-OFDM and DS-UWB system performances in AWGN and multipath channels. URSI, Sodankylä, Finland, Oct. 9-10, 2006. Book of Abstracts.
  67. A. Isola, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: UWB coexistence measurements. URSI, Sodankylä, Finland, Oct. 9-10, 2006. Book of Abstracts.
  68. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Performance comparison between MB-OFDM and DS-UWB in interfered multipath channel. 2006 IEEE Military Communication Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, Oct. 23-25, 2006.
  69. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Eurooppa uhkaa jäädä UWB-junasta. Prosessori Magazine. Nov. 2006, p. 66-68. (written in Finnish)
  70. M. Hämäläinen, A. Pouttu, P. Leppänen: Healthcare ICT activities at CWC. The 2006 International Symposium on Medical Information and Communications Technology, Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 1-2, 2006.
  71. D. Falconer, A. Alexiou, S. Kaiser, M. Haardt, T. Jämsä, R. S Thomä, M. Milojevic, B. Fleury, J.B. Andersen, P. CF Eggers, J.Ø. Nielsen, I.Z. Kovács, J. Ylitalo, P. Kyösti, J.-P. Nuutinen, X. Zhao, D. Baum, A. Ettefagh, M. Ran, K. Kalliola, T. Rautiainen, D. Kitchener, M. Bengtsson, P. Zetterberg, M. Katz, M. Hämäläinen, M. Juntti, T. Matsumoto, N. Czink: New Air-interface Technologies and Deployment Concepts, Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), Volume 2, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2006, pp. 131-226.
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  73. M. Hämäläinen, P. Pirinen, Z. Shelby: Advanced Wireless ICT Healthcare Research. The 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit, Budapest, Hungary, July 1-5, 2007.
  74. M. Hämäläinen: Langattomuus mullistaa sairaalaa - Uudet sovellukset tuovat helpotusta hoitajien ja potilaiden rutiineihin. Kaleva, Aug 27, 2007. (written in Finnish)
  75. M.I. Ashraf, M. Härkönen, M. Hämäläinen, J. Riekki: Health Care Process Management Supported by Wireless Technology. Finnish Signal Processing Symposium 2007, Oulu, Finland, Aug. 30, 2007.
  76. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Comparative Performance Studies of Interfered Low Data Rate Ultra Wideband Sysytems in Multipath Channel . IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Athens, Greece, Sep. 3-7, 2007.
  77. A. Isola, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, E. Airos: UWB coexistence with GPS and aggregate UWB noise rise in the selected radio bands. 2007 IEEE Military Communication Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 29-31, 2007.
  78. M. Hämäläinen, R. Kohno: Prospects for Wireless Technology in Remote Care Processes. The 2nd International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Oulu, Finland, Dec. 11-13, 2007. (Invited Paper)
  79. M.I. Ashraf, S. Seppänen, R. Sliz, M. Hämäläinen, C. Pomalaza-Ráez : Implementation Issues for Wireless Medical Devices. The 2nd International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Oulu, Finland, Dec. 11-13, 2007.
  80. H. Alamäki, R. Sliz, M.I. Ashraf, H. Sorvoja, E. Alasaarela, M. Hämäläinen: Measurement of ECG, Respiratory rate, Tilt and Temperature of a Patient and Wireless Zigbee Data Transmission. The 2nd International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Oulu, Finland, Dec. 11-13, 2007.
  81. M. Hämäläinen: Radio technology keeps pace with demand. eStrategies|Projects. British Publishers Ltd., Dec. 2007, p. 48 - 49.
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  83. P. Leppänen, M. Hämäläinen, P. Pirinen, J. Iinatti, T. Jämsä, T. Seppänen: Advanced Medical ICT Research at the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. Symposium on Medical Information and Communications Technology 2008, Yokohama, Japan, Mar 4, 2008. (Keynote speech)
  84. M. Hämäläinen, P. Pirinen, Z. Shelby, J. Iinatti: Wireless applications in healthcare and welfare. Book Chapter in Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit. Series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering , Vol. 16. Eds. I. Frigyes, J. Bito, P. Bakki. 2008, XXVII, 407 p. 151 illus., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-79040-2
  85. A. Taparugssanagorn, A. Rabbachin, M. Hämäläinen, J. Saloranta, J. Iinatti: A Review of Channel Modelling for Wireless Body Area Network in Wireless Medical Communications. The 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Saariselkä, Finland, Sep 8-11, 2008.
  86. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Suitability Study of DS-UWB and UWB-FM for Medical Applications. The 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Saariselkä, Finland, Sep 8-11, 2008.
  87. M. Härkönen, M.I. Ashraf, M. Hämäläinen, J. Riekki: Case Study: Utilization Overview of the Wireless Hospital Concept. The 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Saariselkä, Finland, Sep 8-11, 2008.
  88. M. Hämäläinen, P. Pirinen, J. Iinatti, A. Taparugssanagorn: UWB Supporting Medical ICT Applications. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, ICUWB 2008, Hannover, Germany, Sep 10-12, 2008. (Invited Paper)
  89. R. Tesi, A. Taparugssanagorn, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: UWB Channel Measurements for Wireless Body Area Networks, COST 2100 TD(08)649, COST2100 presentation in Lille, France.
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  91. P. Mikkonen, M. Hämäläinen, T. Lehikoinen, K. Lindberg, O. Rajaniemi, A. Kananen: Introduction to the Vehicle Information System program ongoing in Kainuu region in North-East Finland, COST 2100 TD(09)759, COST2100 presentation in Braunschweig, Germany.
  92. M. Hämäläinen, A. Taparugssanagorn, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno: Exploitation of Wireless Technology in Remote Care Processes. IEICE Transaction on Communications, Vol.E92-B, No. 2, Feb. 2009.
  93. A. Taparugssanagorn, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, A. Isola, R. Tesi, A. Rabbachin, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: UWB Channel Modelling for Wireless Body Area Networks in Medical Applications. The 3rd International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT'09), Montreal, Canada, Feb. 23-26, 2009.
  94. M. Hämäläinen, A. Taparugssanagorn, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti: Wireless Medical Communications Using UWB. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra Wideband (ICUWB'09), Vancouver, Canada, Sep. 9-11, 2009.
  95. A. Taparugssanagorn, C. Pomalaza-Raez, R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: Effect of Body Motion and the Type of Antenna on the Measured UWB Channel Characteristics in Medical Applications of Wireless Body Area Networks. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra Wideband (ICUWB'09), Vancouver, Canada, Sep. 9-11, 2009.
  96. A. Taparugssanagorn, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, R. Tesi, A. Isola, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: UWB Channel for Wireless Body Area Networks at Hospital. The 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'09), Sendai, Japan, Sep. 7-10, 2009.
  97. M. Hämäläinen: Distributed and hierarchical WSN for area surveillance. Presented in the 2nd Japan EU Symposium on the "New-Generation Network" and "Future Internet" , Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 13-14, 2009.
  98. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, A. Taparugssanagorn: Different experimental WBAN channel models and IEEE802.15.6 models: comparison and effects. 2nd International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL 2009), Bratislava, Slovakia, Nov. 24-27, 2009.
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  100. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "UWB System Performance in Two Different WBAN Channels", COST 2100 TD(10)10032, COST2100 presentation in Athens, Greece.
  101. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Wireless Medical Communications". SPORTS AND WELLBEING - Multidisciplinary research symposium: Technological and nutritional aspects, Vuokatti, Finland, Mar. 18-19, 2010.
  102. K. Ruotsalainen, J. Isoaho, M. Hämäläinen: "Wireless System for Continuous Observation of Whole Body Vibration in Working Machines". SPORTS AND WELLBEING - Multidisciplinary research symposium: Technological and nutritional aspects, Vuokatti, Finland, Mar. 18-19, 2010.
  103. V. Niemelä, A. Rabbachin, A. Taparugssanagorn, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Simulations of Some UWB WBAN Receivers in a Hospital Environment". SPORTS AND WELLBEING - Multidisciplinary research symposium: Technological and nutritional aspects, Vuokatti, Finland, Mar. 18-19, 2010.
  104. V. Niemelä, A. Rabbachin, A. Taparugssanagorn, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Performance of IEEE 802.15.4a UWB WBAN Receivers in a Real Hospital Environment". The 4th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communications Technology (ISMICT2010), Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 22-25, 2010.
  105. A. Taparugssanagorn, B. Zhen, R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno: "A Dynamic Channel Model of UWB-WBAN for Some Medical Applications". The 4th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communications Technology (ISMICT2010), Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 22-25, 2010.
  106. A. Taparugssanagorn, C. Pomalaza-Raez, M. Hämäläinen, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno: "UWB Channel Characteristics in the Proximity of a Dynamic Human Body for WBAN Medical Applications". The 4th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communications Technology (ISMICT2010), Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 22-25, 2010.
  107. L. Kynsijärvi, L. Goratti, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen: "Design and Performance of Contention Based MAC Protocols in IR-UWB WBAN for Medical ICT", COST2100 TD(10)11056, COST2100 presentation in Aalborg, Denmark.
  108. L. Kynsijärvi, L. Goratti, R. Tesi, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen: "Design and Performance of Contention Based MAC Protocols in WBAN for Medical ICT Using IR-UWB". The IEEE PIMRC’10 International Workshop on Body Area Networks (BAN2010) in conjunction with the 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey, Sep 26-29, 2010.
  109. P. Mikkonen, M. Hämäläinen: "Skier Positioning in a Ski Tunnel". The International Conference on Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Service (UPINLBS 2010). Kirkkonummi, Finland, Oct. 14 – 15, 2010.
  110. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Impact of Difference in WBAN Channel Models on UWB System Performance". 2010 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications and 2010 International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISITA2010/ISSSTA2010), Taichung, Taiwan, Oct. 17-20, 2010.
  111. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, T. Jämsä: "Medical ICT Serving Society". 2010 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications and 2010 International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISITA2010/ISSSTA2010), Taichung, Taiwan, Oct. 17-20, 2010.
  112. V. Niemelä, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen, A. Taparugssanagorn: "On the Energy Detector, P- and S-Rake Receivers in a Measured UWB Channel Inside a Hospital". 3rd International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL 2010), Rome, Italy, Nov. 7-10, 2010.
  113. V. Niemelä, A. Rabbachin, A. Taparugssanagorn, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "A Comparison of UWB WBAN Receivers in Different Measured Hospital Environments". 3rd International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL 2010), Rome, Italy, Nov. 7-10, 2010. Best Student Paper Award!
  114. A. Taparugssanagorn, C. Pomalaza-Raez, A. Isola, R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "UWB channel modelling for wireless body area networks in a hospital". International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, 2010, Vol. 1, No.4 pp. 226 - 236, InderScience Publishers. DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2010.034304.
  115. H. Viittala, N. Nahar, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Medical applications adapting ultra wideband: a system study." International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, 2010, Vol. 1, No.4 pp. 237 - 247, InderScience Publishers. DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2010.034305.
  116. A. Taparugssanagorn, B. Zhen, R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno: "A UWB WBAN Channel Model based on A Pseudo-Dynamic Measurement". Annals of Telecommunications. SpringerLink, 9 p, online. DOI: 10.1007/s12243-010-0228-5.
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  118. A. Taparugssanagorn, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, A. Isola, R. Tesi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Preliminary UWB Channel Study for Wireless Body Area Networks in Medical Applications". International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011, pp. 14-22, InderScience Publishers. DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2011.038632.
  119. W.-B. Yang, K. Sayrafian-Pour, J. Hagedorn, J. Terrill, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, A. Taparugssanagorn, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Impact of an Aortic Valve Implant on Body Surface UWB Propagation: A Preliminary Study". The 5th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Montreux, Switzerland, Mar. 27-30, 2011.
  120. V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, A. Taparugssanagorn: "P-Rake Receivers in Different Measured WBAN Hospital Channels". The 5th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Montreux, Switzerland, Mar. 27-30, 2011.
  121. M. Hämäläinen, A. Taparugssanagorn, J. Iinatti: "On the WBAN Radio Channel Modelling for Medical Applications". The 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Roma, Italy, Apr. 11-15, 2011.
  122. A. Taparugssanagorn, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "UWB and Wideband Channel Models for Working Machine Environment". 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference. Budapest, Hungary, May 15-18, 2011.
  123. M. Hämäläinen, V. Niemelä, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno: "Performance comparison of the different IR-UWB receivers in wireless body area networks". 2011 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, Bologna, Italy, Sep. 14-16, 2011.
  124. V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Improved Usage of Time Slots of the IEEE 802.15.4a UWB System Model". The 2nd International Workshop on Future Wellness and Medical ICT Systems in conjunction with the 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Brest, France, Oct. 3-7, 2011.
  125. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno: "Wireless Communications in Healthcare - Recent and Future Topics". 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, Oct 26-29, 2011.
  126. V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno: "IEEE 802.15.4a UWB Receivers' Performance in Different Body Area Network Channels". 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, Oct 26-29, 2011.
  127. M. Hämäläinen, H. Karvonen, J. Petäjäjärvi, J. Suhonen, M. Hännikäinen: "Luotettavaa etävalvontaa hajautetusti". Prosessori, 11-12/2011, pp. 68-71.(written in Finnish)
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  129. L. Mucchi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, K. Sayrafian-Pour: Editorial. International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2011, pp. 55-57, InderScience Publishers, ISSN: 1758-728X (Print), ISSN: 1758-7298 (Online).
  130. V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "IEEE 802.15.4a UWB receivers in medical applications". International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2011, pp. 73-82, InderScience Publishers, ISSN: 1758-728X (Print), ISSN: 1758-7298 (Online). DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2011.044599.
  131. M. Särestöniemi, T. Tuovinen, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, E. Kaivanto, J. Iinatti: "Applicability of Finite Integration Technique for the Modelling of UWB Channel Characteristics". The 6th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT'2012), San Diego, CA, USA, Mar 26-29, 2012.
  132. M. Hämäläinen, V. Niemelä, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno: "Performance of UWB Receivers Using IEEE802.15.4a's Minimum Burst Lengths". The 6th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT'12), San Diego, CA, USA, Mar 26-29, 2012.
  133. J. Suhonen, M. Hännikäinen, H. Karvonen, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Hämäläinen: "Joustavuutta langattomiin mittauksiin hierarkkisella moniteknologiaverkolla". Automaatioväylä, 3/2012, pp. 14-16, 2012.(written in Finnish)
  134. A. Reichman, J. Takada, D. Bajic, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, W. Joseph, L. Martens, C. Roblin, R. D'Errico, C. Oliveira, L. Correia, M. Hämäläinen: Body Communications. Book Chapter in Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications, COST Action 2100, 677 p, edited by R. Verdone, A. Zanella. 2012, Springer-Verlag, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-4471-2314-9. Pages 609 - 660.
  135. A. Taparugssanagorn, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Wideband and Ultra-Wideband Channel Models in Working Machine Environment". Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, vol. 2012, Article ID 702917, 10 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/702917
  136. M. Särestöniemi, T. Tuovinen, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti: "Channel Modeling for UWB WBAN On-Off Body Communication Link with Finite Integration Technique". Workshop on Ultra Wide Band for Body Area Networking (UWBAN) in conjunction with 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks (Bodynets2012), Oslo, Norway.
  137. V. Niemelä, J. Haapola, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Integration Interval and Threshold Evaluation for an Energy Detector Receiver with PPM and OOK Modulations". Workshop on Ultra Wide Band for Body Area Networking (UWBAN) in conjunction with 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks (Bodynets2012), Oslo, Norway.
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  139. M. Särestöniemi, T. Tuovinen, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Finite Integration Technique for Modelling WBAN Links in Complex Environments", The 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2013), Tokyo, Japan, March 6-8, 2013.
  140. T. Tuovinen, T. Kumpuniemi, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Effect of the Antenna-Human Body Distance on the Antenna Matching in UWB WBAN Applications", The 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2013), Tokyo, Japan, March 6-8, 2013.
  141. T. Tuovinen, M. Berg, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "On the Evaluation of Biological Effects of Wearable Antennas on Contact with Dispersive Medium in Terms of SAR and Bio-Heat by Using FIT Technique", The 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2013), Tokyo, Japan, March 6-8, 2013.
  142. V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "IEEE 802.15.6 UWB Symbol Length on the Energy Detector Receiver Performance with OOK and PPM", The 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2013), Tokyo, Japan, March 6-8, 2013.
  143. T. Kumpuniemi, T. Tuovinen, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, R. Vuohtoniemi, J. Iinatti, "Measurement-Based On-Body Path Loss Modelling for UWB WBAN Communications", The 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2013), Tokyo, Japan, March 6-8, 2013.
  144. T. Kumpuniemi, T. Tuovinen, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, R. Vuohtoniemi, J. Iinatti, "On-Body Path Loss Modelling Based On UWB WBAN Measurements", the 7th COST IC1004 Management Committee Meeting, TD(13)07002, 28-31 May, 2013, Ilmenau, Germany.
  145. H. Viittala, S. Soderi, J. Saloranta, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "An Experimental Evaluation of WiFi-Based Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication in a Tunnel", 2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2-5, 2013.
  146. N. Keränen, M. Särestöniemi, J. Partala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Reponen, T. Seppänen, J. Iinatti, T. Jämsä, "IEEE802.15.6 -based Multi-Accelerometer WBAN System for Monitoring Parkinson's Disease", 35th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'13) Conference, July 3-7, 2013, Osaka, Japan.
  147. V. Niemelä, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen, "On IEEE 802.15.6 IR-UWB Receivers - Simulations for DBPSK Modulation", 35th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'13) Conference, July 3-7, 2013, Osaka, Japan.
  148. T. Tuovinen, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Effect of the Antenna-Body Distance on the On-Ext and On-On Channel Link Path Gain in UWB WBAN Applications", 35th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'13) Conference, July 3-7, 2013, Osaka, Japan.
  149. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, T. Tuovinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Measurement-Based Small Scale On-Body UWB WBAN Channel Model", the 8th COST IC1004 Management Committee Meeting, TD(13)08011, 25-27 Sep, 2013, Ghent, Belgium.
  150. H. Karvonen, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen, "Energy Efficiency Optimization for IR-UWB WBAN Based on the IEEE 802.15.6 Standard", The Second Ultra Wideband for Body Area Networking Workshop (UWBAN-2013), Co-located with the 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets-2013), Sep. 30-Oct. 2, 2013, Boston, MA, United States.
  151. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, T. Tuovinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Generic Small Scale Channel Model for On-Body UWB WBAN Communications", The Second Ultra Wideband for Body Area Networking Workshop (UWBAN-2013), Co-located with the 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets-2013) , Sep. 30-Oct. 2, 2013, Boston, MA, United States.
  152. J. Partala, N. Keränen, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, T. Jämsä, J. Reponen, T. Seppänen, "Security threats against the transmission chain of a medical health monitoring system", 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), Oct. 9-12, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
  153. S. Soderi, H. Viittala, J. Saloranta, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, A. Gurtov, "Security of Wi-Fi On-board Intra-vehicular Communication: Field Trials of Tunnel Scenario", The 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, Nov. 5-7, 2013, Tampere, Finland.
  154. S. Soderi, H. Viittala, J. Saloranta, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, A. Mancini, "Emulation of Secure Wi-Fi Communication: A Performance Gap Analysis against a Virtual Test-bed", The 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, Nov. 5-7, 2013, Tampere, Finland.
  155. J. Petäjäjärvi, H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Saloranta, "Impact of omnidirectional and directive antennas on WLAN link performance under in-band interference", The 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, Nov. 5-7, 2013, Tampere, Finland.
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  157. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, T. Tuovinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Pseudo-Dynamic UWB Radio Channel Modelling for WBAN Communications", the 9th COST IC1004 Management Committee Meeting, TD(14)09016, 5-7, Feb, 2014, Ferrara, Italy.
  158. M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, Wireless UWB Body Area Networks - Using the IEEE802.15.4-2011, Academic Press / Elsevier, Mar. 2014, ISBN: 9780128009314, 48 pages.
  159. H. Karvonen, J. Suhonen, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Hämäläinen, M. Hännikäinen, A. Pouttu, Hierarchical Architecture for Multi-Technology Wireless Sensor Networks for Critical Infrastructure Protection. International Journal on Wireless Personal Communication, Special Issue on "Intelligent Infrastructure", Volume 76, Issue 2, pp. 209-229, Mar. 2014, Springer US. DOI: 10.1007/s11277-014-1686-2.
  160. J. Petäjäjärvi, H. Karvonen, R. Vuohtoniemi, M. Hämäläinen, M. Huttunen, "Preliminary study of superregenerative wake-up receiver for WBANs", The 8th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology 2014, Apr. 2-4, 2014, Florence, Italy.
  161. M. Särestöniemi, V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, N. Keränen, T. Jämsä, J. Reponen, J. Partala, T. Seppänen, "Receiver performance evaluation on IEEE 802.15.6 based WBAN for monitoring Parkinson's disease", The 8th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology 2014, Apr. 2-4, 2014, Florence, Italy.
  162. T. Tuovinen, M. Berg, E. Salonen, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Conductive Layer under a Wearable UWB Antenna: Trade-off between Absorption and Mismatch Losses", The 8th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology 2014, Apr. 2-4, 2014, Florence, Italy.
  163. V. Niemelä, T. Paso, T. Tuovinen, J. Haapola, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Propagation Effects and Antenna Properties and Their Impact on ED Receivers' Performance in Body Sensor Network", The 8th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology 2014, Apr. 2-4, 2014, Florence, Italy.
  164. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, T. Tuovinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Radio Channel Modelling for Pseudo-Dynamic WBAN On-Body UWB Links", The 8th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology 2014, Apr. 2-4, 2014, Florence, Italy. Best Student Paper Award!
  165. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, S. Soderi, "Evaluation of WiFi for kart racing monitoring", 6th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, May 6 - 7, 2014, Offenburg, Germany.
  166. S. Soderi, M. Papini, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "NF-FF Transformation for Emissions and Security", International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications, May 14-16, 2014, Pavia, Italy.
  167. S. Soderi, G. Dainelli, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Signal Fingerprinting in Cognitive Wireless Networks", The 9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks, Jun. 2-4, 2014, Oulu, Finland.
  168. H. Karvonen, C. Pomalaza-Raez, M. Hämäläinen, "A Cross-Layer Optimization Approach for Lower Layers of the Protocol Stack in Sensor Networks", ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Volume 11 Issue 1, Article No. 16, August 2014. DOI:
  169. M. Hämäläinen, T. Kumpuniemi, J. Iinatti, "Observations from Ultra Wideband On-Body Radio Channel Measurements", the XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Aug 16-23, 2014, Beijing, China.
  170. H. Karvonen, J. Petäjäjärvi, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, "A Generic Wake-up Radio based MAC Protocol for Energy Efficient Short Range Communication", IEEE PIMRC Workshop: The Convergence of Wireless Technologies for Personalized Healthcare, Sep 2-5, 2014, Washington DC, USA.
  171. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Comparison of UWB On-Body WBAN Radio Channels Between Various Test Persons - Preliminary Results", the 11th COST IC1004 Management Committee Meeting, TD(14)11008, 24-26, Sep, 2014, Krakow, Poland.
  172. M.H. Virk, R. Vuohtoniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J-P. Mäkelä, J. Iinatti, "Spectrum Occupancy Evaluations at 2.35-2.50 GHz ISM Band in a Hospital Environment", the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets-2014), Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2014, London, UK.
  173. L. Mucchi, A. Carpini, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Evaluation of the Aggregate Interference in Hospital ISM Band", the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets-2014), Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2014, London, UK.
  174. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J, Iinatti, "Human Body Size and Shape Effect on UWB On-Body WBAN Radio Channels - Preliminary Results", the Third Ultra Wideband for Body Area Networking Workshop (UWBAN-2014), Co-located with the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets-2014), Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2014, London, UK.
  175. H. Karvonen, J. Petäjäjärvi, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen, "Energy Efficient IR-UWB WBAN using a Generic Wake-up Radio based MAC Protocol", the Third Ultra Wideband for Body Area Networking Workshop (UWBAN-2014), Co-located with the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets-2014), Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2014, London, UK.
  176. H. Karvonen, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen: " A cross-layer energy efficiency optimization model for WBAN using IR-UWB transceivers", Telecommunication Systems, Volume 58, Issue 2 (2015), Page 165-177, Springer US. DOI: 10.1007/s11235-014-9900-9, 20, Nov 2014.
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  178. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Dynamic On-Body UWB Radio Channel Measurements", the 12th IC1004 MC and Scientific Meeting, TD(15)12051, Jan. 28-30, 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
  179. L. Mucchi, A. Carpini, T. D'Anna, M. H. Virk, M. Hamalainen, J. Iinatti, "Threshold Setting for the Evaluation of the Aggregate Interference in ISM Band in Hospital Environments", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  180. J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, H. Karvonen, R. Vuohtoniemi, M. Hämäläinen, "Loose Synchronization Method for Low-power Superregenerative Wake-up Receiver", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  181. M. Hämäläinen, T. Paso, L. Mucchi, M. Girod-Genet, J. Farserotu, H. Tanaka, W.H. Chin, L. Nachabe, "ETSI TC SmartBAN: Overview of the Wireless Body Area Network Standard", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  182. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Zone-Based Fuzzy Routing for WBANs", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  183. T. Paso, H. Tanaka, M. Hämäläinen, W.H. Chin, J. Haapola, R. Matsuo, S. Subramani, "An Overview of ETSI TC SmartBAN MAC Protocol", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  184. K. Nakanishi, V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, S. Hara, "On IEEE 802.15.6 IR-UWB ED Receiver Performance in the Presence of Multiuser Interference", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  185. W.H. Chin, H. Tanaka, T. Nakanishi, T. Paso, M. Hämäläinen, "An Overview of ETSI TC SmartBAN's Ultra Lower Power Physical Layer", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  186. M.H. Virk, R. Vuohtoniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, J-P. Mäkelä, "Stochastic Spectral Occupancy Modeling: A Body Area Network Perspective in ISM Band", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan. Best Student Paper Award!
  187. M.H. Virk, R. Vuohtoniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, J-P. Mäkelä, "On Spectrum Occupancy Evaluations From the Standpoint of Body Area Networks in ISM Band", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  188. T. Tuovinen, M. Berg, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Towards High On-Body Sensor Node Performance with the 3D Antennas for IR-UWB WBANs", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  189. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Dynamic On-Body UWB Radio Channel Modeling", The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2015), 24-26.3.2015, Kamakura, Japan.
  190. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Measurements for Body-to-Body UWB WBAN Radio Channels", The 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP'2015), 12-17.4.2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
  191. J. Petäjäjärvi, H. Karvonen, K. Mikhaylov, A. Pärssinen, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "WBAN Energy Efficiency and Dependability Improvement Utilizing Wake-up Receiver", IEICE Transactions on Communications 04/2015; E98-B(4):535-542. DOI:10.1587/ transcom.E98.B.535.
  192. S. Soderi, M. Papini, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen: "Near-Field Measurements for Safety Related Systems and Jamming Attack", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 62, 289-302, doi:10.2528/PIERB15021108, 2015.
  193. T. Paso, V. Niemelä, J. Haapola, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4-2011 IR-UWB System with Enhanced Modulation Scheme", the 10th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets-2015), Sep 28-30, 2015, Sydney, Australia.
  194. V. Niemelä, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Impulse radio UWB receiver analysis of non-coherently detected orthogonal signal", IET Electronics Letters, 2 pages, DOI: 10.1049/el.2015.2234, Print ISSN 0013-5194, Online ISSN 1350-911X.
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  196. S. Soderi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti "Cybersecurity Considerations for Communication Based Train Control", Seventh Nordic Workshop on System and Network Optimization for Wireless (SNOW'16), Jan. 17-19, 2016, Cortina D'Ampezzo, Italy.
  197. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Human Tissue Type and Volume Effect on the On-Body UWB Antenna Matching", the 10th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2016), 20-23.3.2016, Worchester, MA, USA.
  198. J. Petajäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Evaluation of LoRa LPWAN Technology for Remote Health and Wellbeing Monitoring", the 10th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2016), 20-23.3.2016, Worchester, MA, USA.
  199. S. Soderi, L. Mucchi, M. Hämäläinen, A. Piva, J. Iinatti, "Watermark-based Secure Communications in Safety-Related Scenarios", the 10th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2016), 20-23.3.2016, Worchester, MA, USA.
  200. K. Mikhaylov, A. Tikanmäki, J. Petajäjärvi, M. Hämäläinen, R. Kohno, "On the Selection of Protocol and Parameters for UWB-based Wireless Indoors Localization", the 10th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2016), 20-23.3.2016, Worchester, MA, USA.
  201. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Categorized UWB on-body radio channel modeling for WBANs", Progress in Electromagnetics Research B (PIERB), Vol. 67, page 1-16, 2016. doi:10.2528/PIERB15123101.
  202. S. Soderi, L. Mucchi, M. Hämäläinen, A. Piva, J. Iinatti, "Physical layer security based on spread-spectrum watermarking and jamming receiver", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/ett.3142.
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  204. V. Niemelä, J. Haapola, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "An Ultra Wideband Survey: Global Regulations and Impulse Radio Research Based on Standards", IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2017, Volume: 19, Issue: 2. Pages: 874-890, DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2016.2634593.
  205. H. Karvonen, J. Petäjäjärvi, V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno, "Energy Efficient UWB-WUR Dual-radio Solution for WBANs", the 11th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2017), 6-8.2.2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  206. H. Viittala, L. Mucchi, M. Hämäläinen, "Performance of the ETSI SmartBAN System in the Interfered IEEE 802.15.6 Channel", the 11th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2017), 6-8.2.2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  207. M. Särestöniemi, T. Tuovinen, V. Niemelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Finite Integration Technique Based Channel Modeling on the WBAN Receiver Performance Evaluation", the 11th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2017), 6-8.2.2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  208. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J.-P. Mäkelä, J. Iinatti, "Path Loss Modeling for UWB Creeping Waves Around Human Body" , the 11th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2017), 6-8.2.2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  209. M. Hämäläinen, X. Li: "Editorial: Recent Advances in Body Area Network Technology and Applications". International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (2017). Springer. DOI 10.1007/s10776-017-0348-1.
  210. J. Petäjäjärvi, K. Mikhaylov, R. Yasmin, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Evaluation of LoRa LPWAN Technology for Indoor Remote Health and Wellbeing Monitoring", International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (2017). Springer. First Online: 07 February 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10776-017-0341-8.
  211. K. Mikhaylov, J. Petäjäjärvi, M. Hämäläinen, A. Tikanmäki, R. Kohno, "Impact of IEEE 802.15.4 Communication Settings on Performance in Asynchronous Two Way UWB Ranging", International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (2017). Springer. First Online: 09 February 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10776-017-0340-9.
  212. T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti: "Human Body Shadowing Effect on Dynamic UWB On-Body Radio Channels", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. DOI 10.1109/LAWP.2017.2656246.
  213. H. Viittala, L. Mucchi, M. Hämäläinen, T. Paso: "ETSI SmartBAN System Performance and Coexistence Verification for Healthcare", IEEE Access, Dec. 2017, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, pp: 8175-8182. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2697502.
  214. M. Särestöniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "An Overview of the Electromagnetic Simulation Based Channel Modeling Techniques for Wireless Body Area Network Applications", IEEE Access, Dec 2017, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, pp: 2169-3536. Print ISSN: 2169-3536. Online ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2708161.
  215. H. Karvonen, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, C. Pomalaza-Ráez: "Coexistence of Wireless Technologies in Medical Scenarios", the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC'2017), 12-15.6.2017, Oulu, Finland.
  216. H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Link-level Performance of FM-UWB in the Interfered IEEE 802.15.6 Channel", Bodynets2017, Sep 28-29, 2017, Dalian, China.
  217. H. Karvonen, C. Pomalaza-Raez, K. Mikhaylov, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Experimental Performanec Evaluation of BLE 4 vs BLE 5 in Indoors and Outdoors Scenarios", Bodynets2017, Sep 28-29, 2017, Dalian, China.
  218. H. Karvonen, C. Pomalaza-Raez, K. Mikhaylov, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti: "Interference of Wireless Technologies on BLE based WBANs in Hospital Scenarios", the 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2017), 8-13.10.2017, Montreal, Canada.
  219. T. Kumpuniemi, J.-P. Mäkelä, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti: "Dynamic UWB Off-Body Radio Channels - Human Body Shadowing Effect", the 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2017), 8-13.10.2017, Montreal, Canada.
  220. ** BACK TO TOP **


  221. M. Särestöniemi, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, C. Pomalaza-Raez, "Impact of the Sternotomy Wires and Aortic Valve Implant on the On-Body UWB Radio Channels", the 12th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2018), 26-28.3.2018, Sydney, Australia.
  222. A. D'Souza, H. Viittala, M. Hämäläinen, L. Mucchi, "Performance Comparison between ETSI SmartBAN and Bluetooth", the 12th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT2018), 26-28.3.2018, Sydney, Australia.
  223. L. Matekovits, G. Fortino, Z. Wang, H. Ghasemzadeh, V. Loscrì, I. Peter, M. Hämäläinen, "IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Body Area Networks", IEEE Access 6, 30990 - 30995. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2844481.
  224. J. Farserotu, H. Tanaka, M. Hamalainen, M. Girod-Genet, L. Mucchi, T. Paso, D. Anzai, M. Pagnozzi: "The Challenges of Body Area Networks in IoT". (2018) Standards News. IEEE Communications Standards, 2 (2), 16-17. doi:10.1109/MCOMSTD.2018.8412455.
  225. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza-Raez, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, Jari Iinatti, "A Finite Integration Technique Based Simulation Study on the Impact of the Sternotomy Wires on the UWB Channel Characteristics", Bodynets 2018, Oct 2-3, 2018, Oulu, Finland. Best Paper Award!
  226. T. Kumpuniemi, J-P. Mäkelä, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, Jari Iinatti, "Human Body Effect on Static UWB WBAN Off-Body Radio Channels", Bodynets 2018, Oct 2-3, 2018, Oulu, Finland.
  227. S. Soderi, L. Mucchi, M. Hämäläinen, A. Piva, J. Iinatti, ”Physical Layer Security”, Comprehensive Guide to 5G Security. John Wiley and Sons, UK, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-119-29304-0. DOI: 10.1002/9781119293071.ch6.
  228. 2019

  229. R. Kohno, T. Kobayashi, C. Sugimoto, Y. Kinjo, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Medical Healthcare Network Platform and Big Data Analysis Based on Integrated ICT and Data Science with Regulatory Science", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E102-B, No.6, pp. 1078 - 1087, Jun. 2019.
  230. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza-Raez, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, R. Kovacs, J. Iinatti, "Measurement Data Based Study on the In-Body Propagation in the Presence of the Sternotomy Wires and Aortic Valve Implant", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, on page(s): 1-3, Print ISSN: 0018-926X, Online ISSN: 1558-2221, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2906492.
  231. M. Särestöniemi, C. Kissi, C. Pomalaza-Raez, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Propagation and UWB Channel Characteristics on the Human Abdomen Area", 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2019). Mar 31 - Apr 5, 2019, Krakow, Poland.
  232. M. Särestöniemi, C. Kissi, C. Pomalaza-Raez, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Impact of the Antenna-Body Distance on the UWB WBAN Channel Characteristics", 2019 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), May 8-10, 2019, Oslo, Norway.
  233. M. Särestöniemi, C. Kissi, C. Pomalaza-Raez, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Sonkki, S. Myllymäki, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Measurement and Simulation Based Study on UWB Channel Characteristics on the Abdomen Area", 2019 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), May 8-10, 2019, Oslo, Norway.
  234. T. Kumpuniemi, J.-P. Mäkelä, M. Hämäläinen, K. Yekeh Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti, "Measurements on Dynamic Off-Body Radio Channels at UWB frequencies", 2019 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), May 8-10, 2019, Oslo, Norway.
  235. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, Z. Bi, T. Kumpuniemi, C. Kissi, M. Sonkki, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Comprehensive Study on the Impact of Sternotomy Wires on UWB WBAN Channel Characteristics on the Human Chest Area", IEEE Access, Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2920067.
  236. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, M. Berg, C. Kissi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "In-Body Power Distribution for Abdominal Monitoring and Implant Communications Systems", International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS'2019), Aug 27-30, 2019, Oulu, Finland.
  237. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza Raez, M. Berg, C. Kissi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "UWB-WBAN Radio Channel Characteristics between the Endoscope Capsule and On-body Antenna Link", Bodynets 2019, Oct 2-3, 2019, Florence, Italy.
  238. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza Raez, C. Kissi, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Sonkki, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Fat as a Propagation Medium in the Abdomen Area in the WBAN Applications", Bodynets 2019, Oct 2-3, 2019, Florence, Italy.
  239. T. Kumpuniemi, J.-P. Mäkelä, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Pseudo-Dynamic UWB WBAN Off-Body Radio Channel Measurements - Preliminary Results", Bodynets 2019, Oct 2-3, 2019, Florence, Italy.
  240. L. Mucchi, M. Hämäläinen, S. Jayousi, S. Morosi (Editors) (2019) "Body Area Networks: Smart IoT and Big Data for Intelligent Health Management", 14th EAI International Conference, BODYNETS 2019, Florence, Italy, October 2-3, 2019, Proceedings. ISBN 978-3-030-34833-5. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-34833-5.
  241. ** BACK TO TOP **


  242. M. Hämäläinen, D. Anzai, G. Fortino, J. Iinatti, L. Mucchi, C. Pomalaza-Raez, "Preface to Special Issue on Wireless Body Area Networks: Based on Bodynets 2018 Conference", Int J Wireless Inf Networks (2020).
  243. C. Sugimoto, H. Farhadi, M. Hämäläinen (Editors) (2020) "13th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks", Proceedings from the 13th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks (BODYNETS 2018), Oulu, Finland, 2-3 October 2018. ISBN 978-3-030-29896-8. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-29897-5.
  244. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, C. Kissi, M. Berg, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "WBAN channel characteristics between capsule endoscope and receiving directive UWB on-body antennas", IEEE Access, Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982247
  245. K. Turbic, M. Särestöniemi, M. Hämäläinen, T. Kumpuniemi, L.M. Correia, "A Preliminary Analysis of User's Body Impact on Signal Polarization in WBANs", 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 15-20, 2020 (virtual conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
  246. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, C. Kissi, M. Berg, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Impact of the Antenna Cavity on In-Body Propagation and Channel Characteristics between Capsule Endoscope and On-Body Antenna", 2020 14th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), May 20-22, 2020, Nara, Japan (virtual conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
  247. L. Mucchi, R. Vuohtoniemi, H. Virk, A. Conti, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, M. Win, "Spectrum Occupancy and Interference Model based on Network Experimentations in Hospital", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, on page(s): 1-10, Print ISSN: 1536-1276, Online ISSN: 1558-2248, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2020.2995116.
  248. J. Hakala, J. Kilpijärvi, M. Särestöniemi, M. Hämäläinen, S. Myllymäki, T. Myllylä,"Microwave sensing of brain water - A simulation and experimental study using human brain models", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 111303 - 111315, 2020. Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3001867.
  249. M. Hämäläinen, L. Mucchi, M. Girod-Genet, T. Paso, J. Farserotu, H. Tanaka, D. Anzai, L. Pierucci, R. Khan, Md M. Alam, P. Dallemagne, "ETSI SmartBAN Architecture: the Global Vision for Smart Body Area Networks", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 150611 - 150625, 2020, Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3016705.
  250. K. Turbic, M. Särestöniemi, M. Hämäläinen, L.M. Correia, "User Effects on Polarization Characteristics in Off-Body Channels", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 167570 - 167584, 2020. ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3023248.
  251. M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza-Raez, J. Hakala, S. Myllymäki, J. Kilpijärvi, J. Iinatti, M. Hämäläinen, T. Myllylä, "Detection of brain hemorrhage in white matter using analysis of radio channel characteristics", Bodynets 2020, Oct 21, 2020, Tallinn, Estonia. (virtual conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
  252. M.M. Alam, M. Hämäläinen, L. Mucchi, I.K. Niazi, Y. Le Moullec (Editors), Body Area Networks. Smart IoT and Big Data for Intelligent Health. The 15th EAI International Conference, BODYNETS 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, October 21, 2020, Proceedings, 234 pages, ISBN 978-3-030-64990-6 ISBN 978-3-030-64991-3 (eBook),
  253. ** BACK TO TOP **


  254. M. Hämäläinen, L. Mucchi, S. Caputo, L. Biotti, L. Ciani, D. Marabissi, G. Patrizi, “Ultra Wideband Radar based Indoor Activity Monitoring for Elderly Care”, MDPI Sensors 2021, 21, 3158, DOI: https//
  255. M. Hämäläinen, T. Paso, L. Mucchi, ”ETSI SmartBAN in Medical IoT”, URSI GASS 2021, Aug 28 - Sep 4, 2021, Rome, Italy (hybrid conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
  256. L. Mucchi, S. Jayousi, S. Caputo, M. Hämäläinen, T. Paso, D. Anzai, ”Performance of wireless body area networks for health: ETSI SmartBAN or Bluetooth?”, URSI GASS 2021, Aug 28 - Sep 4, 2021, Rome, Italy (hybrid conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
  257. M. Hämäläinen, M. Särestöniemi, T. Kumpuniemi, J. Iinatti, R. Kohno, ”On the UWB WBAN Radio Channel Research”, URSI GASS 2021, Aug 28 - Sep 4, 2021, Rome, Italy (hybrid conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
  258. M. Hämäläinen, T. Paso, "Adapting ETSI SmartBAN to eHealth", Proceedings of eHealth2021 : The 26th Finnish National Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth. “eHealth in a Lifecycle” , Oulu, Finland, Oct 7-8, 2021.
  259. ** BACK TO TOP **


  260. M. Hämäläinen, L. Mucchi, T. Paso, "Remote Secure eHealth Provision: ETSI SmartBAN as an Enabler", 2022 16th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), Virtual Conference, May 2-4, 2022.
  261. S. Jayaweera, K. Mikhaylov, M. Hämäläinen, "Cooperative Awareness for UAVs: ETSI CAM Protocol Extension", 2022 EuCNC & 6G Summit, Jun 6 – 10, 2022, Grenoble, France.
  262. 2023

  263. R. Ahmad, M. Hämäläinen, R. Wazirali, T. Abu-Ain, “Digital-Care in Next Generation Networks: Requirements and Future Directions”, Computer Networks 224(3):109599, Feb 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2023.109599.
  264. M. Särestöniemi, A. Taparugssanagorn, J. Wisanmongkol, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, “Comprehensive Analysis of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Radio Channel Characteristics Using Anatomically Realistic Gastrointestinal Simulation Model”, IEEE Access, Apr 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3263555.
  265. R. Parviainen, T. Kumpuniemi, J-P. Mäkelä, M. Hämäläinen, J-J. Sinikumpu, J. Iinatti, "Preliminary Considerations on Non-Invasive Home-Based Bone Fracture Healing Monitoring", 14th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies, Apr 11-12, 2023, Okinawa, Japan.
  266. M. Hämäläinen, L. Mucchi, T. Paso, D. Anzai, H. Tanaka, C.J.M. Lanting, M. Hernandez, “Recent Progress in ETSI TC SmartBAN Standardization”, International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Lincoln, NE, USA, May 10 – 13, 2023.
  267. M. Hernandez, M. Hämäläinen, T. Paso, L. Mucchi, D. Anzai, H. Tanaka, “Concept of Smart Coordinator for SmartBAN Networks”, International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Lincoln, NE, USA, May 10 – 13, 2023
  268. G. Borghini, S. Caputo, L. Mucchi, A. Rashid, S. Jayousi, M. Hämäläinen, T. Paso, M. Hernandez, “Security of Wireless Body Area Networks for Healthcare Applications: Comparison Between ETSI and IEEE Approaches”, International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Lincoln, NE, USA, May 10 – 13, 2023
  269. S. Soderi, D. Masti, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, "Cybersecurity Considerations for Communication Based Train Control", IEEE Access, Aug 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3309005.
  270. S. Jayaweera, K. Mikhaylov, M. Hämäläinen, " Enabling Cooperative Awareness for Miniature UAVs with BLE5: Range Analysis and Experimental Measurement", 2023 IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), Aveiro, Portugal, Oct 12-27, 2023.
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  271. J. Wisanmongkol, A. Taparugssanagorn, M. Särestöniemi, M. Hämäläinen, J. Iinatti, “UWB Wireless Capsule Endoscope Localization based on a Hybrid One-Shot Learning and Trilateration Method”, IEEE Access, Jan 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3354704.
  272. M. Hernandez, M. Hämäläinen, “A Study on the Implant Interface of Brain-Computer Interface Technology in the THz band”, Bodynets 2023 2024, Milan/hybrid, Italy, Feb 5, 2024.
  273. D. Anzai, T. Ito, H. Tanaka, M. Hämäläinen, M. Hernandez, T. Paso, L. Mucchi, “Implant and In-body Communications: the ETSI SmartBAN Vision”, Bodynets 2023 2024, Milan/hybrid, Italy, Feb 5, 2024.
  274. M. Hämäläinen, O. Liinamaa,"Being a 5G test network operator, what it requires and what has been learned", 1st International Workshop on Open Research Infrastructures and Toolkits for 5G/6G R&D (OpenRIT 6G), Mar 19-20, 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.
  275. S. Soderi, M. Särestöniemi, M. Hämäläinen, S. Fuada, ” Securing Hybrid Wireless Body Area Networks (HyWBAN): Advancements in Semantic Communications and Jamming Techniques”, Nordic Conference on Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, Oulu, Finland, May 7-8, 2024.
  276. S. Fuada, S. Soderi, M. Särestöniemi, M. Hämäläinen, ”Experimental Study of In-body Devices Misalignment Impact on Light-based In-body Communications”. Nordic Conference on Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, Oulu, Finland, May 7-8, 2024.
  277. S. Fuada, M. Särestöniemi, M. Katz, S. Soderi, M. Hämäläinen, “Study on Fat as the Propagation Medium in Optical-based In-body Communications”. Nordic Conference on Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, Oulu, Finland, May 7-8, 2024.
  278. S. Caputo, S. Jayousi, G. Borghini, M. Hämäläinen, T. Paso, M. Hernandez, H. Tanaka, D. Anzai, T. Ito, L. Mucchi, ”ETSI SmartBAN Vision on the Use of Visible Light Communications in Body Area Networks”, 2024 18th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), May 15-17, 2024, London, UK.
  279. M. Hernandez, M. Hämäläinen, L. Mucchi, S. Caputo, ”Study of Distributed Coordination for Improved Coexistence of Body Area Networks”, 2024 18th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), May 15-17, 2024, London, UK.
  280. M. Hämäläinen, “Unsolved problems and novel technologies in ETSI SmartBAN”, Special Session: Latest Status of Standards on Wireless Body Area Network(BAN) in IEEE802 and ETSI. 2024 18th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), May 15-17, 2024, London, UK. Invited talk + panel discussion.
  281. M. Hämäläinen, “Utilizing ETSI SmartBAN in Healthcare Applications”, ETSI SmartBAN Panel. 11th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NanoCom), Oct 28-30, 2024, Milan, Italy. Invited talk + panel discussion.
  282. M. Hämäläinen, L. Mucchi, H. Tanaka, D. Anzai, M. Hernandez, T. Paso, S. Caputo, S. Jayousi, ”ETSI SmartBAN in Wireless Healthcare”, IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom), Nov 18-20, 2024, Nara, Japan.
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